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Chicken or Egg??

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posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:55 AM
Which came first?

Virus or Vaccine??

It appears that the vaccine was created before the virus ever infected patient zero.

What? How can the “2019 Novel Coronavirus Vaccine” be dated 7/23/2019, when “Novel Coronavirus” Sars-Cov-2 was only “discovered” in December 2019?

There are some other interesting tidbits about Ralph Baric and his efforts to use the Furyn cleavage site to make the virus more likely to infect humans.

I defy any of you naysayers to take this information into consideration and not change your mind about all of this lunacy. I don't know what the ultimate goal is, but it's more and more obvious that we have been the subjects of a horrific series of Mengele like experiments.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: MaxxAction

horrific series of Mengele like experiments.

Mengele never stopped...

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:04 AM
At this point in time it would have to be written on the back of your hand to be any more apparent.

a reply to: MaxxAction

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: MaxxAction

horrific series of Mengele like experiments.

Mengele never stopped...

Not even when he died in early 1979?

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

eugenicist don't plan for one lifetime only...

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 08:30 AM
Sounds like some of the research around the spike protein goes back 15 years by some reports. Is it actually based around a snake venom peptide? I have not seen a side by side comparison of the molecular structure of both so still in the gray zone for now.

Going to need a lot more evidence around the early vaccination if any of this is to go to trial. As the pressure continues to build and it all starts to unravel, maybe?

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 09:17 AM
The vaxx had little to do with covid. Obviously if it had people would not be getting it in such high numbers after they were vaxxed.

It has, to use Catherine Austin Fitts terminology, stacked functions. Compliance is one of them, population control and decline is another. Might be that components in the jab are designed to make us part of the 5G antenna systems, making us part of the internet of things.

And it has made some big pharma companies very rich, not to mention some of the charlatans like Fauci multi millionaires.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 10:09 AM
I was gonna post this. Basically they were working on the vaccine in June 2019. There is way more to the story but Ralph Baric knows the truth since he was involved with the development of SARs Cov2.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 01:08 PM
The entire virus theory is a HOAX. There is no such thing as a virus on earth. If you understand what they call a "virus", you would laugh your head off.

There was never a novel virus, or a Sars-COV-2 virus anywhere. In fact, they never ISOLATED it. And this is easy to confirm. If there was a "new virus" out there, children would have died in mass, or have been among the worst affected, because their systems wouldn't be developed to face a "new pathogen". What happened? Children were never affected by it. Which makes absolutely NO SENSE if there was a "new deadly virus" out there.

It was the seasonal flu + a lot of media panic. Then, hospitals killed thousands with their protocols (ventilators + isolation + remdesivir). But the "covid", never killed anyone. It simply didn't exist.

edit on 13-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

So the flu isn't a virus? Did you stop taking your meds?

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Crackalackin
a reply to: ltrz2025

So the flu isn't a virus? Did you stop taking your meds?

It's not a virus. Relax, Karen. What you call the flu it's the body detoxing itself. But well, want to believe in viruses and get vaccines? GO AHEAD, have 50 for all I care.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: twicewidowed
The vaxx had little to do with covid. Obviously if it had people would not be getting it in such high numbers after they were vaxxed.


lets get this through our heads. [colorred] the vaccine was NEVER about stopping the spread of covid-19 at all. all the vaccines were ever even supposed to do was to make the effects of getting it less severe. and by doing so keeping hospitals from being overwhelmed, (just like an actual, proper lock down, and wearing masks would have done, and was all about. too bad the US and Canada failed to both actually enforce wearing masks, as well as failed to do an actual lock down), and cause less harm, especially death to the person who is vaccinated. in fact they were very clear about that, especially when Biden, Trudeau and the governments and government organizations under them started to spread the lie, and fake news, that once enough people were vaccinated it would not spread, and thus go away. while the WHO and pharmaceutical companies were very clear that a vaccinated person would still be able to catch the virus, and still spread the illness to others. [/colorred]

so it actually makes sense that people were getting it in such high numbers. number one because of the lies from the government saying you wouldn't get it, thus causing people to stop taking the proper precautions to prevent the spread. right along side the fact that things like wearing masks, along with everything else, was not enforced properly. and the fact countries like Canada and the US never did proper lock-downs in the first place.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: generik

originally posted by: twicewidowed
The vaxx had little to do with covid. Obviously if it had people would not be getting it in such high numbers after they were vaxxed.


lets get this through our heads. [colorred] the vaccine was NEVER about stopping the spread of covid-19 at all. all the vaccines were ever even supposed to do was to make the effects of getting it less severe. and by doing so keeping hospitals from being overwhelmed, (just like an actual, proper lock down, and wearing masks would have done, and was all about. too bad the US and Canada failed to both actually enforce wearing masks, as well as failed to do an actual lock down), and cause less harm, especially death to the person who is vaccinated. in fact they were very clear about that, especially when Biden, Trudeau and the governments and government organizations under them started to spread the lie, and fake news, that once enough people were vaccinated it would not spread, and thus go away. while the WHO and pharmaceutical companies were very clear that a vaccinated person would still be able to catch the virus, and still spread the illness to others. [/colorred]

Take another sigh if you like, but the above is complete nonsense. Have you ever looked at the Pfizer study or the pre authorization literature at all?

The Pfizer study supposedly determined that people who took their product were less likely to develop symptomatic covid 19 (which was made even clearer in the pre authorization literature submitted to the FDA). Defined as having at least two mild symptoms (as defined by the WHO) such as cough, sore throat, headache and so on and a positive confirmatory test (PCR from memory, not sure of the details of this such as amplification rates). Although the thousands of symptomatic people that weren't tested seems to allow some inherent potential for bias in the design of the study and the whistle blower claims further damage any credibility it might have had.

It (supposedly) demonstrated a risk reduction of 0.84% in the treatment group of developing mild symptoms of covid. So for every 238 doses administered one less person would develop mild symptoms.

Where in all of this did it say it lessened the severity of the symptoms of covid?

Likewise the "it will stop you getting hospitalised or dying from covid" claim. This was just snatched from the nether regions of bureaucrats and pseudo "x-spurts" with insufficient clinical data to support it. As the relevant group boiled down to around 170 people, which is way underpowered to start talking mortality or hospitalisation outcomes. Though even then, there was actually higher mortality among the group that took their product and review shows there were more severe events. Which completely contradicts the claims.

As to masks there is no support for that either. The "better" studies have basically been torn to shreds. Though masks could work, just not the type people were told to use. It's baffling when "x-spurts" promote such nonsense because it really shows an ignorance of what an air borne virus is or how it propagates. Wonder if the CDC is still propping up their irrelevant and or bogus studies. Wilensky's claims of >80% (or whatever it was) protection was based on a particulate study irrelevant to viral spread and they were propping up a school study which didn't take into account differences in school terms. The Bangladesh study (generally promoted as the best of its type) has been rightfully savaged. They generally rely on self reporting and ignore confounders.

Telling people to wear masks outdoors while going about their normal day to day is either a form of insanity, or a power trip.

Looking at places that went all "third Reich" such as Australia, lockdowns achieved nothing useful either apart from delaying the inevitable while destroying societies and economies (they caused immense harms that don't get much press for obvious reasons). Especially when compared overall with places like Sweden.

The "lockdown" strategies re our elderly and vulnerable could only have been designed to inflict maximum harm, they were that ill thought out. In hindsight, with what we now know, the real experts that proposed the Great Barrington Declaration were right and have been vindicated.

edit on 13-2-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I can remember reading some sort of logistics report that listed importation of medical supplies for "Covid-19". The problem being that the report was from 2018 from memory lol (could have even been earlier but it was way before covid). It was offered as a screenshot, though when people checked the site there was no mention of "Covid-19" so people thought it was a hoax.

Until someone had a look via "wayback machine" to find that it did in fact originally mention "Covid-19" and had recently been changed. Not sure what ever became of it, but I'll have a look and see if I can find where I read it.

posted on Feb, 13 2023 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Quintilian

I saw that as well, I think it was back early in 2021.

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