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They want to lower the taxes

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posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 10:14 AM
So today, I started looking into the election platform for upcoming election and what stood out the most for the one for the populist party.

As of course, there is inflation and people are in need of the money, they are targeting the weakest links in the society.

Everything is about:

Lets lower the taxes (from 20% to 5% for food items) , lets lower electricity price (ensure cheapest price(, lets pay additional benefits (payouts to elderly, pension, social benefits) with of course additional part about the anti-multicultural part of the society and anti-lgbt.

Where does the money come from? So far, the country is generally doing well with one of the lowest debts in the world. Now they just want to loan out as much as possible in order to gain additional votes. Just selling out the country...

To be honest, from my perspective, the lower taxes do not affect me personally. I do not mind paying the additional few hundred per month, as long as the healthcare and eduction systems are working as intended and the city is safe and clean. When it comes to foreigners, I prefer making as easy as possible for specialists to come. It is impossible finding top-level specialists locally. Global hiring needs to happen.

Just my few cents, but this pissed me off. Not thinking about long-term consequences, simply short term promises in order to gain additional votes.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 10:27 AM
Naturally, they'll raise property tax to bleed out worth from anyone who owns anything, as they give everyone who owns nothing free money.
The free money is borrowed, the taxes from the middle class go to the ruling class (so they can buy your house from you and rent it back to you)

Once everyone owns nothing the dollar collapses and they finally get their socialist utopia

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:11 AM
Schools are definitely are not working. Most of people below "Generation X" don't even know their times tables.

What is 9x7? UMMMM... yeah, you need a damn calculator which is a damn tragedy.

Anyway it is Basic Economics. Do you know what the Laffer Curve is? I bet not. The Laffer Curve follows certain logic, as tax revenue / does not always increase whenever the tax rate increases. This is the most simplistic model around. Laffer countered that taking more money from a business in the form of taxes, the less money it will be willing to invest and a business will find ways to protect its capital from taxation or to relocate all or a part of its operations overseas. When workers see a greater portion of their paychecks taken for taxation, they lose the incentive to work harder.

What happens when companies relocate overseas? You collect less or no business taxes local or Federal, You don't collect income taxes from the workers who are now in China, You don't collect business taxes from suppliers who would be supplying the materials because they are now in China, You don't collect income taxes from the workers at the supply companies because they downsized, You don't collect taxes from those workers buying lunch while at work because they no longer are employed. You pay former workers welfare, unemployment, healthcare because they are now unemployed or under employed. It is the whole chain you destroy when taxes are too high. It is a no brainer if you have 2 brain cells.

Forcing companies overseas destroys your Tax Revenue.... Oh duhh!

During the 1980's, the US had the largest Tax Cut in history during Ronald Reagan's Presidency... the Democrats screamed to high hell and do you know what the result was? In 1980, total Federal tax revenue was $517 billion; by 1988, total Federal tax revenue had nearly doubled to $909 billion.

So, any questions? Let me put it this way: It is PROVEN to work, almost doubling government revenue. Everyone can have some BS theory but this works, it is proven to work, it keeps businesses in the US, and again, IT IS PROVEN TO WORK at a national level.

What is the optimal tax rate?

The ideal, or optimal, rate of taxation for an economy is the one that falls right at the top of the inverted-U. The theory argues if tax rates are too high they will discourage taxed activities, like consumption and investment, while rates that are too low fail to generate sufficient revenue.

edit on 18-2-2023 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Cabin

Where are the taxes on food at 20% ?

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: ussmidway
a reply to: Cabin

Where are the taxes on food at 20% ?

The UK ,only 'essentials' avoid VAT which is 20%.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 01:23 PM
The most serious question on taxation is never answered. Why are we taxed? Go back to when this was started, ie, we had to pay the Lords, Barons etc. to cover the cost of an army to protect us. Well the Barons etc, had to pass these payments over to the King for the armies.

So as I see it we pay taxes to cover the costs of something that affects all of us. Example:- we pay car tax and fuel tax to cover the cost of road maintenance. Now why do we have to pay tax on beer, clothing, food, etc, etc? Take beer, we pay nearly 40% tax on beer, why, there is no cause that affects anyone else that the government has to pick up. Please don't say it's because alcoholics cost the health service, this is covered by the other tax we call employment stamp.

So why is the UK one of the most taxed countries in the world??? WHY???? Because they can. Our roads are a disgrace that should be looked after by the billions taken in road and fuel tax, but it's not is it because all tax goes into the monetary pot for the government to use as they see fit. Like spending millions on illegal immigrants, Foreign aid to countries that don't need it, Billions to prop up puppet regimes around the world and the biggie HS2. I could go on but non of our taxes seem to be spent on the actual people it's supposed to be spent on.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 01:27 PM
PS. And don't get me going about our government pension that we all payed for all our working lives and the bas####s still use it for their own ends and now they are saying there is hardly any money in the pot to pay our pensions so they raise the retirement age up a few years hoping we'll die before claiming our own money back in pensions.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: ussmidway
The UK ,only 'essentials' avoid VAT which is 20%.

I was going to ask the same question, but... wait... what?

So, the UK doesn't consider food as 'essential'?

Makes as much sense as the US declaring liquor stores as 'essential', but not gyms, or churches, or...

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 11:50 AM
I agree CS. The people and parties that spend the tax revenue are the sorts I wouldn’t trust a penny to and the vast majority of them are filthy criminals of varying degrees.

a reply to: crayzeed

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: Cabin

Where does the money come from?

Lets say money was a seed...

We would eat the harvest - before it was planted to get the seeds, then grow plants from the seeds to produce the harvest. During which, the farmer would shoot anyone that did not agree to protect the seeds and the harvest throughout the process or they would be ground into seed and the more seed that was ground - the better the harvest next year

Just the way I like to think of it with some sarcasm.

On a more serious note - the affects of it all - not so funny but you just have to do what you can do, to be what you expect of others in the world, and that isnt always easy but it is possible.

edit on 19-2-2023 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

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