posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:18 AM
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Hey mate sorry I just saw this thread pop the beginning of the video where people talking about the booster
rockets or some exchanges? Anyway seeing the Knife Dragon at 0:34 you can see the whole face pointed like a knife, eye, mouth including lower jaw..
the eye then becomes the swirls that separate & sorta looking like whales as they end up going by....a lot of imagery in the video.. But one signal I
recognized & definitely know an highly extreme possibility & that is the symbol of hearing or connection towards the end.
What a wonderful experience for you!!!
I have seen test rockets from Vandenberg in CA & AZ. The night test are so beautiful, or at least the 1st one I saw in Prescott Valley, AZ . From my
position the sun had just set just behind the mountain & sky lit but on the lip of setting when I saw something shooting up towards the sky, bloody
scared ps out of me cz I didn't know what it was. I pulled over to the side of the road & watched in amaze...Truly in Amaze because I think the sun
maybe sets quicker in desert areas when you have mountains in the direction the sun is setting. Anyway as it got darker & darker it was like an even
more Magical Experience because the whole "tail-trail" became a Full Rainbow from our sunset view all the way as far as one could see.
PS Sorry about going a little into the imagery, I am still learning from you know where...LOL!