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New York teacher 'manipulated' fifth-grade student into changing gender consider suicide

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posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:40 PM
That's Right, Sue These Sick People out of their careers!

A sick teacher allowed to manipulate 9 year old kids is sick and disgusting. This needs to stop. Pass more laws banning this activist crap from the classrooms and return to teaching math, science, english, and science (real science). Keep your sick perverted lifestyles and deliberate manipulation OUT of the classrooms. This teacher should be thrown in jail and the administration fired for incompetence.

New York teacher 'manipulated' fifth-grade student into changing gender without parents' consent - which drove her to consider suicide, lawsuit claims

It was only after the girl, 9, drew suicidal images that her parents found out teacher Debra Rosenquist was calling her 'Leo' and using he/him pronouns

Superintendent Jennifer J. Quinn and Terryville Road Elementary School principal Annemarie V. Sciove admitted they knew about Rosenquist's antics

A New York teacher is being sued for allegedly manipulating a fifth-grade girl into changing gender without her parents' consent.

The nine-year-old child, who was taught by Debra Rosenquist at Terryville Road Elementary School in Long Island, identifies as a girl but was being called a boy's name and given male pronouns in class.

The damning lawsuit claims that Rosenquist started calling the fifth-grader 'Leo' and using he/him pronouns in class in October 2021 - unbeknownst to the girl's parents.

It was only months later in January 2022 - when the girl was caught drawing a picture of a suicidal girl with the words 'I wanna kill myself' - that her parents were informed that she was being called male pronouns in school.

Rosenquist also allegedly read from LGBT books that were not on the school district's curriculum, and told her students to 'try being gay' even if they were not.

'To further her agenda, Rosenquist read and provided her students graphic books about gender and sexuality which were not on the curriculum.'

Rosenquist created her own LGBT book called 'I am Neither' - which she had in her classroom.

And she would also read students 'When Aidan Becomes a Brother' - a book about transitioning, surgery, and hormones , which was not on the curriculum.

edit on 28-2-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It’s incredible how deep all the Liberal’s mental illness runs.
Access to mental health providers is severely lacking in this country.

On the other hand though, I remember the football coach in high school calling all of us guys “ladies” when he was pounding us on the practice field, hitting the blocking sled, tackling dummies and running wind sprints.
We should have sued him.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:22 PM
Some states are beginning to introduce legislation against such indoctrination; we can only hope it isn't too late.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:30 PM
They need to fire the superintendent and the principal for being complicit in child abuse of all the students in this teacher's classroom as well as the teacher. If the parents don't come together and demand it, there's something wrong with them.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

A.V. “prefers female, as she always did. At no point did she identify as male,” the lawyer said. “The notion that she identified as male was foisted upon her by Rosenquist.”

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:01 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: infolurker

It’s incredible how deep all the Liberal’s mental illness runs.
Access to mental health providers is severely lacking in this country.

On the other hand though, I remember the football coach in high school calling all of us guys “ladies” when he was pounding us on the practice field, hitting the blocking sled, tackling dummies and running wind sprints.
We should have sued him.

Mental health providers.
They are not any better. Most of them are just as f'd up in the head.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: infolurker

It’s incredible how deep all the Liberal’s mental illness runs.
Access to mental health providers is severely lacking in this country.

On the other hand though, I remember the football coach in high school calling all of us guys “ladies” when he was pounding us on the practice field, hitting the blocking sled, tackling dummies and running wind sprints.
We should have sued him.

Im a GenXer and I still call things 'gay'...and not in the woke homo way.
Im not changing. And I don't care who it offends.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:23 AM
People who need to be transitioned from breathing to room temperature for 30 points please Ingrid.

a reply to: infolurker

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Just imagine if she were reading the Bible and telling them to "try being Christian" even if they were not. The howls of indoctrination would be deafening. But this is A-OK and nothing like that.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: infolurker

A.V. “prefers female, as she always did. At no point did she identify as male,” the lawyer said. “The notion that she identified as male was foisted upon her by Rosenquist.”

I really think these teachers are playing some personal sick sexual fetish with themselves in all this. Its like that is how they get off...

edit on 1-3-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I saw this story, too. The child in question had a friend that called her Leo because it is her "star" sign...she's a Leo. And somehow the teacher took that and did this to this poor kid. She is 9 years old. This is not ok.

That said, kids today are suicidal at an alarming rate that seems to keep getting worse. They need help and protection before this all gets worse. Teachers should NEVER under any circumstances be talking with students about anything to do with sexuality, period. That includes straight sexuality. When did this happen that in schools teachers are bold enough to put their agendas onto kids? I'm old, but not so old that this makes any sense because it wasn't THAT long ago that I was in school.

I don't have kids, but I remember saying when I was younger that if I had kids, I would have to home school them because of my trust issues. Maybe back when I said that I was a bit extreme. But not anymore. My nieces and nephews are old enough that this particular issue only worries me if it puts my nieces in danger with the restroom situation. But I can not believe how much insanity is going on now with KIDS. Children do not need to be exposed to the things they are regularly exposed to now. And they sure don't need teachers doing what this "teacher" did to this poor little girl.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Also, I need to add that I'm new to posting and have been having trouble with flags. I meant to flag this and another thread and when I click the flag, under the icon it says "Fail". I don't know if I'm taking away flags or what, but I didn't mean to if that's what happened.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 10:39 AM
I wish I could say us "normal" transgenders could be pushing against this, but the radical crazies are outnumbering us and keep shouting us down, plus roping in deranged Liberals to bend to their wills

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: TheToastmanCometh

What did you think would happen? These people use the LGBT agenda for their own gain setting back real LGBT community at least a thousand years.. while you guys stood there celebrating.

I kept warning (you, atsrs) and the community to not partake in the bs and speak out early on, but ya went with the bandwagon. Called me a hater and "the most hateful post ever".

There is no way you ever would of kept the ground given the fact the true % of lbgts is less then 1% of the population.

See this "evolutionary stage" of humanity was far from ready to pursue it's potentials. So it got shut down, and the LGBT is a laughing stock among the general population who use those labels for attention, money or agendas, and free rides. Just like BLM did to the African communities. Only difference is those guys walked away with billions.

History repeats, and the LGBT community should of been smarter to the fact that the Obama admin had already equalized rights for said community, legally including marriages, hospitals and wills.. while these pretenders are taking it all away.

When you celebrate policy and rule out biology, transgender or not. You hurt not only yourselves, but the kids as well. Lbgts hate crimes haven't occured in over 20 years, and Obama gave legal rights to gay couples.

Evolution within itself indicates that he LBGT community would of had their own revolution. But this forced mainstream crap literally has true LBGT players running off the fields and hiding because they don't want to be associated with this identity theft that has been going on. But the problem is none of you cared to speak out before, when everyone was waiting for you to go.. "dancing around 5-6year olds in thongs is NOT okay, there's a reason stripclubs have an AGE limit."
Y'all had a chance to bring out and BE a voice of reason. But threw it away to party while rights got stripped with every drink consumed, cause none of you were paying attention to what was really going on, with pedophiles, rapist, murderers invading the ranks and more.

I truly believe that as evolution occurs, and the changes that happen in society actually increase the population of LBGT, it will eventually hit a point where the LGBT will actually not only become a majority, but also be the ones to bring innovations, like immortality. As long as you don't force things before your ready to deal with the consequences and make a stand as a community. Cause all that currently has occured was that the LBGT community got set back by these groups that make a mockery of what you stand for.

At this point I will be surprised if LBGT remains a thing for the next 5 years, cause ain't nothing like scaring the future (children who choose on their own, in their own time) LBGT members into being associated with pedos, murderers and rapist.

I am sorry if this sounds like an asshole remark. I do support LBGT community. However I do NOT support this identity theft that has become mainstream joke. While I can see that is exactly what is going on. Other people won't see it the same way, when one of their kids gets molested by a pretender. Or when their child goes through with the actual suicide because they DO NOT UNDERSTAND, Think about it for just a second, at what age did you finally accept who you are?

I truly fear for you guys, gals, etc.. and pray that it does NOT bring back REAL HATE crimes to your community.
edit on 40420232531 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Yep, when you put crazies in a position of authority over children with no oversite or worse, the blessing of administrators, bad things happen.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Its a bold statement, but the blame should be put on white liberal women who prop up these crazies just for the feel good points

exhibit A: the women in the article

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I'm traditional old-school. If this teacher had done this to my son or daughter, she (or he) would get appropriately punished outside the legal/court system, while awaiting the charges I'd file.

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