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COVID-19 Infection Offers strong Protection Against Reinfection For About 10 Months

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posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 05:26 PM
Let the vax crazy, mandate loving, crazy Covidians read it and weep. At Pfizer and Moderna, the wailing and gnashing of teeth can be heard from blocks away. Their vaccines don't even come close and now it is public knowledge.

Omicron has vaccinated the world.

For at least 10 months after a COVID-19 infection, your immune system can provide good protection against symptomatic illness the next time around, a new study found, and the risk of severe illness is even lower.

The researchers, from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation COVID-19 Forecasting Team, said their study is the largest review yet of available data on the subject. The study, published Thursday in The Lancet, is a meta-analysis that looks at 65 studies from 19 countries.

Ten-month immunity after COVID-19 infection seems strong against all variants of the coronavirus, the study found.

"There's quite a long sustained protection against severe disease and death, almost 90% at 10 months. It is much better than I had expected, and that's a good thing for the world, right? Given that most of the world has had Omicron," said Dr. Chris Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. "It means there's an awful lot of immunity out there."

edit on 18-2-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 05:33 PM
First, they said vaccines will stop transmission.
Then they said vaccines will prevent you from getting sick.
Then they said natural immunity isn't good enough.
Then they said you need 6 boosters to be safe.
Then masks for everything.

Now, natural immunity only lasts 10 months.



posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
Let the vax crazy, mandate loving, crazy Covidians read it and weep. At Pfizer and Moderna, the wailing and gnashing of teeth can be heard from blocks away. Their vaccines don't even come close and now it is public knowledge.

Omicron has vaccinated the world.

"For at least 10 months after a COVID-19 infection, your immune system can provide good protection against symptomatic illness the next time around, a new study found, and the risk of severe illness is even lower."

The reality, though, is that this protection almost certainly mirrors the same long lasting protection that has been demonstrated by those who were infected with SARS-Cov-1 - decades, if not lifetime.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: infolurker


I haven't wavered in my decision to not get the Crax and as the data continues to pile up, I think it was a wise choice.

My choice.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:14 PM
Well, had the SARS CoV2 virus three times, and it would probably have been the Alpha, Delta, and omicron types. The first infection was not too bad, the second was about a two day fever and five day low energy event. both of those had bad taste changes making food taste crappy. The third was about the same as a common cold, no bad taste, and only less than a day of fever. The first infection was in around May of 2000, the second was around October of 2021. The third was around mid November of 22. So, the wife and I stayed pretty well protected for over a year, and each case was less of a health problem.

The wife slept a lot with all three infections, but I only slept a lot with the first but not nearly as much as she did in all three cases. She lost her sense of smell and taste with the first two, I just got my taste changed which made things taste a bit like that Norwegian or Swedish rotted fish.

Based on my experience, a year protection is gotten and each case was less severe...but then again, the Omicron has way less bad effects. We did not even know the third case was covid until we took the test. I had already gotten over something, but both great grandkids, the wife, and others in contact with them got it and I was around the great granddaughter more so I got it and got over it first, I predict she brought it home from school since the Omicron was going around there pretty much...sort of like a cold with a fever for kids. So my test at the point that we tested for the Omicron was negative, but I most likely already had a real mild infection and got over it in a few days.

I suppose those who are immune compromised will get it more often because their immune system cannot identify or fight it properly. But I am sixty seven and the wife is seventy one...we made it through it and did not have to go to the doctors. She varified it at a clinic which I thought was kind of dumb standing in line with other sick people waiting for a test.

I had no vaccine, she had the Johnson one dose. From what I am seeing around here, vaccinated or not, people caught it and got over it most of the time without needing doctor care. The youngest daughter and her husband got all their shots and still got it anyway, they got the new medicine for it and said it helped fairly fast, you know the one based off of grapefruit like chemistry that gives people a bad taste of grapefruit in their mouth sometimes they refer to as paxlovid mouth.

That medicine is more relevant to this illness than the vaccine is in my opinion. I personally would rather eat a grapefruit every other day for a couple of weeks to delay the progression of the virus so my immune system can have more time to create a proper immune response to it.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 06:24 AM
The natural immune system's memory lasts forever.
If it doesn't work, then it's a new strain. However if it is a new strain of a known 'invader' like corona viruses, then the protection will be slightly less, but still protect somewhat.

Old people for example get less colds, unless they picked one up from an area that has different strains.

Our immune system evolved since we swam in ponds, it isn't as fallible as a human concoction brought in 2 years ago.
Ten month my ass.

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