posted on Jun, 12 2023 @ 09:21 PM
You are the Light of the world.
May you shine Bright!
Open your heart and open your eyes.
Call to Him, that He may light your fire.
May you be as a beacon for others.
The time is now.
The devil hides no more.
Be strong in faith.
Know your value.
Know what awaits you.
Choose Love, now more than ever.
I promise you, if you kindle the fire within you, it shall grow into a blaze of divine proportion.
One Day, you shall be as Teachers, Healers, Kings and Queens, Poets, Prophets, Warriors, to worlds beyond.
It all starts now.
Make your choice.
Grow in Light, if you will.
Or else, the light might go out.
Then it takes a stern poke to bring it back.