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The Calm Before The Storm This Summer

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posted on May, 9 2023 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Notice how Covid and the Vaccine just disappeared???
Not much talk about Russia either. The Royal family and the crowning of the king went off with very little drama.
Prices are crazy but not too much hub bub about that….

Just wait……….it’s coming….This Summer…

You're off by 1 year. Chaos will commence after the 2024 primaries and the RNC has their candidate for President. TDS will rot the brains of otherwise reasonable Americans and BAMN will go into full effect. To hell with the country! Destroy it completely if it means keeping out the orange guy. After all, we're enjoying inflation, a proxy war, the worst corruption of a political family in US history and the embarrassment of having a president that can't form a sentence without getting lost.

edit on 5-9-2023 by LogicalGraphitti because: To shorten the quoted text for brevity

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 06:11 PM

This is the Chinese year of the Cat
a reply to: JAGStorm
I think that you may be right.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Notice how Covid and the Vaccine just disappeared??? Not much talk about Russia either. The Royal family and the crowning of the king went off with very little drama.
It's typical for public opinion to be carried by the latest trends, to go from crisis to crisis without improving their foundation and removing what is no longer suited for the times. The world will never be free of chaos as long as it refuses to build upon its past. So for Russia, this means acknowledging Soviet crimes, but also building upon the good contributions the Soviets laid down, not denigrating it as Krushchev and Gorbachev did.

originally posted by: JAGStorm
This is the Chinese year of the Cat (also know as the Rabbit) and this year is known for youth protest, like historic protest. (Think Civil rights movement types of events).
Good observation, notably with oppressive countries (Iran, China).

It might interest you to know that Nostradamus allegedly ascribed the following astrological meaning to the appearance of cats in dreams: The "Cat" is the present time of the forces of evil, slavery, witchcraft, good fortune, good luck, and delusion.

The month of May is Ukraine's best opportunity to make a comeback; the month of June will be a very precarious time for Russia. Predictions slated for specific years can be delayed/moved up while predictions slated for specific dates can be thwarted, but there are good grounds for reoccurring monthly events (i.e. Napoleon and Hitler's invasion of Russia in June, the date they picked is inconsequential. Plus Hitler's beer putsch and Bolshevik Revolution occurred in November. I'm still investigating this aspect of existence).

Scenario for April-July 2023:

Possible events in June 2023:
1) a wave of terrorist incidents mirroring September 11 attacks
2) a reunification of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (bad consequences for Russia if by forced annexation).

This summer, we may expect the the start of unprecedented famine.

Dates to watch out for in 2023:

May 26 (vaguely) - (the video synchronicity may be unrelated, but mentions an annual gathering of witches)
June 17-25 (definite) - planned week for Olympics. Putin needs to show some success for war morale, he has a superstition for anniversary dates. The Chinese are expecting the Ukraine conflict to conclude in summer 2023.
November 23 (vaguely) -

originally posted by: JAGStorm
We know teens have basically been suppressed since Covid and I fear we are going to feel the whiplash of the pendulum like we’ve never seen…
People should keep an eye out for more than teenage angst, protests, general anarchy, etc.

The hypothetical scenario in this user's dream is actually part of a larger looming event.

It starts in high populated areas. Whatever it was caused specks of anarchy, crime, violence, rebellion, outcry across the states. While at first it seemed generally normal apart from the growing concern over all tensions, it wasn't. This apparently took place over time and was happening around the world. People were behaving strangely. Not like themselves. As if they had diseases of the mind.

One of my correspondents once theorized:

I think as humans we go through cycles and within these cycles there is a need for destruction. The darker side comes out then to clear the path for the new. I think it's something to do with human behaviour mixed with the natural order of things. There is some sort of wavelength or frequency or something that is within all of nature. An apoptosis [programmed cell death; each individual cell wildly acts out on its own, leading to the dissolution of the community]... I think that it creates some form of hum, buzz or chatter that brainwashes select people. They become the ones who carry out the purge. I don't think that it's a mistake that at the point that there are the most people ever populating the earth that there is also a rise in populists and hate. There is a struggle for resources with the hierarchies hoarding and controlling them. It's as though we're in a game and we are being observed.

edit on 10-5-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:30 AM
AI. is what has been messing with people mind lately. And this whole chatGPT issue too.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm Doom! Beware! Unsure of what it is, but it’s doom! Be afraid!

… yeah OK

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: JAGStorm

By the time they mature enough to realize the money for all the 'free' things they want comes out of their own pocket we'll be well on our way to a brave new world.

The middle class is rapidly vanishing, leaving us with only two classes; the rich, and the poor.

With the way TPTB are trying to do away with 'real money' it's going to be 3 classes:

  • The Powerful
  • The Powerless
  • The Enforcers

    and it's the 3rd one that is the scariest to me.

    On topic though, yes there's something in the air, a disturbance in the force and it won't just be in the U.S.

  • posted on May, 13 2023 @ 01:33 PM

    originally posted by: nugget1
    Some top issues that kids seem to be most concerned with today are banning guns, no abortion limits or regulations, defunding the brutal police and cracking down on free expression of evil conservative views.

    Throwing tantrums and being rewarded for such behavior just empowers them more. I think you're right, Jag; it's going to be a long, hot summer.

    P.S. I forgot to mention climate change and free college; actually, free everything. Much of our youth really, really want socialism.

    Thats because socialism is always touted using Scandinavian countries as a model. What people don't seem to realize, is those countries employ a type of "socialism" that is subsidized by hyper capitalism. Look at the per capita income in those countries and look at the tax rate. Yes, they have a lot of pleasant programs and goodies for the taking, but that's because they pay quarter to half their sizable incomes in taxes. Switzerland has "free college", but its not really free because the tax rate is 40 percent. Sweden and Finland are a little lower at around 25 percent. But they are able to do that because they have a labor market that pays well enough to do it. The US has lost most of its industrial base and we are largely a service economy. We could never pay that level of taxes, especially with inflation the way it is. I know how the socialists in waiting will respond to that factoid: " TAX THE RICH!!" Yes, we can tax the bejesus out of the rich, but they are only 1 percent of the population of a country of almost 400 million, the tax revenue we would get from doing even THAT won't create a socialist paradise anytime soon. I would not hold my breath for Scandinavian style socialism taking root here until we have a job market and an educated enough workforce to keep it running.

    posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 02:15 AM
    a reply to: JAGStorm
    You certainly hit the nail on the head regarding the protests. Paris is going crazy, and when you consider Paris and protests, that's saying a lot.

    posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 03:33 AM

    originally posted by: nugget1
    Some top issues that kids seem to be most concerned with today are banning guns, no abortion limits or regulations, defunding the brutal police and cracking down on free expression of evil conservative views.

    Throwing tantrums and being rewarded for such behavior just empowers them more. I think you're right, Jag; it's going to be a long, hot summer.

    P.S. I forgot to mention climate change and free college; actually, free everything. Much of our youth really, really want socialism.

    this is a weird mirror to be looking through but its actually understandable as the youth are being crushed between the 2 extremes... the colonists who fled to the usa left a few things behind from the reformation.. the first one was christian magics, that was reshaped as wiccan.. the other is the the ranters the ranters where seen as the key threat to early colonial christians as they turned sin in sacraments.. the more sin a person commits the more virtuous they become..

    in the 1970s when the marxists tried to reshape the world as they do now and relabeled the ranters as libertarian communists..

    always had a fascination with the topic, the reformation and this period have a lot in common in terms of lifting of the cap on thinking what is possible, so we end up in these extremes as the 100s of millions of different versions get distilled down to the last 3 or 4... in the uk its 20m down to the last 3 or 4... and we can see the death cults clearly appearing in both periods..

    for us this process is the natural response the the crusades that Blair/Bush unleashed onto the world..

    posted on Jul, 6 2023 @ 03:45 AM

    originally posted by: AllAnIllusion

    originally posted by: nugget1
    a reply to: JAGStorm

    By the time they mature enough to realize the money for all the 'free' things they want comes out of their own pocket we'll be well on our way to a brave new world.

    The middle class is rapidly vanishing, leaving us with only two classes; the rich, and the poor.

    With the way TPTB are trying to do away with 'real money' it's going to be 3 classes:

  • The Powerful
  • The Powerless
  • The Enforcers

    and it's the 3rd one that is the scariest to me.

    On topic though, yes there's something in the air, a disturbance in the force and it won't just be in the U.S.

  • when looking at wealth over the last 1,000 years of world history the richest for most of it exited stage left at the time of the American revolution, our ideas of wealth and power come from the faces that appeared after that point..

    given how the rich and powerful like to distance themselves for their actions by using other groups to take the heat so I'd add another group as collectors alongside the enforcers..

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