Just a little touch of Space with a Happy Valentine's Wish for folks in this forum.
Not big on synchronicity but have been re-reading Heinlein's Foundation with everything tossed in. Lunatics, Earthers,Venus's swamps but also some
more concrete topics like seals leaking into vacuum, nuclear piles an such. Then this song waltzed in giving the point of view from those who took the
steps to tackle Space's emptiness with no safety nets knowing any failure brings death.
It's easy to imagine a Mars settler/colonist in an irreversible fubar accident penning this song while waiting for the inevitable.
There's not a lot of Space themed music so I thought this forum was overdue.
Add any Space/Alien tunes cause goodness knows, this forum has passionate dedicated posters keeping their eyes on the prize.
edit on 14-2-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)
Using alien clicking sound effects as white noise begs the question "how do you relax while hearing a alien invasion in progress?"
Dastardly wicked sense of humor.
UFO Lou & "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" makes purrrfect sense.
Our Cat-Overlords have been using laser pointers to make us believe UAPs/UFO's are visiting. Best disinformation
campaign in the Milky Way!
Altho our Cat-Overlords still haven't gotten over the visit to the Cosmic Vet the probings of Humans aren't going to stop anytime soon. It's been
eons, let it go already.
Leslie is pretty cool if You get the chance to check out some other tunes. This was my introduction via Dr. Demento back in the day. "Hose Down" is
probably my fave
edit on 17-2-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: .