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East Palestine Disaster Or On Demand influenza-Like illness?

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posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 10:37 AM
The Disaster in Palestine, Ohio is causing chemical poisoning to yet unknown amount of people.

To people who have studyed different theorys , related to " so called virus diseases " this might not come as surprice ....

We saw this allready with AIDS earlyer. But it might go much further, over 100 years back .

There might be now grand plan to once again use some magic and create influenza-Like illness using some pretty damn bad chemicals sprayed in the air, water, food.

The 1918 Spanish flu: a different perspective

I am not surpriced if soon they will announce " a new virus causing severe illness to people " in the regions of United States where the East Palestine disaster chemicals are effecting peoples health.

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 10:47 AM
Flora and fauna are continuing to die, and the Ohio River basin is poisoned through the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. And the Gulf was already damaged by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.

Where is Greta Von Doom-burger?

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: BeNotAfraid

For sure a lot damage to all life , and wide area also .

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

How about the "authorities" want to mix in the maladies and deaths from the train wreck in with their "died suddenly " spread the blame on something else ??

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Kenzo

The Disaster in Palestine, Ohio is causing chemical poisoning to yet unknown amount of people.

To people who have studyed different theorys , related to " so called virus diseases " this might not come as surprice ....

We saw this allready with AIDS earlyer. But it might go much further, over 100 years back .

There might be now grand plan to once again use some magic and create influenza-Like illness using some pretty damn bad chemicals sprayed in the air, water, food.

The 1918 Spanish flu: a different perspective

I am not surpriced if soon they will announce " a new virus causing severe illness to people " in the regions of United States where the East Palestine disaster chemicals are effecting peoples health.

Very interesting article. I hadn't ever looked into Spanish flu and just assumed it was a flu that hit populations at a time before antibiotics and during a war when many were undernourished.

My grandmother, in Scotland, lost two sisters and her dad to flu around this time so I never thought of soldiers and what they had been exposed to with all the chemical warfare as well as the wider environmental exposure of the more persistent chemicals. Her family also had a saying used when things went missing or were broken with no known reason... "blame it on Riley" and as a kid I thought maybe Riley was a slur against the Irish but it didn't make sense beyond the catholic/protestant issue. Perhaps people back then had a suspicion that Fort Riley was the root cause of misfortune.

As I've written on here before, I got an absolutely crazy flu in 2005 just after wire brushing some metal to remove ancient paint that may have contained cadmium or lead. I went deaf and hallucinated from fever for almost three weeks, lost twenty lbs, gray skin and all the doctors could find was a mild ear infection. I had ear infections so bad I passed out as a kid and knew it wasn't that. It took me over six months to recover and I needed an inhaler to walk up stairs as my lungs were compromised. Many scents were all scrambled and to this day, I cannot smell certain flowers that I used to be able to. The sense of smell thing was the least of my worries and I only noticed it once I started recovering.

All this leads me to believe that any time novel chemicals are used, or even large quantities of those found in nature, it will weaken people/animals/plants to the point that even an otherwise mild cold or bug will have drastic effects. A point obviously not lost on those in control.

And yes, were is Greta screaming "how dare you!"

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: conspiracytheoristIAM

That's also very possible scenario. They could also downplay vaccine side effects by blaming the chemical exposure.

We know how Kill Hates and other megalomaniacs are obsessed with killing, culling the herd....cause too many people they say... after se saw what all happen woth covid-1984 i think everything is possible.

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: igloo

Holy cow , that's terrible what you gone through!

I agree with your observation, with chemicals or natural substances.

If i would play litle more about this......the terrain theory is also relevant.

There are opinions that human body actually uses virus size particles and bacteria as rescue kit for acute poisoning, hence the amount of bacteria rise.....which if too much proceed to infection. By rescue kit i mean that the microorganism try to remove/ expell the substances from tissue and cells.....that just wont allways work if there is too much chemicals, poisonous substances, and people will need antibiotic to prevent larger infection.

Chemicals/ toxicants can also induce cytokine storm .

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: BeNotAfraid

Where is Greta Von Doom-burger?

The now 20 year old 'Angry Beaver' is most likely signing copies of her first book.

Writing a book seems to be the stepping stone to becoming a high-ranking politician and overnight multi-millionaire.

posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 06:59 PM
Over 1 Million Gallons of Contaminated Water Excavated From Ohio Train Derailment Site

About 15,000 pounds of contaminated soil and 1.1 million gallons of contaminated water have been excavated from the site of a train derailment earlier this month in East Palestine, Ohio, train operator Norfolk Southern said on Feb. 20.

The announcement comes shortly after a state senator warned people living in close proximity to the derailment site not to bathe in or drink the water.

Norfolk Southern said the excavated contaminated soil and water will be transported to landfills and disposal facilities that are “designed to accept it safely, in accordance with state and federal regulations.”

Where are the toxicologists for East Palestine?

East Palestine, Ohio needs toxicologists — especially environmental toxicologists — pronto. Where will they be found?

Well, it won't be the federal government. No doubt, the cadre of EPA toxicologists are already occupied connecting asthma in children to gas stoves. And the EPA chief, Michael Regan, can't be bothered with real-time environmental catastrophes as he deems the only crisis worth addressing "environmental racism." (Oh, the irony!)

Meanwhile, don't expect any white-skinned non-DIE toxicologists or other disaster response crews to be sent to East Palestine. The so-called sec of transportation, "What-Me-Worry" Pete Buttigieg, has already complained that infrastructure construction crews have too many white guys.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Yeeh where are the toxicologists?

They could use hazmat suits to be the all day....

It look's like the size of the train was also too long

East Palestine train size

Evacua tion needed

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