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Feditary Ranking System

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posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 09:20 AM
Just kicking this out there to get some feedback, pro or con.

The Feditary is a name that has evolved from the Federal Military of Outer Space and after that, FMOS. In the 37th century (Earth One time), it is now the Feditary.

It is around the year 3672. The vast majority of human beings now live on spaceships that travel in fleets. The Earth has been destroyed by the Tripidions, an alien race based on a system of threes (three sexes, three arms, three legs, three eyes, and so on).

Tripidion biology has little comparison to human biology. For example, each Tripidion can have a same-sexed calf. Tripidions are tall, around 9' to 18'. Some are as short as 7' while others are as tall as 21'. Tripidions are extremely fast. They have a biological telephoto lens in all three of their eyes. With their eyes spaced evenly around their head, a Tripidion has 360-degree vision.

Tripidions do not sleep. They do not touch each other when they reproduce. They exchange spores that spray out of the top of their heads. The spores mix with each other and fall back into their heads. A Tripidion will carry a calf in its head and birth it through its mouth.

Tripidions do not go to the bathroom. Their internal waste gradually oozes out from between their scales, giving each Tripidion a unique smell. Tripidions can smell each other from over a mile away and they can determine which Tripidion(s) they are smelling. To humans, they all look the same and they all smell the same. They smell bad, really bad. It is hard not to gag if you are close to them when they emit......whatever.

Tripidions can communicate with each other in a way that humans do not understand. It is believed Tripidions have senses unknown to humanity.

Because of their biological design, Tripidions do not have a defined front, back, or side. Every side seems to be its front as they do not seem to favor one side over the other.

While humans have blood, muscles, bones, and organs inside our bodies, Tripidions have a solid black jello-like substance throughout their entire body that seems to represent what would be our blood, muscles, and so on. Inside their head, they have three separate brains and an area in the middle of them to hold their calf during pregnancy.

Tripidions do not experience anxiety or fear. They are colony minded to the point of suicide.

Tripidions believe all other life forms should be exterminated. Human beings are no exception to them.

They do not negotiate. If they understand human communication, they have no regard for it.

The Tripidions discovered the Earth and they destroyed it. The Tripidions have also destroyed every colony world they have found.

For this reason, the Feditary has made living on a planet illegal. While we have been at war with the Tripidions for over 700 years, it isn't so much a war for us as much as it is a slaughter. We are losing people faster then we can reproduce them biologically or in labs and our ships are being destroyed faster then they can be built. At the current ratio, we have about 150 to 200 years before we become extinct.

While our warp drives are better, Tripidions are exceptional at tracing our ships' exhaust signatures light years across the universe. It is unknown how they are so successful at this.

Some within the Feditary refer to the Feditary as the Dark side due to the survival tactics we are forced to use to survive. It is illegal to talk about the Feditary in a negative way or to accuse the Feditary of any type of conspiracy but it is human nature to do so, regardless.

In the Feditary, the military and the government are one and the same. While each person is allowed to join the Feditary or remain a civilian, all civilians are legally obligated to serve the Feditary in a non-military and/or non-governmental way. Civilians are also limited to the number of credits they have. The coins they live in are also limited in size and their meal passes also have greater limitations.

In the Feditary, credits are earned from your job. Credits are exchanged for luxuries. All basic needs ar provided by the Feditary. The higher your rank, the more credits you earn, the larger the coin you live in, and the more luxurious your meal pass will provide.

Food is provided as a paste, synthetic, hybrid, and natural. Beverages, including water, are provided the same way. Paste-based water is not actually water but it functions the same, so they say. You simply squeeze some of it out of a tube and chew it. Yum.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 09:25 AM
Everyone who joins the Feditary starts in the Federal Academy. Below are their ranks.

A-0 Warman Prevet*
A-1 Warman Recruit*
Warman Basic*
Warman Apprentice*
A-2 Warman*
Warman First Class
Senior Warman
A-3 Technician
A-4 Technician First Class
A-5 Technician Expert

A Prevet has signed up for the Feditary but has not yet started formal training. They are issued a Prevet uniform with a Warman Prevet rank insignia and are required to wear it at all times outside their coin. Until their formal training begins, they are required to study the rank system and basic Feditary policy which they will be tested on when they report for duty. Nothing good comes from failing this test so much so that most Prevets are prepared to pass the test before they even sign up. That is definitely the safest way to go. We aren't nicknamed the Dark side for no reason.

A Warman Recruit learns about the Feditary in a formal classroom setting. You must pass a final to promote.

A Warman Basic undergoes physical training. If you are not in good physical condition when you start this training, you'll regret signing up. You will complete this training or you will die trying, literally. If you quit, you will be arrested and you will spend the rest of your life in a zero with no hope of ever getting out.

A Warman Apprentice undergoes live fire weapons training. You will learn how to operate a fully automatic J-12 quad rifle with recoil suppression technology and AI-powered smart aiming. Just hold it and trust it and try not to get killed on the battlefield because even with all of our technology, the Tripidions have better aim. They rarely miss. You'll be surrounded by plenty of other Warman so try not to be the target. Welcome to the dark side.

As a Warman, you will be on the front lines. You need at least 5 points to promote out of the "A" ranks. 1 point for a confirmed injury, and 3 points for a confirmed kill. You don't get to confirm what you do. The tech does it for you. It is illegal to complain about the tech not scoring you correctly so don't go there. 3 points will get you promoted.

As a Warman First Class, you are placed on the second line of defense. Your chances of survival just went way up. All Warman of this rank have 3 or 4 points so you are no better than anyone else besides you. You need 5 points to promote. You can promote to a Senior Warman, crewman, cadet, or enlisted rank.

A Senior Warman has at least 5 points. This rank is by your own volunteering. If you accept this, you must score 10 points on the third line of defense to promote. It serves your future well to volunteer for unrequired ranks.

A technician is also a volunteer rank. All Technicians scored at least 10 points. Other than bragging rights or protecting human life, it does no good to score more than 10 points. Technicians serve on the back lines in support of the Warman on the front three lines. They keep the supplies moving, perform simple repairs, and perform simple medic duties.

Technician First Class is also a volunteer rank. You will lead the Technicians and perform more advanced functions.

Technician Expert is also a volunteer rank. You will lead everyone below you. Members of this rank usually evolve into successful officers.

More ranks will be provided upon request.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: Genfinity

I blast you with my raygun for continuing to warmonger your way through the universe while promoting a Patriarchy.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

Very strong imagery you have included in your world. Have you thought about taking it to the next level?r
Could be a very compelling series or game. You also have other stories worthy of production for the big or small screen.

Protect your intellectual property!!! Trust no one with out a copyright on your work.

Good luck!

edit on 26-2-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Genfinity

Wow! You need to write some books, my friend. And I agree, (this is so good) you might of wanted to protect this. Thanks for sharing though.
You have an exceptional imagination. So much depth here.
Did all this come from your imagination? Or have you dreamed some of this? Almost seems like you're working with insight, common sense, imagination, and forethought all in one here.

This could be a star trek type series. Keep writing!
edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

Btw, You've got me wanting to paint out your Tripidions. You described them so we'll i could see them in my "third eye."
edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

And if I may add a little to your Tripidions characters. I see them having the three brains, one for each eye, like three different people in one (but combined into a single consciousness). All able to both think and act for themselves (meaning: take control of the direction of attention/move the one arm and leg as an individual; when needed). The three brains are linked so they can combine two of the brains for extra brain power and when they combine all three brains to work together they are able to have some sort of really cool "super power of sorts," (I don't know there, but I'm sure your imagination could come up with something really cool for the three brain sync up).
Anyways, that's something I saw for those characters. The three brains was neat. Figured you might be playing on that a little.
edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Thanks for these links. I will look into them in the next few days.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: AOx6179

I have created the story universe in such a way that it is cannon with Star Trek and Star Wars. Star Trek happens first, then the Feditary/Tripidion war, then Star Wars. While Star Wars happens a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the end of my story fills in that gap with great ease.

With that said, I expect a lawyer to tell me, "HAHA, yeah right. Change it all." I am prepared to do that and expect to be required to if I am able to take this concept to the next level.

The dark side, the Feditary rebels, and the DropTroops (troops who drop into planets to kill rebels or rotate resources); all familiar terminology.

My story gives you some idea of where the terminology came from and it explains why humanity became so ethically dark (blame the Tripidions).

The bottom of the Feditary are a bunch of working stiffs like you and me however, at the top, they rule like monsters with an iron first. Humanity has seen its share of lunatic leaders; the Feditary will be no exception.

I am in desperate need of a cenceptional drawing of a Tripidion and if I move forward with this idea, I'll need a clay one as well.

My favorite alien out of Hollywood has been the xenophobe in the Alien series. With that said, CGI would allow something like a Tripidion to exist in a high dollar movie. Tripidions are unique, terrorfying, and about as alien as an alien can be. While the story would have extreme violence, I created the Tripidion in such a way that they do not touch each other to reproduce and they do not go to the bathroom as we do. A clean version, so to speak.

It takes about 100 to 1,000 human lives to take down a Tripidion but the directing process is in itself pretty scarey stuff.

I literally am creating this story to give the world a fresh saga over Star Trek and Star Wars.

If you are interested in drawing a rough draft of a Tripidion, I would be happy to give you more intel about them. It would also be great if you could draw a picture of the three of them reproducing, with the spores hovering over their three heads as they mix together. As if the universe really needs three more of those monsters.

A Tripidion can hear and see above and below the human spectrum. They can close their ears the same way we close our eyes. Their sense of smell is well beyond that of a cat or dog. Each of their eyes has three sets of three eyelids. Their eyelids work as filters which allow them to see almost the entire visual spectrum.

It is a horrifying site to see a Tripidion use it's biological telephoto eyes to zoom in on a target 1,000 yards away. How do you hide from that? To that matter, how do you sneak up on something with 360-degree vision? A being in which every side is regarded as its front side.

Hollywood has never produced an alien like this. Not only would sci-fi fans be amazed by it, I think even the people in a potential movie would be anxious to see the finished product.

That is enough rambling on my part. If you'd like to draw it out, let me know.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 11:26 PM
Once someone promotes out of the "A" grade, they can choose to remain in the Federal Academy as a Crewman or a Cadet. Mastering the Cadet ranks assures them a shot at a career in the officer ranks. Mastering the Crewman ranks assures them a career operating a workstation on a ship.

They can also choose to go directly into the enlisted ranks serving in the infantry within the Defense Force, operating small ships in the Space Force, or operating large ships in the Fleet Command.

A career in the Fleet Command is the best chance at becoming a member of the Feditary Council and possibly even the Feditary High Command.

The following are the Crewman ranks, overseen by the Federal Academy:

B-0 Junior Crewman
B-1 Crewman Third Class
B-2 Crewman Second Class
B-3 Crewman First Class

A Junior Crewman is, for the most part, someone who skipped a number of optional ranks within the "A" grade (Warman ranks). The Crewman learns workstation skills in a simulated environment.

As a Crewman Third Class, the Crewman operates a workstation in a REAL environment under heavy supervision.

A Crewman Second Class continues to learn. Part of that learning process is to guide a Crewman Third Class.

A Crewman First Class is a workstation supervisor. This Crewman takes full responsibility for the actions of the Crewman under them. A Crewman First Class is strongly encouraged to undergo Cadet training. They are usually assured a successful career within the enslited ranks as well.


R - Relevant: The environment accurately reflects the challenges and situations that the skill will be used for.

E - Engaging: The environment captures the learner's attention and motivates them to participate actively in the learning process.

A - Active: Learners are encouraged to participate and engage in hands-on practice, rather than passively absorbing information.

L - Lifelike: The environment closely mimics the real-world context in which the skill will be used, with authentic materials, tools, and scenarios.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:55 PM
Oh, I think anything I draw out will be too cartoon'ish for what you need. I'm a paint and doodle artist. You'll want/need someone with a much higher skill set than mine. I did get a good imagery for those characters though, and I think you've got a nice set up for a pretty good series. Would make a pretty good comic book (graphic novel style) as well.

a reply to: Genfinity

edit on 27-2-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

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