posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:14 PM
Little-Timmy had a great life, but he couldn't figure-out so many things that the adults did.
Like : he never understood why people were so mean to their fellow human-beings. Why they always tried to steal from the Elders.
His parents raised him well. Hockey in the winter ; baseball in the summer ; swimming lessons ; piano lessons ; yoga with his mom after bathtime ;
and Kung-Fu with his father. Including many-many off-hand lessons about history, family, health, and community.
Sitting at the table for Sunday brunch with his parents, he asked :
- Mom : why is it again that I can't have a vaccine, like all of my friends and classmates ?
She slowly glanced-over to dad, who gave her that instant understanding that they were both thinking the same thing.
- Hey Sport : what do you say we take Sir Humpy Barkerson for a walk on the beach after brunch ?
They walked-down the beach, and took turns throwing a stick into the water for Humpy to retrieve, until he started getting tired.
They arrived at Contemplation-Point. There were natural rock formations there, that made it comfortable for multiple people to sit and talk.
Mom and dad sat very consciously, and started to weave the tale of how the world really works.
They were careful, and constantly stopping to discuss how much to say, and in what doses, while observing how Little-Timmy was taking it.
Over the course of about 6 months, Little-Timmy had gone the range of conflicting emotions, and cosmological re-shifting.
The astounding revelations were more inconceivable that any kind of fiction he had read.
Mom and dad lovingly spoon-fed it all to him, in micro-doses, while watching closely how he was managing it all from day-to-day.
Little-Timmy understood that his classmates, and even their parents, could not even conceive of this contrived mess.
Another hockey season came and went, spring sprung, and Little-Timmy's ideas had coalesced, with many discussions with his parents.
Little-Timmy began to withdraw, and became very quiet and pensive. - Why can't good folks be in charge of this world ?
One fine Monday morning, on the day of the Summer-Solstice : Little-Timmy made an announcement to his parents.
- I'm going to Davos.
As his parents sat and questioned him, mom was almost becoming a bit irritated, when she glanced-over at dad, only to see him there smirking.
- What are you smiling about ?
- In his eyes, I see the same hard-headed stubbornness that I fell in Love with in your eyes.
She started to chuckle. She knew that meant that she would never be able to convince Little-Timmy to not go. His mind was made-up.
They cancelled all of their appointments that day, and the spent the entire day discussing Little-Timmy's 10-page multi-step plan,
that included contingency plans A and B for every step, and even mentions a C and D as further options.
Time was short, with only two days left before summer-break. The Kids-Love-Always-Wins movement was started. K-LAW.
Flanked by his parents, he rode his bike around to the three elementary schools in his town, putting-up posters.
He postered the arena, ball-park, mall, town-square, Dojo, music-school, and every place he could find to put a poster.
" Children only summer-camp, ages 12 and under. No adults. Free. Bring your own lunch. "
Everybody from curious children, to adults looking for a place to unload their kids, was and were interested.
And so in earnest, one fine day on Québec's National-Holiday : Little-Timmy's plan to go to Davos was set in-motion.
Little-Timmy met the kids at the beach. They spent the day there playing, making sand-castles, making dams on the runoff creeks, etc.
All the while Little-Timmy was setting themes, and discussing things with the kids, through their play.
As the disinterested kids dropped-out, Little-Timmy kept bringing the kids ideas, while daily going further down the beach.
After a couple of weeks, he brought them over to Contemplation-Point to have their lunch.
The lunchtime discussions started leaking into the afternoons. Some kids sat at earshot, drawing in the sand, and making stone mandalas.
Soon they were spending the whole day at Contemplation-Point, learning about breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, nutrition, Kung-Fu.
They discussed the ideas of Jesus, Buddha, the Tao, the Upanishads, Ayurvedic, Sumerians, the Prophet Gabriel, Kabbalah and more.
They contemplated Plato, Voltaire, Watts, Carlin, Einstein, Tesla, Shauberger, Hesse, Da-Vinci, Walden, etc ...
Some of the children asked why these wonderful healthy things were not taught to all children in school, nor from their parents ?
This was the door-opening he had been waiting-for.
He had earned their trust, and as he spilt all of the beans, they just knew he was right. It matched all they observed about adult society.
In the last couple of weeks of summer, they coalesced all of their ideas, wrote a treatise, and finally the K-LAW manifesto.
They figured that by following the 7-degrees of separation theory, they could reach every child in the world in 2 months.
They set up a webpage to host all of their info, forum and blogs. They held fundraisers, bake-sales, and sold their artwork on Etsy.
They each emailed all of their 12 and under cousins, and some even had pen-pals in foreign lands.
As the word spread around the world, their numbers grew.
They ignored all of the trolling and scare-tactics, as they knew it came from corrupted fearful adults.
By Christmas-time, they had over one million members. Sales of junk-food and pharmaceutical concoctions around the Earth plummeted.
The momentum was slowly gaining speed, brilliant and creative children from around the world brought fresh ideas.
The adults studied the treatise and K-LAW manifesto, and saw the movement growing. They knew the end was coming.
Some of the supposed elite, being cowards at heart, just chose to off-themselves, rather than pay their debts to Humanity.
The gig was up, and they all knew it. Millions of teenagers and good adults, threw their support behind the children.
On the Summer-Solstice, exactly one year after Little-Timmy's presentation of his 10-page plan to his parents, the rubber hit the road.
5 million Kids-LAW children marched on Davos, and completely, and totally, shut the city down.
It was the beginning of the end.
( Supposed " Writer " status, until someone decides to take it away. )