posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 09:58 AM
What if it turned out that God is what we have come to identify as extraterrestrial?
I would be very surprised if he wasn’t, since we have been taught from the very beginning that God and Jesus are not of this Earth.
I think we may be overthinking this a bit. We want everything we believe to be good to look like us. We won’t accept even small deviations. We want
everyone to be the same color, same size, same eye shape, same eye color, the list goes on. Yet we know that while man has the propensity for good,
that we also have an evil streak, that many cannot control.
Going along the lines of A Childhoods End”, I think we are all in for a big surprise. We are selfish. It just goes with the primordial gunk that
cements us together. So we have to think that we are the bestest, the chosen, the favorite child. We have been wrong about almost everything at one
time or another. My money is on that we have got this wrong as well.
I don’t think we have yet reached point where we can truly be able to truly see and understand God. We have to get out of our own way first and
remove the childish ideas and fantasies from our minds first. We have a long way to go.
The good news is that it is no longer about us presently alive, we have served our purpose. They are coming for the children.