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The World In My Head

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posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: BeTheGoddess
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

Yeah, like those turnong points where if it went the other way things would be different, not like some weird MMORPG world with like dragons and #--not even mutant alien shapeshifting reptilians in the royal family.

I just keep thinking about the quote in my signature: “You can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Ayn Rand

I'm not saying this is what you're doing, only you can evaluate that. For me, I try to take a bad situation where it is currently - after that turning point that didn't go the other way (reality) - and think about it (perception) in terms of what it actually gave me or the person it happened to, how it helped me/them grow, etc. Bad, sometimes terrible things happen but there is always something positive that I can take from it but not if I'm ignoring that it happened the way it happened. I guess my way of thinking stems from the fact that I view our experience here as a school to make our eternal selves better. Absolutely nothing that happens here is eternal, even those things that, at first, seem devastating (and I've had a few of those myself).

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: BeTheGoddess

Multiverse theory?

It's what I was alluding to with a tree of consciousness and linear ways of thinking. If there's infinite timelines then there's infinite possibilities of what happened.

I try not to be definitive when it comes to dream states, mine are mostly symbolic and heavily nuanced but if we can workout the basics of "base reality" we'd be able to answer the question of the reality of dreams. I'd think anyways. For all I know dreams are living memories of other lives.

Most would assume consciousness is merely a sum of the parts. You are you and that's that. Me? I ain't so sure. Self awareness demands linear thinking though, anything else would be paradoxical wouldn't you think? If you woke up in a fairytale with memories of your earth life and the memories of elsewhere where would you end and you begin? Would you forget one and assume the other? Isn't that just another life then?

For anyone to be anyone consciousness needs to be contained. I don't see ways around that personally but I'm open to ideas.

(post by PEDDER removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

I use to think like that, the "if you lose dont lose the lesson", but after my disability and basically being confined to my home 24/7, I kind of find it hard to see a silver lining, and thats not even going into HOW I ended up like this and ythe deliberate malicious actions of the #s that caused this situation. I created the world in my head because my realiity is unbearable and I need to escape it, not to look at my situation in a philosophical sense because the only lesson you can glean from my #hole life is that people are evil and never to trust anyone.

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