During Covid, the Danish equivalent to the CDC was headed by Kaare Moelbak. He was helped to resign after the mink scandal where the Danish Government
decided to kill all mink based on weak evidence. Kaare tried to remain professional and was sacrificed for it. This is evident after Mette
Frederiksens friend and chief of staff, Barbara Bertelsen, was shown through leaked texts to have been adamant that Kaare presented their "findings"
in a way to justify the killing of all mink.
The Dir. of the Danish Health Department Soeren Brostroem, also quickly became a famous front figure of the press meetings during Covid, due to his
appealing presence and tangible communication.
Alas, Soeren was also subject to being told what to say and recommend. He was part of the whole "the vaccine is safe..." clown show. The further we
got in to Covid and the more the narrative fell apart, Soeren got more and more critisism for acting as being told what to do, the same way we had
seen with Kaare Moelbak.
In march 2023, Soeren Brostroem, decided to look elsewhere and handed over the wheel of the Health Department to Jakob Cold.
Who is Jakob Cold? Now, Soeren was a doctor by education. A professional and actually knew what he was talking about when it comes to health subjects
(regardless of him lying several times about data and numbers).
Here is Jakob Cold's resume:
1993: Cand.scient.pol. University of Copenhagen, Institute of Political Science
1994-1997: Power of attorney in the Ministry of Education, University department
1997-2000: Power of attorney and special consultant in the Ministry of Finance
2000-2003: Chiefconsultant in the Justice Department
2003-2010: Chief of staff and from 2007 member of the board of directors in the Health Deparment
2010-2013: Ass. Manager for the CEO of "Realdania By" (from may 1.st 2013 COO)
1. oktober 2013- : Manager in the Health Department
He has NO medical background and has been set to lead the most important part of the Danish Health Department. Jakob is a schooled politician.
So most likely he is loyal to his political handlers rather than the Danish people.
This also conviniently results in no-one being able to question Soeren Brostroem about the dubious recommandations and false data surrouding the use
of absolute power by the Danish government during Covid. He will always be able to say... "please direct question to the acting head of the Health
We will never find out how much they mislead us thoughout the Covid years, that are now one of the main causes of the dire straits of Danish economy
and a failing Health Care system.
Brostroem is stepping down...