posted on May, 18 2023 @ 03:31 AM
It is no secret that we are seeing a information crackdown, from all the big players. If the truth has to be metered it is usually for a reason, to
find that reason you could get into some interesting rabbit holes. So to keep it simple, we can deduce what the censorship is trying to hide by asking
the question of what information can we not find, that could be found before the world went strange. Simply because this information would in a de
facto way point to the culprit. What seems to be missing are the up-to-date Birth and death rates, also their forensically related affirmations, like
cremation rates, etc. Criticizing an experimental medical procedure is also a no-no which can get you banned from many social media sites. Doctors can
get deregistered and lose their incomes if they don't play ball. Governments are not interested in death rates that are eclipsing world war numbers
So it seems to be pointing at the death rates that by omission are being hidden.
So here are five reasons why almost a billion people are no longer on this planet that were here in 2020, of course, it is anecdotal as the
previously reliable figures are not available. But the circumstantial evidence is compelling, would we notice a twelve percent reduction, maybe not
depending on your normalcy bias, but next year it might be obvious.