Originally posted by MrNECROS
I still can't get over this idea that "The Illuminati" are scientists, they clearly aren't if they have any relation to Adam Wieshaupts group.
They take the opposite direction to scientific experiment in that they do not question or attempt to disprove their own theories, they just persist
with "the great experiment" regardless of what is visibly happening in front of their very eyes believing that it will all come good in the end and
that any means justifies the ends.
A lot like what is going on in the current war against terror with the USA punching itself into a financial, political and militay corner by expending
massive amounts of effort against phantom enemies that pose no real threat.
I feel like a broken down record the amount of times I post this link but no one else seems to have bothered to read the book:
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism by Barruel
Well, I'm not going to spend $58 to read what I already know or any number of websites document for free. Of course the French Revolution (just as
the American revolution) was Illuminati inspired.
I'm actually a huge fan of the Committee on Public Safety and much maligned Maximilien Robespierre. America could stand dusting off the guillotine
once a generation in my mind if for nothing else than to shake up the pyramid.
No, it's not a "scientific" approach, but that doesn't exclude scientists from being revolutionaries as I think the best ones all were to some
extent. By definition then, the "illuminati" are indeed treasonous. Good for us. I mean them.
In my thinking, there were "illuminati" long
before Weishaupt. All reformers the span of human history were "illuminati" with many being persecuted for their reforms. Jesus, Buddha, Galileo,
Luther, Calvin, even completley fictional characters like Socrates.
It's the oldest story in the world. Reformers that are persecuted for their beliefs at the hands of unjust authority are "illuminati."
Who else would dress up like Indians and dump tea into a harbor screaming "No taxation without representation" but illuminati? Classic.
Except when they "win" or start movements or form groups (like the Committee on Public Saftey), the cycle just continues with the revolters becoming
the bad guys they once championed against. The Committee on Public Safety becomes the bad guy. America becomes the bad guy. The Roman Catholic Church
becomes the bad guy. The "Illuminati" (proper)
always becomes the bad guy once they come to power, and a new "illuminati" is formed in
It's a cycle. Obviously I'm predominantly talking about the philosophy of illumination (almost as a virus) more than any organized movements or
groups, for once they organize (and you know their name)... they aren't the illuminati anymore in my mind.
You're only "illuminati" as long as you toil in obscurity. George Soros, perhaps one of the most powerful "illuminati" agents on the planet,
stopped being so the minute the world knew of his existence.
It's almost a Schrodinger's cat conundrum. And why I think anonymous Internet bloggers and mysterious websites (like this) are the new coffee houses
and meeting places of the world's next generation of illuminati.