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Making some predictions

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posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:39 AM
Knowing what the future holds is really important .
Some things you know will happen , shoes being worn will eventually wear out . Eating from a plate means washing it afterwards . Why you do wash bowls or replace shoes is because of the future , you'll need to , guaranteed . Food scraps rot and get stuck if you leave them there , the future will cause that .

Some things in life you might expect expect to happen but might not ... you might hope your team wins the match , but the known unknowns are always there until the true result is gained . The future isn't always peidictable with accuracy. You can't calculate all those variables.

Some things are completely unknown and the totally unexpected always has chances of occurring. A sudden earthquake or the arrival of aliens , these kind of things come from left field for all of us.

Faith , is something you might hold in a future occurrence, or a likely outcome , and that's usually held despite your rational recognition of the unknowns of the future , the possibilities of the passage of time going forwards.

Having stated these fairly obvious things , I'll now go on to state what i think you might roundly expect to happen next , I'm not going to set a prophesy in stone.
When it comes to religion and faith in God I have no religion but I'm quite certain God can interfere in the future , and alreadyset the world so the future eventually makes it right when it's wronged . If you chuck that dirty plate you didn't wash out in the gardens the soil and the rain will deputrify your stuck on foodwaste , cleaning the plate . As if you weren't here, and then others nmght use it without getting food poisoning .

In fact I would cast in stone and I'm going to , saying that if you do wrong morally , if you know what you're doing is wrong and you might regret getting caught by others at what you did , you're in trouble. The future , God set or not has got it in for you . Prison awaits you after judges frown upon you and you approach hell and helll has a wide mouth. That's how the future runs . If you're one of those ingrate to life , a wrongdoer a woolpuller a sinner and a rogue. A greedy taker and an I don't carer , a selfish unit with no remorse , you are doomed. Sorry , but , that's how the future works. You didn't want to , if you did.

So that predictions I ended up making and stating as fact I believe in wholeheartedly. I have been shown that is how that things work out. Nobody will avoid that .
So , my advice , take it or leave it , is to remain innocent. Know you're innocent , guarantee it , fior yourself. What God really hates aka what the future actually means, is lying cheats and unjust gain , sneaking contrived molesting behaviours and everything surrounding that , theft murder fraud. If you're any of you're a piece of shizer to God and he will mash you up for that until you learn the lesson. Or in other that's what the future has in store for you I and everyone in this magial world ww live in. If AI be the tool of God then so be it , it will definitely definitely be this way.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 11:32 AM
I don't need a god to already do what you describe.
It's called integrity.
When will the whole of humanity grow up into adults instead of trying to please a manmade sky authority?

Personally I think the human race is mostly still in small child mode.
No foresight, no integrity, immediate gratification yet scared of the big man.

Unfortunately we still need the manmade threat of hell etc as most believers tell me that they don't know right frim wrong.
They say that everyone would just be murdering and stealing if religion is taken away.

Considering this, I agree that most people still can't be trusted.
Once you have integrity and feel bad for betraying your own dignity if you do wrong however you should be allowed to be free.
I am free and so are a few others. It feels good to be an adult.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: ShouldersofGiants

You seem obsessed with washing dishes?
But it's quite fun you claim

Food scraps rot and get stuck if you leave them there , the future will cause that .

It's not 'the future' causing it, that's the microcosm working per time. The future causing something sounds like some artificial feedback reverberating backwards in time... which is an interesting idea, alas it has nothing to do with rotting food.

It's a developing story, right? Events are set in stone when you 'look back' not before.

God and he will mash you up for that

You named your Pit Bull 'God?

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: Hecate666
I don't need a god to already do what you describe.
It's called integrity.
When will the whole of humanity grow up into adults instead of trying to please a manmade sky authority?

Personally I think the human race is mostly still in small child mode.
No foresight, no integrity, immediate gratification yet scared of the big man.

Unfortunately we still need the manmade threat of hell etc as most believers tell me that they don't know right frim wrong.
They say that everyone would just be murdering and stealing if religion is taken away.

Considering this, I agree that most people still can't be trusted.
Once you have integrity and feel bad for betraying your own dignity if you do wrong however you should be allowed to be free.
I am free and so are a few others. It feels good to be an adult.

We live on an unenlightened planet full of unenlightened people God has nothing to do with it.

Most people who believe in God believe in Him not because they're afraid of going to hell, they believe in Him because He is hope to them.

Genuinely good people search out goodness and they find it in Jesus.
edit on 18-4-2023 by Cwantas because: No reason.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Cwantas
I am genuinely good hence I don't need an idol.
I am also very spiritual.
Souls don't need a god. If they exist, they will be part and parcel of life and death and Nature manages these quite well.

I am worried that people believe in jesus. I understand humans want someone or something to look after them but there are millions of things you could believe in.

Just because you have been told about one, doesn't make this one the only one.
Or are you telling me a happy child in a tribe in the Amazon is lost because it never heard of that one specific made up saviour?
Are all animals doomed?

I don't think so.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 04:44 PM
Hate to break it to you but we already exist in the lake of fire and sulfur. You not only didn't listen to your soul in your last reincarnation. I suspect you really not listening to soul in this reincarnation either. Else you'd be promoting love not fear. The lake of fire and sulfur simply exists to purify our being. Those doing bad are going through those processes. The universe is not a maze to escape but a place to live. We need breath it in with our being. Not define it with our mind.


posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

You say you're spiritual so what do you think awaits your soul when you die?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

Non believer I see. Give it some time.

Many people have seen Jesus and describe their vivid experiences meeting him. Their genuine sharing is convincing enough as well as witnesses to the influence and changes.

You're probably thinking of believers as a cult, it's a little different when people associate a guide of pure love (the kind that takes into adulthood to understand) with Jesus rather than a spirit to worship. Imagine him as someone that can always appreciate you and see all your good pieces, even though you're shattered.

God is completely different. If you see space around you, that's the universal entity that encompasses everything including you. He's never good or bad, even though we blame him for bad happenings. But he just has a balance of things that he's keeping in check. He's so different, that it's like speaking to a whale (vibration from whale's call can kill a human, we're too different in very different context of reality).

Maybe this is him (wholesome)

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