This State of Mind
That one
thought, which is so evasive,
why that keeps you up all night.
Turns out that it’s the most creative,
And offers you the best insights.
It could be because your not distracted,
By worries of the daily grind.
It might be that the simple fact is,
You’re in a better state of mind.
Right before you fall to sleep and,
You’ve had a chance to clear your head.
That precious moment just right then,
When you lay in silence on your bed.
The thoughts, they all belong to you,
You control them at this time.
And there is nothing you can’t do,
When you’re in this state of mind.
Right then is when you need to think,
Of all your wishes and desires.
Just right before you start to sink,
Into the sleep your bod requires.
And that is when you’ll come to find,
And that is when it comes to pass.
That when your in this state of mind,
All your dreams come true at last.