posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 10:43 PM
Agreed. Totally agreed. Don't know which sex you are, but speaking as a woman who is *valhall goes to counting* 14 years in to whether I need to be
bolstered by drugs or not I can tell you. No I don't!
My bone mass density is awesome (and I don't drink enough milk).
I had more neurological problems and migraines on HRT than I have had off. (estrogen over long-term use constricts the blood vessels leading to
migraines and eventually can lead to hardened, constricted vessels that can produce a stroke). The newest research hints at increased instances of
dementia, alzheimers and parkinsons in women who have prolonged HRT.
Now, that was all about HRT in general. Let me share my experience specifically. I never took premarin. I took straight estrogen. I never had any
of the side effects either getting on the drug, while on the drug for maintenance, nor getting off the drug, that women who take premarin report.
Severe hot-flashes, severe mood-swings, etc. I have NEVER met a woman on premarin that was happy, or seemed healthy. And I have met a LOT of
IMHO, you are correct on two levels: 1. I believe that HRT can be achieved through holistic measures, and 2. if you go pharmaceutical, IMHO,
there's a better way to go than horse-piss.
[edit on 4-8-2005 by Valhall]