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I never thought I’d be wearing a mask again

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posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Yet here I am today… wearing a mask…

I recently had a Dr’s appointment, it was so refreshing, NO MASKS required, and nobody was wearing them.

Then it hit. The stupid wildfire smoke. I have healthy strong lungs so I stepped outside to take my dog out.
NOPE, nope, nope and NOPE. It was awful. It was hazy and thick like pea soup, but the smell of smoke mixed with plastic was undeniable.
I immediately went inside.

I have painters masks, and I seriously had to wear it to check the mail. That is how bad it is. I worry about my doggo too.
I noticed a lot less birds outside.

We’ve had numerous discussions on masks and why TPTB would want us to wear them… maybe they realized the thought of airborne viruses wasn’t enough, they are going to smoke us out this summer…


The mask is doing nothing. You would need a respirator mask. "Nope, nope nope!"

Congratulations, you like masks that don't do anything and you are evidence that their conditioning works. Most people would have took shorter shallow breaths and just minimized their exposure; you exposed yourself twice. Once as you tried to walk to the mail box before you "nope, nope, noped" out, second time after you masked up with a mask that's not going to accomplish anything -- so you maximized your time breathing it with your inefficiency and exposed yourself more to potential hazardous materials.

But nope, nope, nope -- you thought you'd never wear a mask again -- but you went and wore the mask on your own this time.

The conditioning is real.

Plastic isn't good to breathe; it causes cancer; but if it's your atmosphere, nothing that's not an air purifier is going to accomplish reductions. What air are you breathing inside?

Here is a hint -- the same air that's outside. You do not have oxygeon generators inside; the house is not air tight, you are not in a pressurized cabin with a closed loop of oxygeon like an airplane. The same air polution that is outside in your driveway is the same air you're breathing inside.

The home depot filter media that you put in your A/C returns is not "Scrubbing" the air, it's catching physical debris to protect the coil of the air conditioner so it doesn't break and stop cooling.

Air pollution is real; the rise of illness is primarily caused by air pollution, pesticides, and chemicals we expose ourselves to. Wearing a mask isn't minimizing any of this. Chemicals are in the water and the air; sprayed on the food.

The bad stuff is in your water that you wash with. The bad stuff is in your food that you eat. The bad stuff is in the water that you buy bottled. The bad stuff is in the air that you breath. They want to stop you from producing carbon; meanwhile canada burns and produces more carbon per minute than the entire population of canada. The chemical spills all over; derailed trains, the cleanup trucks flipping and redumping the hazardous materials just spreading the chemicals all over the food supply....

Bill gates coating the fuit and vegetables...

Like -- there is nothing you can do to avoid it. We need to change it; we don't need to change our behavior trying to mitigate it; you cannot mitigate it.

The behavior we need to change is deconstructing the mega corp big business big government structure that controls everything we consume. You need to go back to mom/pop businesses and farms. This way we have options and choices, and it's not just the bad guys doing bad things. We need to make everything ourselves, and stop being mindless consumers that implicitely trusts society.

Before the 1st world; nobody "worked." They went out into the world and they gathered resources they used to produce their own food and build their own shelter. Now everybody works for someone else. Your fate used to be your own responsibility, now we outsource our own fate to other people who systematically make decisions for you, lie about those decisions and control the population.

Civilization is bad for you. It's marketing; it's providing conveinence and therefor you lose control. You want control of your own life? We need to get rid of big banks, big government, big food, big pharma, big retail.

You need to worry about yourself and your family; you need to keep your nose out of other peopels business and stop trying to make people conform. These are all pathological behaviours.

You ever notice the attention span of people is getting shorter? They just want the reward, they don't want to earn anything, and when they don't get their way they just scream loudly and become create a disturbance that's so large, it's "easier" to just give them what they want? That's because they are too used to conveinence. They are getting their dopamine hits in abundance, and they just want the reward; if they don't instantly get the reward; it's YOUR FAULT.

This pathology is why we have Karen's.
edit on 29-6-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

Firstly, the conditioning isn’t real.

I’m Asian and we’ve been wearing mask due to pollution for decades. You know why? It works.
Secondly, the mask I wore work, plain and simple.

I knew that the masks wouldn’t work for Covid because they were the wrong type, people didn’t wear them right, and
I believe the masks actually made some people more sick in some instances.

The bad stuff is in your water that you wash with. The bad stuff is in your food that you eat. The bad stuff is in the water that you buy bottled. The bad stuff is in the air that you breath. They want to stop you from producing carbon; meanwhile canada burns and produces more carbon per minute than the entire population of canada. The chemical spills all over; derailed trains, the cleanup trucks flipping and redumping the hazardous materials just spreading the chemicals all over the food supply....

Actually, I have amazing water. I have well water that is drawn from a very very deep aquifer. Before buying my house I spoke to an independent scientist about our aquifer and was told it is so deep and plentiful it will outlast my children and grandchildren.

Some of the food I eat probably does have pesticides and herbicides, but I would say my exposure is a lot less than the average person. I also grow my own, and have the ability to be selective with groceries.

I assume you were generalizing about some of the stuff you were saying. You also have to remember that many of us live in all different parts and what is true for some might be false for others, so don’t assume.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 08:48 AM
wildfire smoke interacts with the UV radiation to create benzene and formaldehyde compounds in the atmosphere. These are toxic

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 08:54 AM
Are most Canadians wearing masks? One would think so.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

Civilization is bad for you. It's marketing; it's providing conveinence and therefor you lose control. You want control of your own life? We need to get rid of big banks, big government, big food, big pharma, big retail.

And yet here you are complaining on the internet, the largest chunk of civilization ever devised; marketing your "anti-everything" ideology.

I doubt if you have the ability to see the irony. If you want to live a subsistence life style, do it. I'm comfortable with things as they are despite the snowflake whine fest about how bad things have become.

edit on 29-6-2023 by olaru12 because: syntax

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: slayerfan
wildfire smoke interacts with the UV radiation to create benzene and formaldehyde compounds in the atmosphere. These are toxic

That was it, benzene and formaldehyde, thanks for that tidbit. Both very nasty and the news made you wait for that in a blurb that lasted about four seconds. Seems like they don't want you to be aware of that too much.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

That was it, benzene and formaldehyde, thanks for that tidbit. Both very nasty and the news made you wait for that in a blurb that lasted about four seconds. Seems like they don't want you to be aware of that too much.

I saw a couple of fools jogging and cycling yesterday.
I guess ignorance is bliss!

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

A mean and unnecessary response.

She isn't conditioned to wear the mask. She's wearing mask to protect herself from the smoke particles, doing it best as she knows how.

You sure turned that around to place all blame on her. Attack mode.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 01:49 PM
Where is all the outcry about environmental pollution, climate damage etc. etc. That's sarcasm by the way.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
Where is all the outcry about environmental pollution, climate damage etc. etc. That's sarcasm by the way.

Well, we can be sure that all these fires starting mysteriously around the same time were the result of "Climate Change" and "Global Warming". In addition, the resulting carbon emissions are making the globe even warmer, even though it's blocking sunlight and making things cooler. All this is, of course, the fault of us consumers and our lifestyle, even though the government and corporations created this lifestyle for the consumer who has little choice in how they live.

Our only hope is to become transgendered, ride a bicycle or drive an electric vehicle, eat bugs and fake meat and live on a universal basic income in a tiny one-room compartment. All this only if we support and vote for the socialist democrats in every election and take the mandatory injections of whatever they want to put into our bodies.

Have I got all this covered then?
edit on 29-6-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:28 PM
Yeah I’m here in MI outside of Detroit & (am still young 30) and have hardest time breathing or at night too felt like a mix of a panic attack and breathing problems from this air. We have the air on and windows shut but it’s still pretty bad. I don’t suffer from asthma / issues but do get bad allergies / sinuses so idk. Doesn’t help that it’s been humid either.

It’s very concerning regardless esp for people who are immune to these problems which will result in more serious complications

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:46 PM
I took the opportunity to burn some stuff since nobody will think it's me stinking the neighborhood up.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 08:36 AM
During forest fires or situations with poor air quality due to smoke, it is recommended to use masks that are specifically designed to filter out fine particulate matter. The most effective masks for this purpose are N95 respirators or masks with similar filtration capabilities.

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