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He is now taking a strong stance against China and Russia, up to station troops and supplies in various countries near them, namely Ukraine and Taiwan, ready for war. Now is pushing through a plan to drill for oil in Alaska, a part of the US when many of his supposed party are against it.
originally posted by: Bigburgh
a reply to: JinMI
But does Brandon even know what's going on at this point?
I'd love to see us tax payers put Joe (and the rest) on trial, but would he know mentally why he's being punished?
Jill is running the country for him.
originally posted by: Bigburgh
a reply to: Machshev
I'm actually shameful of what the democratic party is doing to Joe. I don't like Joe, and have been vocal about it.
But it's very obvious Joe is being abused by his handlers. The man needs to be at home living his last days in peace. His mental facilities are not on par.
May as well put a Sweatshop in the Villages in Florida and work those geriatrics to their graves.