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Xaydon the Meek Warrior

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posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 01:20 AM
Our story begins on a chilly night deep within the forests. The night is cold and the wind is fierce. The witching hour is upon us. All Hallows Eve is approaching and the spirits are getting resltess in their lust to be freed from their chains the one night they are free to roam this accursed land. A howl screams out as shadows of a pack of wolves pass through the trees. A full moon shines in the night sky and A storm is brewing in the heavens. The air grows dense as rain starts to sprinkle from the clouds. Suddeny a loud crash, the ground shakes, evrything becomes white. A flash of lightning streaks from the sky ripping through a 2000 year old oak tree, shredding it to pieces and lights the massive tree ablaze. A purple and green flame torches the mighty tree. The sound of the flames fades away. The flames slowly disappear like a vapor. The rain ceases and the forest becomes still and quiet all at once. A sound cries out from the charred remains of the devoured tree. The pack of wolves are hungry, and make their way stealthily to the sound belting out in the darkness of the night. They surround the tree as they inch closer and closer. All in perfect unison. Just as the wolves get within striking range a sound stops them in their tracks...

Laughter rings out from the tree. A babies laughter.

A momma wolf recognizes the sound of a cub and instintively jumps in front of the giggling child and barks and snaps at the pack. The alpha wolf approaches. Sniffs the helpless child. Licks the babies face and adopts this unique creature into his pack. The momma wolf takes the child into her jaws and carries it off into the cold and darkness of this eary night.

The wolves raise the cub-child as their own. The cub-child is named "Xaydon" in their tongue. The child-cub grows strong and learns to survive as the wolves survive. He learns to hunt and kill his prey. He grows to be a mighty hunter and a ferocious warrior spirit burning inside of him. Xayden was limited by his human body in his speed and agility in hunting, but his human mind is useful to the pack, and so the pack adapts new hunting techniques, and becomes an even fiercer killing team. Xayden brings the sound of laughter as the wolves ammuse him in their ways.

Many moons pass. Xayden has journyed with his pack far and wide. Slaying any of the packs that crossed their paths. They were kings of the animal kingdom with the aide Of Xayden and his mighty thumbs and mind. But Xayden always feels something, but knows not what it is. An emptiness he carries silently as Xayden is a quite man-wolf who came with a heart as big as the pack, and he cared deeply for them as the years marcched on, and Xayden grew in stature and might, knowledge and wisdom of the brutal forest in which he roamed about.

One hot summer day as the pack is laying in the sun the alpha wolf stops breathing and dies.
The sounds of blood curling howls scream out. Xayden falls to the ground in tears for the first time... He feels something he has never felt before...


How will He ever lead this pack he thinks in his primitive mind. How will he ever be as great as the mighty leader wolf Eyawn?
Instinctively the pack stages an attack for alpha position.
The other wolves sieze the oppurtunity as they slowly begin their onslaught carnage and rage. The pack attacks Xayden all at once, but Xayden, at the bottom of the pile of fur and blood, teeth and hate, does what he always does...

He laughs.

The pack is confused. They were expecting a fight to the death, but Xayden gets up and stands all the way up on his two feet for the first time. Laughs at the pack, but in a kind and soothing growl as he had often done these many years. The pack starts to lick the wounds of Xayden, but he pushes them back. He looks to the mountains in which he had never even looked up to see in the far distance. He goes to his momma-wolf licks her lovingly goodbye, and runs off into the forest to find his way to the mountain----and that calling he has felt pullling at him all these years.,,,

Hope you enjoyed, "Xayden the Meek Warrior" Stretching some creative writing legs here. Other than a little in college, a first attempt at it.
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posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: AOx6179

Stretching some creative writing legs here

Stretch some more! I enjoyed your story; thanks for sharing it with ATS!

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: AOx6179

Stretching some creative writing legs here

Stretch some more! I enjoyed your story; thanks for sharing it with ATS!

This has always been a weak point of mine (obviously 🤣) but the only way to get any better is to try.

I'm that little engine that could.

I think I can I think I can chugga chugga ----- choooo choooo💨

Thanks nugget!
edit on AM-0500x6179 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 09:48 AM
I have something to add to this, and this is for my own personal diary/timeline that is ATS.

I was sleeping lucid sleeping again when the idea for this came. I had an itch and needed to scratch it. I woke up completely and it took about an hour to write and edit. After I wrote this I went right back to sleep.

Within this time frame my aunt passed away...

I woke up this am to several calls.
I wanted to share this part of this story, which yes, has an element of truth about myself in it (that was the point of the exercise here), so I wanted to share the whole thing with my fam here.


hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise His Blessed HOLY NAME!!!!!!!!

I'm going to take a minute to grieve which means I'm unplugging for a bit. If I have any message conversations going on right now, please excuse me for a little while. I will be back soon.

One Love ✌️
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