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Planet of fools.

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posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:32 AM
Hello all...

I am of a belief that the galaxy is teaming with life, I believe that life is a universal constant and will happen where ever it can. From this I also believe that inteligent life can be found throughout the Milkyway. But this raises questions. Firstly why have we not detected them? The answer to this maybe as simple as different methods of comunication, we use primitive radio waves which are limited to the speed of light there fore no use for interstellar comunication, maybe the galactic comunity uses some other technology that we havent discovered yet, theres a theory on quantum physics that dictates that two identical atoms will act like they are joined over vast distances with no delay in time (the theory postulates they are connected on a higher dimensional plane) these could be used as a form of instantanious interstellar comunication, for instance.

This leads us to the second question, if they are out there and if they have mastered interstellar travel (the thousands of genuine sightings a year around the glove tend to point towards some form of covert visitation) then why havent they made formal contact, out in the open? If there is a galactic comunity why cant we join?

The answers are simple, this is a planet of fools, six and a half billion desperate pathetic humans following each other like sheep into a slaughter house, but why are most of us fools?


Any passing aliens must have a good chuckle at humanity, in fact we must be the number one hoot on there funny species list! Billions of us follow false imaginary gods each day, some reading from a book written by men for men as a form of control, taking literaly such stories as Jonah and the Whale, Noahs Ark and Adam and Eve, the list goes on, each story (although moraly sound in a totalitarian kind of way) utterly rediculous. Some never even reading the book they choose to follow, its simply pounded home over years of brainwashing as a child.
Once a man ditches the one cop out answer that is based entirely on faith the whole stack of lies becomes unravelled, the crack begin to show as this person starts to ask questions like "why arnt the dinosaurs mentioned in the bible?" or "why didnt god save the Jews from Hitler?", there are thousands of contradictory and rediculous concepts in all the religions, but why do billions follow religion? The human fear of death and the hope that there is something more after death, grief and the idea that we will one day meet our lost loved ones again, theres also the threat of hell and the reward of heaven, Einstein once said;

A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy,
education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary.
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of
punishment and hope of reward after death.
~ Albert Einstein

Until the human race abandons religion completely and embraces science fully we wont be contacted formaly and we wont be saved.

Saved from what though? Heres where I go all "David Icke" on you all, I believe that something bad is about to happen, I think the ones in charge know about it (by 'in charge' I mean the guys at Bohemian Grove worshiping the great Owl and not the pathetic governments of individual countrys), the human race is being tenderised so when the time comes we will herd ourselves into the great slaughter ships with smiles on our faces and nodding like automitons with sycophantic glee. Its a big galactic comunity and it has its bad guys, in our case they want to open our soul petals and suck out the sweet sweet human essence within.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:55 AM
A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy,
education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary.
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of
punishment and hope of reward after death.
~ Albert Einstein

Pardon the pun but...AMEN to that statement. Albert was a brilliant man

Nice quote and good point

[edit on 9-4-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 03:02 AM
Shouldn't this thread be on the "Religious Conspiracies" at least? Or does the mere mention of aliens make it worthy of this forum?

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 03:10 AM

since theres no evidence of aliens, its (your assumption that aliens are all over the place) pretty much on the same level as a dogma. you're fighting a dogma with a dogma. now you see why my mood is undogmatic. coz untill i see either one, i aint gonna believe, and chances are ill never see either one.

einstein had a high iq, and was generally regarded as the smartest man alive untill hawking. if i had a time machine i'd put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by eaglewingz
Shouldn't this thread be on the "Religious Conspiracies" at least? Or does the mere mention of aliens make it worthy of this forum?

No because its about why we havent been contacted and not about a religious conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420

since theres no evidence of aliens, its (your assumption that aliens are all over the place) pretty much on the same level as a dogma. you're fighting a dogma with a dogma. now you see why my mood is undogmatic. coz untill i see either one, i aint gonna believe, and chances are ill never see either one.

einstein had a high iq, and was generally regarded as the smartest man alive untill hawking. if i had a time machine i'd put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.

Firstly I thank my lookly stars that you don't have a time machine and secondly scientific probability is not 'dogma', aliens are a real probabilty, some sightings and pictures cant be explained away. In 2000 years nobody has proven the existence of god and to the best of my knowledge nobody has survived being in the belly of a whale.

Im not saying anyone must believe in aliens, im a huge skeptic and im no fool, its mostly my desire for aliens to exist that drives my belief in them so I understand when people cant believe, but they are a very real possiblity, even in simple maths terms theres thousands of possible species out there.

The point I was making was what a joke we must look like to any space visitors with our funny churches and rediculous customs. You know I was told the other day by a christian that my kids would go to hell because they hadnt been christened, my innocent little children damned by a stranger for no other reason than a silly story in an old book, I said that I poured water on there heads evertime they got a bath and that we didnt need a man in a dress to do it for us. My point was simple but this persons brainwashing was complete and so unshakable.

"There was a time when I believed in the story and the scheme of salvation, so far as I could understand it, just as I believed there was a Devil. . . . Suddenly the light broke through to me and I knew this God was a lie. . . . For indeed it is a silly story, and each generation nowadays swallows it with greater difficulty. . . . Why do people go on pretending about this Christianity?"
-- H. G. Wells

"Take from the church the miraculous, the supernatural, the incomprehensible,
the unreasonable, the impossible, the unknowable, the absurd, and nothing but a
vacuum remains."
-- Robert G. Ingersoll

I say again this isnt about debating religion, its simply me belief that religion is the one thing stopping contact from the galactic comunity if it exists.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 08:57 AM

You bring up some very important points to human's confusion over alien life. First, we DO detect the aliens, but every bit of evidence of them is being distorted for us, both on the ground and in our minds, by the powers of Earth. The horror stories are designed to keep the publics in fear and mistrust of alien life, so that whenever the aliens show themselves, the people will depend on the powers for protection and information, instead of welcoming the visiting races. It works because of the simple way humans think. So the alien races have to be very careful in how they approach opening contact with our world.

Many people blatantly witness alien life in many ways, and these numbers are growing steadily by the careful effort of the alien races. But these stories are still easily squashed publicly, or spun against the witnesses by casting shadows of doubt over their motivation and character, instead of used as true examples to educate the rest of the public.

The media is carefully guarded and controlled. "Agents" of the powers can be in any profession, in any position, and they are in the highest. Any person in a position already can also be bought or seduced or recruited into the fold, and often not even told the real reason for what they are asked to do. There are also agents placed along every possible avenue of information, such as local groups, conferences and internet message boards.

Individual humans who have progressive alien contact and work with the alien races are a threat to the structure of control, so are assigned their own agents and watched very closely. If these people make waves, they are handled in any of a large number of dynamic ways. This is a grave problem for the individual, and the one most effective in forcing the aliens to remain elusive and mysterious.

Authentic alien crop formations and reports of them are ruined by Earth powers as their own additional copies of formations are created so that ALL can be claimed to be made by humans, as if it is just an art or competition or hobby. The public will believe what they are told to believe, even when it is that all formations were created by two men in England with a board and a rope.

Captured alien crafts are hidden from the public. Stories about them leak out, so more incredible facts are added to infect the truth with ridiculousness. And as long as no such official word comes down from those in charge, the wisest, most thoughtful, dutiful people of the public will not believe that any part of the wild stories are true.

All of these things are done under the guise of "National Security" -- yet the people don't know what their nations are actually securing. We can all see, though, that it is something that is being protected from the advanced changes that our neighboring races want to help bring to our world.

How does the church get its people to hand over so much money? How does a retailer get its people to buy so many specific items? How does a country get its people to war against another country? The answers to these also answer the mystery to why people think certain things about our visiting races.

Religion and spirituality are not the same thing. If you separate them in your mind you will move closer to the answers to your questions. People think dogmatically, and this way of thinking is what Earth powers teach and play on to conduct what the people will believe, no matter what evidence to the contrary.

All life is spiritual. We ARE spirit, and personal contact between races is done by spiritual abilities such as telepathy and meeting out of body, because our biology is incompatible and we cannot share the same atmosphere. That is the nature of all life throughout the Universe, including us, but these natures are beyond us yet, and misunderstood by us when we glimpse them. Instead, our dogma conjures up the fabricated images we have been taught. Our fear is primitive and instinctual, and difficult or impossible to control face to face under these circumstances, that is until we get to know the aliens a little bit for ourselves.

The 218 races visiting Earth are as alive and physical as we are, and are people, all different race to race. They all know each other, help each other, and work together here. They are "much" further advanced and evolved than we are, both technologically and spiritually. The knowledge they have, and what they can do, if we accepted their help, would end needless suffering on our world and bring a peaceful way of life to all our people. The other races have done it, and so should we have by now.

But apparently there is still more money and power to be bled from our suffering first. The leading powers of Earth want to have it all under their own control, for themselves, all the way, even at the peril and despair of their own people. They have made "so many" mistakes that now they can't even admit them. How they are handling the visitation of advanced life to our planet is the ultimate crime, and a Universal disgrace to our human race.

[edit on 4/9/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:12 AM
Always nice to read EarthSis and
her wisdom on these threads.

ummhmm, we are Spirit,
and I, too, believe thsi is the
primary meeting ground for
the people of this planet
and the folks from other places.

we have a long way to go
in terms of being open and
unfeared of relations with others,

heck we can't even deal caringly with
the differences of the inhabitants
of this planet. sad.

I watched the film 'starman'
last evening and the message
there was clear.

we need to learn how to celebrate
our differences and act from loving spirit
as opposed to fear/and i ain't sayin
this is easy_____>

cheers earthSis,
thnax for your dedication
to this issue.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 09:37 AM
"Religion and spirituality are not the same thing"

Thats exactly right, we are spiritual beings, our very essence is energy based on some higher level, a higher dimensional plain, it amazes me that people still buy into the "size of your brain" cliche, our brains are quantum computers (this is fact ) they are so complex they actualy use a casimir effect, this is what gives us our consciousness, all sentiant life will have the ability to be spiritual so I totaly agree with you there, no imaginary god has anything to do with it, these are mens creations as a means of control, we are now so brainwashed and scared that our situation is almost hopeless. We are brainless consumers, worrying over trivia and such mundane things as clothes and cars, this is all by design, devide and concour, keep the ants in line.

You talk about what I call the galactic community, I dont know an exact number (your number intrigues me though, how do you come to such an exact number?) but there is one old and evil race all the others fear, they started the first religions here on earth, they guide through their agents who control the world, these agents meet at Bohemian Grove to discuss engineered wars to keep the engineered apposing sides busy so nobody will question anything all the while getting us humans to police each other so we ridicule and punnish by means of sociological bannishment anyone who dares to be different. Now the crop, the 'herd' of humanity with its yield of prime human energy (some call them the souls, although they are not religious in nature, they are simply a bi product of sentience) and 99.9% of the human herd will be ready and waiting for this race and they will gladly open up the petals of the soul allowing access to the sweet essence within, this is the lotus.

New energy sources were discovered decades ago, even now the work on ZP motors is being hampered, they need to keep us dependent on them, they need fossil fuels to run low, they need to keep tight control on our technological development, its all about control, not for some Orwellian super state but simply because this evil race is preparing to arrive, while we deny our spirtual side the other members of the galactic comunity can give us no help.

They have to clean out the fridge soon or else the herd will either turn nasty or start to die off, its at its peak, the human race, almost 7 billion of us on this tiny ball of mud, mother earth can no longer support us, like I said its time to harvest before the crop dies, then the cycle can start again, like it did after they reaped the dinosaurs, who achieved sentience but never used it for cities or technology as they were physicaly unable to use their sentience, so they were reaped to make way for the next richer crop, the human race.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Motile
Until the human race abandons religion completely and embraces science fully we wont be contacted formaly and we wont be saved.

Well I guess we're all doomed then because that's never going to happen. It's human nature to worship something.

If these aliens were intelligent, they would know that and "save" us anyway.

btw, if we abandon "religion" and embrace science fully....then wouldn't science be our "religion"?
One of the definitions of religion: "A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion."

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:26 AM
Whoa, Motile.

Originally posted by Motile
all sentiant life will have the ability to be spiritual so I totaly agree with you there, no imaginary god has anything to do with it, these are mens creations as a means of control,

All races believe in God. It is only "what" humans think about things beyond our understanding that is not so accurate.

You talk about what I call the galactic community, I dont know an exact number (your number intrigues me though, how do you come to such an exact number?)

I know the number from the alien races.

but there is one old and evil race all the others fear, they started the first religions here on earth, they guide through their agents who control the world, these agents meet at Bohemian Grove to discuss engineered wars to keep the engineered apposing sides busy so nobody will question anything all the while getting us humans to police each other so we ridicule and punnish by means of sociological bannishment anyone who dares to be different.......

I can't imagine where you got this from or why you think it is accurate. There is no evil race, and no race controlling anything on Earth. Not governments or religions or special interest groups. Humans are running our own world and punishing and banishing ourselves.

The dinosaurs were killed when a gigantic meteor crashed into Earth. We are not any kind of food, physically or metaphorically, for any other life.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:38 AM
What we must remember always is that we did not give ourselves our life - something else did - and that thing is far more ancient than perhaps even we can conceive. It may have died a long time ago, it may not have - it may even be that we were bred for food much the way some people on this earth breed chickens.

We may well be bacteria in somethings cosmic petri dish and it's simply peers down from time to time ( every two thousand years or so) to see if the 'batch is going to go bad or 'flower' into something better!!!.

Maybe it 'pipettes' in a bit of 'spiritual food' in the form of a 'divine messenger - a Christ figure or a Buddha perhaps' occasionally to see if it can't stop the rot!!!

Never-the- less, mankind is blind, stupid, ignorant and ISOLATED BUT something, and we know not why or for wat reasons HAS given us the gift of life. That is ONE thing we can be certain of!! Can a scientist make a flower grow - NO - the seed was already here - he can merely dabble in the footsteps of others miraculous invention but he can not CREATE life - he cannot make a human - he can only do what frankenstein did and play with the building blocks of life he already found at his disposal.

At worst we are food for some hideous cosmic creature, at best we are merely little buds of life on of of the universal potting sheds called earth.

However, indeed we are a planet of fools since we no longer care about the reasons of life, the purpose of creative compassionate evolution and merely focus our selfish greedy ways on our own momentary pleasures and lives.

That is not to say that our pursuit of science is bad - it is merely that is is channeled towards the creation of weapons of war, tools of scientific mutilation, technologies of control and manipulation. Our science is causing our expansion and maybe our accelerated demise.

N:B : May I recommend 'A canticle for Leibowitz' by Walter Miller.

An intriguing story - after a nuclear war an order or monks preserves some ancient texts in their monastery in the arid american wasteland desert. The slavishly copy the manuscripts for centuries until one day someone stumbles across something in the desert - it is an old fallout shelter and in it there are some documents from the saintly 'Brother Lebowitz' - he was an electrical engineer and they take his blueprints to be holy documents. Eventually a few hundred years later, one of the order reproduces an electric light from some of these ancient works of saint lebowitz but the head of state in New rome orders them destroyed as they are the works of heretics..and so it goes on...the age old battle of science, progress and religion is amply detailed.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird

Originally posted by Motile
Until the human race abandons religion completely and embraces science fully we wont be contacted formaly and we wont be saved.

Well I guess we're all doomed then because that's never going to happen. It's human nature to worship something.

If these aliens were intelligent, they would know that and "save" us anyway.

btw, if we abandon "religion" and embrace science fully....then wouldn't science be our "religion"?
One of the definitions of religion: "A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion."

However science is real, religion is not. Religion is being phased out, its not human nature to believe in religion, religion is man made as a tool to devide men and concour. If you put children on a desert island they will not cunjure up religion out of this air, it is taught to us in school and through TV, its the largest running and largest scale brainwashing scam the human race has ever known.
"It's human nature to worship something" is that you talking or your brainwashing? you have been programmed to think that automaticaly, read it again and think about what you typed, why? Why do we need to worship anything? I worship my partner, my kids and my Mother, I place my hope in the science and the human race, I put my faith in myself and in others. Why do I need this religion?
"if we abandon "religion" and embrace science fully....then wouldn't science be our "religion"?"
No because we wouldnt be utterly devoted to it emotionaly for support, we wouldnt need it for our innerselves, science is the tool with which we can understand our nature and heal our world. Nobody would worship science, it has no deity laying threats or promisses at our door, we would have responsibility for our actions without a deity to blame or seek forgivnes from. Religion used to keep crime at bay with the fear of god, what use is it now where not even the believers fear their own god?

Its not all doom and gloom, knowone knows the future, the evidence points to two paths one dark and one light.

But you are quite correct, we will choose the dark path because the masses are brainwashed and programmed too choose it, like you say it will never happen, at least not before its too late.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 01:55 PM
I actually think it's a lack of comprehension of religion that makes humanity a race of fools. I have had conversations in the past with authentic Arabs who are apalled at the acts pf terrorism. Just like the Ku Klux Klan, these terrorists twist the Koran to their own means. These Arab citizens have told m,e there is not one example in their religious literature that condones violence of any sort against another person regardless of religion, ethnicity, etc. People who preach violence as a necessary part of their faith are preaching the word as false prophets.

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Reptilian_Queen
I actually think it's a lack of comprehension of religion that makes humanity a race of fools. I have had conversations in the past with authentic Arabs who are apalled at the acts pf terrorism. Just like the Ku Klux Klan, these terrorists twist the Koran to their own means. These Arab citizens have told m,e there is not one example in their religious literature that condones violence of any sort against another person regardless of religion, ethnicity, etc. People who preach violence as a necessary part of their faith are preaching the word as false prophets.

The koran does say its ok to burn the children of the infidels (unbelievers) and that a jihad is ok against the 'unclean' (again nonbelievers).

Thats isnt the point, a bad person is a bad person, they would be without religion. Its the die hard unshakable belief in something that ias utterly rediculous and has more plot holes than an episode of emmerdale. Theres just nothing I find convincing about it, I mean who's right? I say nobody.


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