posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 08:57 AM
They want to keep that country as poor as possible, so the people suffer and keep suffering because of that. The reason also because of strict
sanctions help was hard or impossible after the recent quake in Syria. Money for example can't be send for giving aid or even medicine. Before the war
against Iraq for example Iraq had the hardest sanctions where medicine where even not allowed. So they had to operate people without anesthesia for
example. Or medicine for childeren, many many children died because they could not get the right medicine (for example against child diseases etc).
Syria was on the list after 9-11 of country's that where labeled the 'axis of evil', basically they still on that list, doesn't matter which president
is in charge it seems.
Simply put it's EVIL doing it's job and nobody cares, they keep doing it. With sanctions against many many country's they are where they are not
allowed to sell their goods/oil/whatever on the international market. Other country's who do business also face treats, fines or worse. Of course some
country's do business like Russia or China, no wonder they are labeled as evil and where the US seeks conflict with.
I wonder how many people are poor worldwide because of this or even starve(d) of hunger.
edit on 9-3-2023 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)
edit on 9-3-2023 by Pluginn because: (no reason
edit on 9-3-2023 by Pluginn because: (no reason given)