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US Supreme Court backs business that refused service to same-sex couple

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posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: AlienBorg
a reply to: tanstaafl
Homosexuality is condemned

You're like a freakin' broken record.

This will be my last response to your attempts at gaslighting.

Male homosexuality is condemned in the biblical texts. Female homosexuality is not.

If you claim otherwise, by all means, show me where it is.

Otherwise, shut the frack up about it.

and I see no distinction between male and female homosexuality.

You see no distinction between males and females?!?

So, what... you're an asexual alien?

Not even a passage where homosexuals are endorsed for their acts.

And for the - what, 4th time? - no one has ever claimed there was one.

I guess I was right, you're just jealous that females can engage in homosexual acts with impunity, but you can't.

Hey man, it's the 21st century, come out of the closet already!

I see no distinction between males and females when it comes to homosexuality. The three abrahamic religions make no such distinction. Homosexuality is a sin. That's all to it but you try to perplex the situation.

For once more, I never made any distinction. Someone else asked me to give some passages and I did. The fact there is not a single passage encouraging and endorsing homosexual acts says it all.

(post by tanstaafl removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Sure you are. You are FULL of scorn for talentless people making art. With ADA compliant templates. I guess you'd rather they re-roll the difficult parts of creating an ADA compliant website? Or any website? Wow, how does that help the handicap you want to have equal access?

You feel like every person with an e-commerce site should build the whole thing from scratch?

Or do you feel like 'talentless' people shouldn't use e-commerce templates to market their talentless art?

Maybe you are just full of scorn.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:16 AM
This is good news, now establishments can ban MAGA republicans from dirtying their establishments and from spreading hate, lies and other disgusting behaviour, these things spread.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Annee

Where does it say in the constitution that I must treat everyone on the earth equally?

THis is a notion I think you've built up in your own head.

You don't like Trump. You probably think he is mentally ill. Am I right? You probably think he is a malignant narcissist which is recognized as a personality disorder, and is the Big Psychology Book! You know, the one that defines sanity?

So he isn't equal. He is handicapped by a mental disorder, right?

So he should be treated equally, right?

But he is too stupid to be POTUS, so it HAS to be someone else! We can have someone DISABLED in the office!

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

No dear. I'm mocking the would-be wedding website designer claiming to be an "artist", when she's really nothing more than a would-be "piece" crafter, using a generic template to cut and paste, drag and drop individualized content, provided to her by her would-be customers.

An Ebay reseller seeks out cool artsy stuff, researches it, cleans it up, writes a sales spin pitch to post, with nicely placed, well lighted and framed photos of various angles that they took themselves and photo edited themselves, is just as much of a so-called "artist", in my book. So, what do we call the person who actually conceived and created the artsy object being sold?
edit on 8-7-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Does it matter what they are called?

What is your problem with cake decorators? I cant do it. My cakes look a hot mess!

Im a retired programmer. Made a great living writing code and toward the end, creating award winning websites.

Now, I''m a potter and I do lampwork beads. Am I an artist? Every single thing I make is from scratch. I start with wet mud. I create useful items and some just sit there with plants in them, or on the shelf. I make hundreds of beads from glass rods in a torch, nobody cares about. Ive sold a few, but mostly, they sit in a bucket and I sow them along the tideline at the beach on big holidays for kids to find. Am I an artist?

Would you be mad if I used an ADA website template to market my wares? I could create my own, but these days, WHY?

I have no desire to recreate the wheel.

I frankly don't know what you have a bug up your bun about.
edit on 7/8/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Would you be mad if I used an ADA website template to market my wares? I could create my own, but these days, WHY?

I'm not mocking the ADA, I'm mocking the would-be website designer.

Every single thing I make is from scratch. I start with wet mud. I create useful items and some just sit there with plants in them, or on the shelf. I make hundreds of beads from glass rods in a torch, nobody cares about. Ive sold a few, but mostly, they sit in a bucket and I sow them along the tideline at the beach on big holidays for kids to find. Am I an artist?

Handmade lampwork beads are works of art, that are usually one of kind. So yeah, I'd say you're a lampwork artist. Now, what would you call someone who thinks your works could be lucratively sold, photographs them, writes about you and your process, them posts everything on ETSY to sell them? An artist?

I'm saying that this would-be wedding website creator is about as much of an artist as a Subway "sandwich artist". She's relying on an infrastructure created so that she can offer a public accommodation service through public access pathways, like the internet.

I'm saying that this ruling is designed to only protect business owners and not the employee, at say Walmart, handed a ticket to write 'Happy Anniversary Robert and Steve" on a sheet cake.

edit on 8-7-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

The cake designer and website designer are creating one of a kind objects as much as I do when I make a pot or a bead. I can make a bead in 10 minutes. Hopefully, it will look just like the one I made before so I can have a set for jewelry.
Why is that art? It's really not, anymore than crreating a website from a template.

I still have to use colors, shapes, textures, patterns, placement, balance and mood. Either with a bead or a website. Principles I learned in basic fine arts classes I've taken since retiring. I havent built a website since those classes, but I think my websites would have been even better had I taken the basic artistic principles in what we find pleasing to the eye.

Creating a unique cake isn't the same as writing names on a cake. Wedding cakes can be very elaborate and one of a kind. That takes some talent.

So does creating a wedding website. If a template is all that is needed, the couple could actually do it themselves.

AI is going to put the website designer out of business. Cake makers will be just fine for a while.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Sounds cool! I'd love to see some of your work posted in the "Members' Art" forum!

In the meantime...
We can agree to disagree on what an "artist" actually is, while the religious folks agree to disagree on what "sin" is and what is "a sin".

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I was told in fine arts school that the only artists are painters and sculptors. That is a classical definition.

Everyone else is a craftsman. Or craftsperson I guess.

Hunter makes paintings, but I wouldn't necessarily consider him an artist. Even tho' his work 'sells'. Or launders as the case may be.

I might post some work on the page, thank you!

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