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Alien implant shows

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posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:10 PM
Just saw a show about Alien implants.

The subject had a implant.

They measured it for RF and they found RF
They meassured it for Maganetic field. The found a magnetic field.

They then operated and removed the implant.

The implant quit transmitting.

They viewed it with a electron microscope.

composition was iron and some other elements
and what was called some organic material still attached to the implant from the subject.

They cited that the body rejects such foreign objects.

Yet there was tissue attached to the object.

Aliens if there is are very smart.

The implant quit transmitting after removal from the subject.

They thought it might have been turned off.

However, could it have been powered by the subject that has the implant?

thats some very smart tech if it can do that.

I see these alien abduction shows at times and they look to be traumatized.

A complete study of all Alien abducties with implants for RF, Magnetic fields....etc

to see what is causing that and what data might be transmitted.

sounds reasonable

We see videos of these strange craft, however it can't be directly studied.

the implants from these abducties. can

What do you think.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:17 PM
You can wire an electronic clock to a potato and it will run for a long time on the electricity in the potato. Just think how long a tiny chip could run on the electricity in the human body!

Why does it have to be aliens implanting people? It's not like the technology isn't available to humans, and we all know how scientists like to use us for their research and experiments.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Nightstalker2010

There are no extraterrestrial aliens.

They are all inter-dimensional demons / ‘cosmic tricksters’, in disguise.

All the answers are there. Do your research.
edit on 15-6-2023 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:26 PM
i think you might be correct. i also think that the sentence structure and spacing you have used are kinda annoying bud. why do that? dramatic effect? is there some other reason for this? Also, does it have to be aliens as opposed to us? well not US, but those of us that seem to hold the keys to the kingdom? who says that humankind doesnt already have this technology? why would aliens need to track us with such a thing, when they supposedly have come from above? wouldnt it make more sense for someone on earth that doesnt have a birds eye view? before you say satellites......first look up panopticon. im game for this discussion but only if you stop posting like that. lol
edit on 15-6-2023 by AnrkE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Nightstalker2010


Source: Roger Leir

Roger Krevin Leir (March 20, 1935 – March 14, 2014) was an American podiatric surgeon and ufologist best known as an investigator of alleged alien implants. Leir wrote books such as The Aliens and the Scalpel, and appeared on various radio and television shows, including Coast to Coast AM, claiming he had discovered proof of "non-terrestrial experimentation on man"

edit on 15-6-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Nightstalker2010

Is there any way to determine whether the devices used to detect RF and EM fields from the "implant" were actually "legitimate": that they were actually detecting a "signal from the implant and not in place of the implant?

The human body will naturally "encapsulate" a foreign body with fibrous tissue to isolate the the object and prevent it from interacting with the body.
edit on 15-6-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-6-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 11:03 PM
My implants were much more sophisticated.

The simply "manifested" theselves inside my brain and began transmitting.

Hurt like hell.

I had to drive outside of town to the middle of nowhere to have them removed by specialists overnight.

Thank god for good connections I guess but the tech employed to manifest these glowing marbles of fire directly inside the cerebellum completely eludes me. I could speculate, but it wouldn't prove a goddamn thing. Goona have to take my word for it.....or not....but I refuse to fight about it or have my sanity questioned.


posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: Nightstalker2010

CN I just say that I liked the layout of the thoughts you had in your post. The spaces made it easier for me to follow. I am not trying to be a jerk. I really appreciate that.

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Nightstalker2010

No ALIEN!s or aliens have a need for it. If you got a chip you are looking at 100% human tech

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: AnrkE

I saw a video of an UFO expert who has since passed and he said the aliens themselves are of this earth and they themselves are dying out as a race as they can no longer reproduce so they are experimenting with both humans and animals to see if they can regenerate their own species from our tissue, enzymes or whatever.

I need to find it and post the link as the guy seemed to be well grounded.

Here its is; John Lear. It starts at 6:15 mark of the interview

John Lear 2019 Interview with George Knapp
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 05:19 PM
The show measured from where the implant was located RF...etc. Then they removed it.

Advanced aliens if there are and it looks to be. Have more adavancede tech.

We have very small chips actualy some put pictures on there work that requires a Electron microscope to see.

if there implants are like there ships we see. then those implants could monitor and sample a subjects blood, health...etc transmit it.

I think a RF data recorder should be used if they find more abducties with implants.

Like to study what is being transmitted if there is any thing. Then remove the implant.

Alien communication of the test subjects.

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Nightstalker2010
The show measured from where the implant was located RF...etc. Then they removed it.

Advanced aliens if there are and it looks to be. Have more adavancede tech.

We have very small chips actualy some put pictures on there work that requires a Electron microscope to see.

if there implants are like there ships we see. then those implants could monitor and sample a subjects blood, health...etc transmit it.

I think a RF data recorder should be used if they find more abducties with implants.

Like to study what is being transmitted if there is any thing. Then remove the implant.

Alien communication of the test subjects.

Passive (non-powered) RFID can be read by a powered scanner up to 30 +/- meters away.

Active (self-powered) RF chips can transmit their data up to approximately 100 meters.

Neither distance seems very useful for monitoring by extraterrestrials.

posted on Jun, 16 2023 @ 09:17 PM
Are alien abductions true and accurate?
If so true and accurate it is the most direct way to study the aliens.

Do all alien implants transmit RF. Do they all emit EMF...ETC

This is the most direct way to study alien abductions.

Dose the RF transmit data.

That data would contain what the implant is doing.
It would be in the language of the aliens if there are aliens.
This would be a direct way to see why the humans are being
abducted and implanted.

Decoding a alien language would require our smartest.
We don't have reference to decode the alien language.
They are speculated to be from some other world.

The implants that transmit data if there is, is a direct communication
with them. If the language and data could be decoded we would be able to
Transmit in there own language and have a conversation with them.

What happens then and should we. That is a world decision.

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