posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 07:25 AM
The bridge
Stonework was never his favorite.
The true nature of reality is change and stone is the one material resisting it more than anything. There are mostly walls, which are the very
manifestation of division, some bridges and fewer astronomical arrays, he liked to get on board with the latter two.
As time progressed, change itself made some walls he had built useless. Tearing them down was oftentimes more cost intensive than building them up.
That's when he decided to not build any new walls, and started tearing down all but the few that ensured this material experience.
It was an enriching and beautiful thing to do, the amount of love and compassion that could be freely shared was breathtaking.
But he also learned that this will be blatantly abused by many. He started to mark his borders with stones, whenever someone trespassed after the
initial warning, he got one chance to leave. This is his live since many moons and he loves it, he is free, exposed but free.
One day, on a evening stroll he got a glimpse of someone precious he had never seen, on the shores across the river. It's unusual for folks from that
shore to get close to the river, not to think of initiating contact with the other side.
They exchanged words, that became emotions, from which his idea to build a bridge cristalized.
He knew there was something that had to cross the river, that would benefit both. Eagerly they started building, but all the stones were used up in
walls, and an arduous work began. When she managed to tear down the first wall to get building materials for her side of the bridge, he was half way
over the river and couldn't go any further without the support from the other shore. He had to create some temporal crutches that were constantly
washed out by the river. It was cost and energy intensive, yet he was still convinced it will be worth it.
In agony he watched as she went trough some hard work and unearthed many treasures, she herself had forgotten about. Unable to shine because they were
protected by windowless walls, protected from the pain of a pillaged treasure. now being torn down, used to build a bridge.
After her third run, he noticed she would stumble everytime, and loose some stones. He yelled loudly "watch the roots", which upset her because she
took it as critique on here garden.
She trew the stones on the floor, told him to get lost and hid behind one of her many walls.
The End