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Parents felt pressure from gender clinics to transition children, study finds

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posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 05:44 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: NorthOfStuffx2

Since when do birds need elevators?

Around the same time men started needing top surgery.
edit on 7-4-2023 by NorthOfStuffx2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: infolurker

The people involved were listening to the children not the parents, so they relayed their children's feeling and wants. Where is the pressure?

Well I agree with you. But my question is, at what point is a child capable of making their own medical decisions? Is it age 10? 12? What is appropriate here when we know that children's brains don't fully develop until they are in their 20s. That is why juvenile court exists. And even in a lot of states, under a certain age and a child is just never held responsible for crime, even murder because society has agreed they did not have the ability to reason as an adult would.

As others pointed out, peer pressure exists. Fads exist. So I guess do what thou wilt but how young are we going to let children make irreversible changes to their body?

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: EmeraldCoastFreedm
Now who pays for it? How are health insurance companies covering this or not covering this or is this all classified selective surgery with no co-pay and then guilt parents in to trans surgery procedures that they pay out of pocket like used car salesman tactics.
So is it pressure for parent's to pay for medical procedures out of pocket to make money.
Society now is having a Transgender child for leftist's is the latest virtual signaling excuse compared to past times buying ugg's trend and the latest and greatest breed of dog to show off in the neighborhood development

Absolutely, in some circles it's the new cabbage patch kids. These parents need to take more responsibility for their child's futures. If it were my kids... no way on my watch will they risk needing a colostomy bag for life over a cosmetic procedure. For the rare kid who is trans, they need to wait until they are mentally mature and do it themselves when of age. I'd support that but still tell them it's their mind they need to learn to live with more than the biological body.

I feel this deep in my heart, because despite being female, I've always felt more male and was extremely depressed with the prospect of being female. (which when I was young limited my chances and made me a second class citizen, not so nowadays). Raised with brothers, hung out with guys all the time, miserable about female puberty... I'd of been a perfect candidate and going the trans route would have robbed me of being a mother and the most important thing...having to evolve psychologically. I only felt female once I'd gone through menopause which is odd.

Also, my step daughter, who now loves being a wife and mom, had friends actually thought she was a boy till she went through puberty, so I'm not the only one.

The whole thing is worrying because it's trendy.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: infolurker

The most obvious reason I see for this "pressure" is that these clinics are pushing an agenda that isn't geared at all towards the well being of the kids that are going to them.

Most sensible people in the world can see this. Using children as a weapon to pervert all of society while at the same time lying that they are doing it for their wellbeing is diabolical in nature.

It is the desecration of the human spirit and likened to knowingly giving someone infected blankets while telling them it is a gift to keep them warm.

edit on 7-4-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: rickymouse

What matters is support for the person even if we don't understand...and we we won't understand. Be kind be your loving self, be who God wants you to be.

And if God wants me to be Napoleon?

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: infolurker

You are unclear. You seem confused.

Talking into your mirror again I see...

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
A newly released study found that parents who took their adolescent children to gender clinics said they experienced pressure to agree to the transition process and that their children’s well-being was worse, not better, afterward.

So, the parents first mistale was taking their kids there in the first place.

Their second mistake was allowing the quacks posing as medical professionals to talk them into allowing their children to be medically experimented on.

While I believe that these clinics should be outlawed and the act of advising any parent or child to engage in any medical procedures whatsoever, whether purely chemical or surgical or some combination thereof should be made a felonious assault in the 1st degree with a potential life sentence...

I still say this is purely and simply the fault of the Parents, and they should bear full responsibility and extreme punishment for what they allowed to be done to their children.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat

originally posted by: rickymouse
...and those who want to be gay, it is their choice, they can change their mind and go straight later in life .

I agree with everything you said.

Ummm…except this. What in blazes are you talking about, “they can choose to be gay and decide to go straight later in life?” That’s not the least bit possible

Sure it is. It may not happen often, but it certainly has, and does. Often it is people who were pushed into it at an early age, or experienced some kind of grooming (like Milo Yiannopoulos, who is now 'transitioning' to 'ex-gay'), or were just confused and had an early experience, then grew out of it, just like the vast majority of kids who were sortof pushed into it by 'supportive parents'.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 11:56 PM
no one cares to acknowledge the fact that this is exactly the same thing as surveying the participants on a VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM forum about their feelings on vaccines and then reporting that as fact?

like i get it, it's hard to accept anything that makes the thing you hate look less bad, but come on let's deny some ignorance here

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

I wonder how many proponents of lobotomy sounded like you?

Do some research. It also used to be the default way to cure and help people with mental disorders. Now we push gender transition, medical transition, as a way to cure all kinds of social issues, including the simple one of being a tomboy.

Yep, the trans crowd no want to adopt people like me and try to tell me I really should be trying to force my physical body to be a man. Sorry, but I'm not. I am simply a woman who enjoys things more traditionally enjoyed by men, not a man trapped in a woman's body.

This is just like when people thought little Johnny would be made more masculine if they forced him to play football instead of cook or dance which was what he really wanted to do. I have no doubt there are people who really believe they should be what they aren't, but I think the far kinder approach would be to have a therapeutic approach to preserve a healthy and functional body, not to make the body sicker for life with serious long-term health ramifications to try to force it to adapt to a mental image that does not exist in reality.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:35 AM
You know what? Many people here don't "hate" transpeople, they are simply tired of the obvious agenda to make it the latest fun flavor of the month. The sports thing is very troubling for women like myself who have fought to have female-only competition.

My nephew transitioned about two years ago. The free money thing is no joke, because he works as a barista in California, and this surgery was NOT paid for by himself. Unfortunately, he is more miserable than he was before. His words exactly were "It's not what I thought ." A good percentage of people who have transitioned live with a lot of pain from these surgeries. Interestingly enough, when I search for the percentages of those people who are suffering, Google doesn't give me much information. Hmm.
it was going to be

originally posted by: continuousThunder
no one cares to acknowledge the fact that this is exactly the same thing as surveying the participants on a VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM forum about their feelings on vaccines and then reporting that as fact?

like i get it, it's hard to accept anything that makes the thing you hate look less bad, but come on let's deny some ignorance here

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
here's your problem:

So honestly, the fact that FORTY EIGHT PERCENT of responses even here on the "i don't like my child transitioning" website are neutral to positive on the subject really speaks volumes to me.

So your argument is that nearly half the people participating in a website specifically designed for people who don't like the fact that their kids are transitioning do in fact like the fact that their kids are transitioning?

Do you normally heng out on websites that you fundamentally disagree with?

With a 50/50 split it sounds like the website has a good cross section of participation.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: dandandat2

So your argument is that nearly half the people participating in a website specifically designed for people who don't like the fact that their kids are transitioning do in fact like the fact that their kids are transitioning?

hey pal, it's not MY argument! i'm not the one who posted the survey without actually checking where it came from or what ROGD actually is or what those results are saying, i'm just putting down some facts because everyone else was just uncritically gargling it.

and seriously, if you don't believe me, just google ROGD. read the wikipedia article. read a couple of different sources about it. heck, read the mission statement from! they're not shy about it at ALL. i'm telling the truth.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

originally posted by: dandandat2

So your argument is that nearly half the people participating in a website specifically designed for people who don't like the fact that their kids are transitioning do in fact like the fact that their kids are transitioning?

hey pal, it's not MY argument! i'm not the one who posted the survey without actually checking where it came from or what ROGD actually is or what those results are saying, i'm just putting down some facts because everyone else was just uncritically gargling it.

and seriously, if you don't believe me, just google ROGD. read the wikipedia article. read a couple of different sources about it. heck, read the mission statement from! they're not shy about it at ALL. i'm telling the truth.

So your argument is because wikipedia tells you that a website, wherein nearly half the people participating approve of and had successful outcomes in gender conversion surgery, is in fact designed for those who disapprove of gender conversion surgery you believe it?

Do you normally hang out on websites that you fundamentally disagree with?

With a 50/50 split, it sounds like the website has a good cross section of participation. Based on this evidence, I have no choice but to believe wikipedia is in error; it wouldn't be the first time. wikipedia is often incorrect due to the fact that the user base can edit articles at will. Most academic institutions do not allow wikipedia as a source of material due to this fact.

posted on Apr, 8 2023 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: dandandat2

disingenuous much? wikipedia was, if you note, one example i used, and i used it because 1] it's the top result on a search in case anyone is lazy, and 2] every single other source, INCLUDING THE SITE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT, agree about it. if you'd done even a cursory amount of research when you realised this involves things you don't know about, you would have seen that.

it's not my fault if a site where the very first sentence of the ABOUT page [here if anyone wants to check] is "IDENTIFYING AS THE OPPOSITE GENDER IS NOT NORMAL" and gets more stridently anti-trans from there, does a survey among their forumgoers and it turns out actually this is a nuanced and delicate issue for those who's lives it affects, and maybe even among those who are against it there is more complicated feeling than you would expect if you guzzle at the right wing anti-trans news media teat.

i adore, by the way, that instead of that giving you pause - instead of reflecting that maybe, just possibly this thing you hadn't even heard of yesterday represents a complex little corner of a complex little issue and that you should pipe down and listen to people with knowledge of it, you leap to AH HA HA WELL WIKIPEDIA IS WRONG!!! great work denying ignorance, that guy.

oh and by the way, you're half right that you can't use wiki as a source - you can't use it as a citation, it's true. However, it's easily as trustworthy as at least two thirds of 'news' sites, and more crucially, most wiki pages use citations themselves. So you can't use it as a primary source, but if you read critically - follow links, check credentials, give weight to peer reviewed work in respected medical journals, all that good academic stuff - you can use the same information that the wiki does. Credible publications aren't poisoned by being cited on a wiki! And you'll find that many researchers starting on a topic that they know nothing at all about may use a wiki to start colating sources of information. just a lil tip from one researcher to another

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: KMeRMoRe
My nephew transitioned about two years ago. The free money thing is no joke, because he works as a barista in California, and this surgery was NOT paid for by himself. Unfortunately, he is more miserable than he was before. His words exactly were "It's not what I thought ."

You need to sit him down and explain to him that it isn't that 'it isn't what he thought it would be', the fact is 'it isn't what was promised by those pushing him to do it.'.

Now he needs to sue anyone and everyone that had a hand in convincing him this was this was the solution.

A good percentage of people who have transitioned live with a lot of pain from these surgeries.

Each and every one of these people who is even remotely inclined should also file lawsuits, again, against anyone and everyone who had a hand in their indoctrination.

That is the only thing that will totally shut this down from the standpoint of medical facilities counseling people to mutilate themselves.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: KMeRMoRe
Unfortunately, he is more miserable than he was before. His words exactly were "It's not what I thought ."

not to play devils advocate here or anything but before you go taking the advice of the poster above and.... trying to talk everyone you know into suing ???.... i urge you to have a think about perspective. Perhaps, when your relative says "it's not what i thought", perhaps they're talking about how they made themselves extremely vulnerable by showing their true self - something that was not widely accepted 2 years ago and has only grown to be a more contentious topic since - and that instead of the acceptance and support they were hoping to receive from their family, instead they got nastiness and suspicion about funding and a lot of snooping about surgery success rates.

I dunno, i'm just saying, if i transitioned, and i knew that when my aunt was talking about me to strangers on the internet that she bought up how troubled she feels about sports first, then ramps into the surgery snooping without a single kind word about me in there, i'd feel pretty bummed out too.

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 03:01 AM
of course, they do its what happens.. we saw the same during the satanic panic where all the same types ended up creating something that didn't exist and we ended up with a new disorder called false memory syndrome, it was in the interests of the medics and social workers to find what they were looking for.

the thing that is troubling is the overlap between these signs and signs of abuse/neglect etc the thing is for some parents its a tool to gatekeep abuse..

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