posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 09:40 AM
No information here about any derailment of a train so far today,i work for the dutch railways so i got a few apps that should tell me if there is a
big disruption.
Could be that it's a freight train and not registered on the normal passenger railway (we got a few freight railways connected to passenger railways
just for freights, but i think it would have been on the news by now .
Has anyone on the left found a way to blame this on Trump?
Here in The Netherlands, we got Rutte who get's all the blame most of the time ,he is the President at the moment and is going for 12 years of ruling
in this country.
But mostly when bad things happen the media blames Baudet(FVD) or Wilders(PVV) or other parties ,not the ruling president