posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:02 AM
originally posted by: charlyv
Fox probably has a rule tied to money that prohibits him from throwing Fox under the bus, however, Tucker is a real journalist and if something comes
up not related to Fox, there is no way they could stifle him, and it would be illegal anyway.
I can see where you're coming from given the state of US news coverage but Tucker has never been or tried to portray himself as a journalist - he's
always argued he is an entertainment figure in court and no one of sound mind would believe a word he has to say, thus not beholden to truth, accuracy
and objectiitiy that actual journallists are held to.
Fox were unable to stiffle him as he was a churnalist. opinionated talking head who spokr nonsense and gave false arguments with his sole
responsibility being to advertisers and viewing figures instead of being an impartial oserver journaling reality.
The same token and previously won court cases where he succesfully argued he bares no resemblance to an actual journalist, isn't bound by accuracy,
ethics and integritty aactual jouornalists must abide by and is instead a paid for talking head to only promote one side of a story means he and Fox
would have been exempt from any Dominion based complaint or ruling - but would require Fox/Sky admiting they're apaid for viewscorp, not a newscorp
which goeas against the morro they try to trick the US public with.
As for being reinstated it seems a completely made up claim - Murdoch is famous for calling Trump a #ing idiot and isn't a Kremlin cheerleader so
makes sense to close Tucker down as he's outlived any use to Newscorp.
edit on 7-5-2023 by bastion because: (no reason given)