Hoʻoponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness :
Tong-lin (Giving and receiving) is a practice which is embraced by several schools of Tibetan Buddhism -
Some teachers suggest Tong-lin can be detrimental to the practitioner depending upon where they find themselves developmentally. I have seen and heard
of miraculous changes through these practices. We are all inter-connected, all is energy, and they say ultimately there is no ''other''. The Law
of One suggest others are other-selves. Samadhi can be loosely defined as Union. Yoga can mean Yolk, or to Unite. Tantra and Alchemy, similar. Tao.
Additional thoughts loosely related to the above:
Anecdote from below linked documentary.
The ancient elephant parable describes how various traditions all point to One Great Truth. A group of blind people are each touching a different part
of an elephant, getting a certain impression of what an elephant is. The person standing at the elephant's leg describes the elephant as being like a
tree. The person at the tail says the elephant is like a rope. The elephant is like a spear, says the one standing at the tusk. If one touches the
ear, it seems like a fan. The person touching the side is adimate the elephant is like a wall. The problem is, we touch our piece of the elephant, and
we believe our experience is the only Truth. We don't acknowledge or appreciate that each person's experience is a different facet of the same
My primary critique with this individual's body of work is that they failed to teach on Sila, which is loosely defined as Ethics. All real religion
begins with Ethics. You cannot have Samadhi without Sila, as you cannot have Prajna without Samadhi. All masters were once humans with errors just
like you and me. They mastered these three, and went on to completely annihilate their egos (resurrection) deservedly acquiring the titles of a
"Christ", a "Buddha", a "Avatar".
Sila is ethics. The reason our mind is in the state it's in, the reason we suffer, is because of our behavior. Sila, ethics, is how we change it.
Samadhi is the result. From Samadhi, we can then acquire Prajna, wisdom.
If we really want to experience the ecstasy of the soul, to really know what meditation is as a state of consciousness, we can. Eden, Samadhi,
ecstasy, is the natural state of the consciousness. We do not experience it because our behaviors prevent it.