posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 01:06 PM
So last night had the weirdest dream ever
It started as a group of people including myself were taking shelter from something in a hospital type of building . I looked out the window and said
they are here I saw a military style group of insect Praying Mantis type around 7 to 8ft tall heading into the building everyone started to find areas
to hide . They were extremely fast and began grabbing people and killing them .
I decided to not hide but run I left the building became lost and began seeing the Mantis's using sand traps to grab people and they began coming out
of the ground .
At that time I found my way back to the Hospital to get my bearings I went back into the building and one noticed me and began chasing me I ran down
the hallway and ducked into a room , I told myself to find a weapon and all I could find was a thin bar with 2 long skewers on its end .
I'm not sure how I know but the one that was after me was female , She entered the room and grabbed a hold of me at this point I had sleep paralysis I
could not move at all but I was able to barely move my hand that has the skewers in it and stab it slowly in the neck then I was able to move a bit
more so I stabbed it again and with each stab I could move more and more . It stopped attacking me and I woke up .
Very strange all to real 8*ft tall white praying mantis's
edit on 7-7-2023 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)