posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 04:55 PM
This was just insane.
Me and my puppy walking down the alley which is usually super quiet and not much people. Today it was masses coming towards me, like a zombie movie
almost, all staring at me. I smiled stayed calm and as we passed the guy who was just picking up the poop of his dog while still bend down turns his
head towards me and in the exact voice of Joe Biden: 'you gotta run'
I didn't react obviously, just kept walking, still this weird herd passing bye. And one of them in my way, in the way of everybody hunched over,
holding his knees looks at me makes the weirdest body movement I have ever seen, just unnatural is the only word for it and accelerates like crazy (on
foot) past me.
The herd is gone and all is calm again.
It was just too weird not to record it for posterity, because to me this means success. I've poked a hornet's nest.
Go for weird