I dunno if anyone else has been watching this but man, it's awesome imo.
Trump, Musk, Ramsey, Jackson and someone else that I won't ruin the surprise in case anyone does watch it. The new person shows up in the latest
Rogan as the DM may be some of the best I've heard or been involved with. And it's just down right funny. Like tears rolling down your cheeks funny.
IMO anyway.
If you like D&D, fantasy or any of the the real world people that the AI voices belong too, you gotta watch it.
That was epic, best AI show done yet, I been watching some of the similar stuff AtheneLIVE has done on twitch.
Granted that was done unedited and unscripted "he says", this sounds so real I do not think I would be able to hear what is real and fake.. ( kind of
scary ) and the graphics just top it off, the only bad thing is that it is not longer, I could watch two hours of this.
nvm.. just found out the channel have more episodes, I know what I will be watching now
edit on 30-4-2023 by Spacespider because: (no reason given)