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Warmen's Study Guide to Tripidion Physiology

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posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:44 AM
Welcome to the Feditary Academy for Tripidion Physiology.

As a Warman Recruit, you will learn how the war started between the Feditary and the Tripidions. You will also learn about the Tripidions unique reproductive abilities. Humoristic behavior during this learning process is subject to your arrest. This information may save your life. Billions upon billions of human beings have been killed by the Tripidions. The survival of the human race is no laughing matter.

What started the Feditary-Tripidion conflict?

In the year 2862, the Feditary encountered a Tripidion ship for the first time. While attempting to make contact with it, the front-line fleet of Feditary ships was attacked and destroyed. Support ships quickly retreated from the area however, the Tripidions caught up to every one of them and destroyed them all.

Earth One declared war on the Tripidions and ordered all Feditary ships to pursue and destroy them. This order was impossible to carry out because the Feditary lacks the technology to defeat the Tripidions in a ship-to-ship battle. While the declaration of war appeased the population in the Sun Solar System, distrust and disdain increased throughout the Feditary toward their fatherland, Earth One. Despite their orders from Earth One, the Feditary avoids contact with the Tripidions whenever possible as a means of survival.

What are some of the key differences between the Feditary and Tripidion ships that make it difficult for the Feditary to defeat the Tripidions in a ship-to-ship battle?

The Tripidions shot lasers that penetrated all Feditary force shields and armor with a single shot, destroying the Feditary ships on contact. The Feditary shot laser cannons at the Tripidion ships. Unknown to the Feditary in that first battle, the Tripidions consume energy as food so by shooting laser cannons at the Tripidions, the Feditary was actually making the Tripidions stronger.

The Feditary quickly switched their weapons from lasers to ballistics, a technology that hadn't been used in battle since the 23rd century (over 600 years ago). Such a massive step backward in technology did not go over well with the Warmen at that time however, in battle, they quickly learned what a brilliant decision switching to ballistics was.

High caliber ammunition damaged the Tripidion's ship-based laser cannons and during times when the Tripidions raided Feditary ships, the bullets had some effect. It took a lot of ammunition to take down a single Tripidion but it was possible. The battles were grueling for the Feditary. Many ships and many Warmen were lost in every battle. It was not uncommon to lose 10 Warmen before the Feditary bested 1 Tripidion.

Given the Tripidions' ability to consume energy, the Feditary's decision to switch to ballistics was indeed a wise choice. It also highlights the importance of adapting to the enemy's strengths and weaknesses in warfare. However, the grueling nature of the battles and the high cost of victory underscores the immense challenge that the Feditary faces in their conflict with the Tripidions. It speaks to the tenacity and bravery of the Warmen who fight in these battles, as well as the desperation of the Feditary in trying to defend themselves against an enemy they are ill-equipped to fight.

How did the Feditary eventually defeat the Tripidions?

The Feditary discovered an abandoned spaceship they called the Cannonizer. This ship had a 1-kilometer laser cannon on the front of it. While the Tripidions were capable of consuming vast amounts of energy, the Cannonizer was capable of obliterating entire planets with a single shot. The Tripidions also had and used such technology however, the Cannonizer had a larger cannon and further range. It was also very easy to reverse engineer. The Feditary used this found Cannonizer as well as other replica spaceships to finally defeat the Tripidions and destroy their homeworld.

Oddly, the ship seemed to have a TransDimension drive that would allow the Cannonizer to travel to other universes. The TransDimension drive was disabled and enough of the parts were missing that the Feditary was unable to exploit this part of the discovered technology. However, the inside of the Cannonizer was four times larger than the outside which meant that 75% of the ship seemed to exist in other unknown places at the same time. When they looked out the windows of the back 75% of the Cannonizer, star maps were not able to identify what they were looking at. This means the back 75% of the Cannonizer was not located in our universe. Even so, when inside the Cannonizer, one could safely traverse through the entirety of the ship.

Other than the TransDimension drive, the ship was in pristine shape. It is believed the Cannonizer was left behind for either the Feditary or the Tripidions to discover. It is possible a race of beings even superior to the Tripidions simply wanted the war between the Feditary and Tripidions to end without regard for who won. The Tripidions, as powerful and advanced as they were, were certainly no match for whatever beings created this amazing spaceship. Luckily, the Feditary found it first. The Feditary only hoped there was not another such ship that was discovered by the Tripidions. Fortunately, that was not the case.

The sheer power of the Cannonizer's primary weapon as well as the ship's ability to coexist in at least two separate universes at the same time is astounding. This is why the Feditary believed the ship came from a race of beings so advanced, they almost rivaled the power of our deity, Tac.

It's fascinating how advanced technology can give rise to such awe and wonder, and even make us question the limits of what is possible.

The Tripidions can not or will not negotiate with the Feditary. It is possible the Tripidions are genocidal in nature and simply do not regard communicating with lesser beings as a concept in their culture.

The Feditary has been able to capture some Tripidion corpses. Tripidions leave their dead and seriously injured behind, always. Tripidions seem to celebrate their kills however, if one of them is killed, they have no regard for it whatsoever.

The Feditary has discovered that the Tripidions have three sexes and each of the three sexes is required to reproduce.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 10:47 AM
To reproduce, one Tripidion of each sex stands in a triangle. All three of their heads heat up, opening their pores. The heat forces spores inside their head to float up. As the spores mix together, a spore from each sex will form into a clover made up of one spore from each sex. As their heads cool off, the clovered spores fall back into their heads, and the pores in their head close. The clovered spores will fight their way to the waiting egg inside the Tripidions head. The spores will fight each other to be the first to fertilize the egg. Of those spores that manage to attach to the egg, the egg will accept about 10 (8-12) of them. The egg will then determine the weakest spore and expel it, one by one, until only the strongest clovered spore is left. That spore will become a fertilized calf. The parenting Tripidion will give birth in about 90-120 Earth One days. This process will take place with all three sexes, with each Tripidion giving birth to a same-sexed calf. The adolescent calf will mature into adulthood within 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 Earth One years. A Tripidion will live 200-350 Earth One years. A newborn Tripidion will be 6 to 18 inches long. An adult Tripidion will be 9 to 18 feet tall with some being as short as 7 feet and others being as tall as 21 feet. However, the high and low extremes are not common. An adult Tripidion has the ability to contract down to about 5 feet tall in order to fit into small spaces. Watching a fully grown Tripidion contract and expand is a terrifying sight.

A Tripidion is most vulnerable during the mating process however, they will have other Tripidions around them to protect them during this ritualistic process. It is almost like an orgy of reproductive activity however, Tripidions do not touch each other during the reproductive process. The process takes place through the exchange of spores via the top of their heads.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:20 AM
The Tripidions have forced the Feditary to reveal a dark side simply as a means of survival. The conflict forces the Feditary to have an additional conflict with Earth One because the population of the Sun's solar system insists the Feditary defeat the Tripidions however, the Feditary simply does not have the technology to do so. Eventually, the Feditary declares independence from Earth One. Earth One denies independence to the Feditary however, Earth One does not have the means to prevent such an action. Earth One declares the Feditary an illegal religious and military cult because the Feditary militarized its entire population. They also create their own deity, named Tac, and order everyone within their population to give worship. Disenchanted members of the Feditary create a third problem for them, a growing rebel movement. The rebels recruit others, then steal small ships and supplies from the Feditary and flee to live in hiding on an accommodating planet. The Feditary sends DropTroops to storm those planets and kill as many rebels as possible as punishment. This leads to the rebels referring to the Feditary as the Uppers, insisting the Feditary is on the dark side of this war.
edit on 4/13/2023 by Genfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:40 AM
I been reading these story post's they are actually really interesting and very creative. You should turn all this into a screenplay and push it. Sci fi is really popular right now and this could be a good movie, kinda like Starship troopers.

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

Very good SF !

S and F !

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 08:27 PM
The two Feditary Warmen were standing inside the Cannonizer, staring in awe at the vast expanse before them. They had just entered what appeared to be a massive, empty hangar bay, but as they walked deeper into the ship, they began to realize that the interior space was far larger than it should be.

One of the Warmen turned to the other, his eyes wide with shock. "How is this even possible?" he asked. "The outside of this ship is not big enough to contain all of this."

The other Warman shook his head, clearly struggling to comprehend what he was seeing. "I have no idea," he said. "It's like the ship exists in two separate universes at the same time."

They both stood there for a moment, staring at the impossible expanse before them. The stars beyond the transparent walls of the hangar bay seemed to stretch out to infinity, and yet they knew they were still inside the ship.

Finally, one of the Warmen spoke up. "We need to get back to the Feditary Council and report this immediately," he said. "This changes everything we thought we knew about the universe."

As the two Warmen presented their findings, the Feditary Council was in complete shock and disbelief. They couldn't comprehend how a ship could be bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, and how it could exist in two universes at the same time. Many of the council members were initially dismissive, thinking it was some sort of trick or illusion.

However, as the two Warmen presented more evidence and analysis, the council members slowly began to realize the magnitude of the discovery. They realized that the implications of such a ship could be enormous, and potentially change the course of the war with the Tripidions.

The council members began to debate the next steps and the potential risks and rewards of exploring the ship further. Some argued that the ship should be immediately destroyed, as it could be a trap or a weapon of the Tripidions. Others argued that it should be studied and analyzed further, as it could hold the key to defeating the Tripidions and potentially unlocking new technologies.

Ultimately, the council decided to launch a secret mission to explore the ship and gather as much information as possible, with the goal of using it to gain an advantage in the war with the Tripidions.

The Feditary Research and Development team was absolutely dumbfounded by this discovery and its implications. Was it even safe to be on that ship? What kind of impact will it have on Einstien's Theory of General Relativity or Jansan's Fundamental Theory of Complex Sub-Matter?

Jansan's Fundamental Theory of Complex Sub-Matter is a theoretical framework that attempts to describe the behavior of subatomic particles that exist in dimensions beyond our observable universe. According to this theory, these particles possess unique properties and behave in ways that are fundamentally different from the particles we can observe and measure in our own universe.

The theory posits that these particles are connected to the fabric of spacetime itself and can interact with it in ways that we cannot comprehend with our current understanding of physics. These particles are thought to have the ability to manipulate the fundamental forces of nature and possess incredible energy and power.

The theory also suggests that the behavior of these subatomic particles may be linked to the existence of parallel universes or other dimensions beyond our own. It is believed that these particles exist in a state of superposition, meaning they exist in multiple places at once and can influence events in multiple universes simultaneously.

Overall, Jansan's Fundamental Theory of Complex Sub-Matter is a complex and highly speculative theory that attempts to explain some of the mysteries of the universe that cannot be observed or measured using our current technology and understanding of physics.

Was Jansan's theory spot on?

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