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Romanian Politician Calls Out Demented Psychopaths For Haarp Earthquake

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posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 03:53 AM

She seems very calm for someone who is calling for world revolution. I wish her the best.

She calls out Zelensky for sacrificing Ukrainians and destroying Ukraine. She sees the world depopulation programme. She calls out Romanian leaders as incompetent thieving cowards.

Many enemies means much honour, and this lady has much honour.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Kester

Putin is the one who opened fire. If you open fire you are responsible for what happens next.
And Putin will kill you while caring even less than now when killing his own people and 'brothers'.
She can't see the depopulation programme because there's no mass dying of people anywhere except in Putin's adventure.
The last one is probably true, as everywhere.
But hard to take anything serious from someone who's so obviously under the spell of Erdogan and Putin.
What is the difference to Western propaganda? It's lies just the same.

edit on 12-2-2023 by Peeple because: words went missing

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 05:10 AM
That Erdogan is a cheeky rascal.

A false flag incident with the tomb would be a way for Erdogan to double down in a desperate attempt to turn things around in Syria. Whoever leaked this conversation clearly timed it to take the wind out the sails of such a strategy.

There are only a few people with the capability and motivation to do this. As an ally of the Syrian government, Russian intelligence is at the top of that list. They have leaked similarly shocking private conversations in Ukraine recently. Members of the Turkish military opposed to Erdogan could have also done it.

Instead of coming up with a classy way of saying “touché,” the Turkish government responded by throwing a childish fit, futilely trying to block YouTube and Twitter.

And he would have got away with it if it wasn't for pesky YouTube and Twitter.

a reply to: Peeple

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 05:19 AM
I've been to Romania, back in '79/'80 while Ceaușescu was still in power. He was a communist. I even have photo's of their tanks along part of the Russian border. Wasn't supposed to take them, but this was on film and not a digital camera in those days.
I find it interesting that Romania swings from one extreme to the other. They were on Germany's side during the majority of WWII. But when the Russian's (by now on our side) started their onslaught into Romania, it was King Michael of Romania that led a coup d'état that deposed the Antonescu regime in 1944. From that point to the end of the war, Romania signed up to the allies.
Certainly back in '70's and '80's there was no love lost between Romania (then communist) and Russia. I saw and heard about it first hand.
I have always had a bit of a 'something not right here' about the Ukraine conflagration and I don't just mean hiding US and probably UK connections, but that feeling of what else (besides the obvious) are they hiding.
I've felt for weeks now that we should be looking a little closer to Romania.
As to this lady's speech...... I sincerely hope we hear from her again, or at least she's still alive in 6 months time.
In the meantime, I posted something the other day about Romania and who has vested interest in that country, including our own King Charles who owns a village.... yes a village out there.


posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Kester

She says the second quake was larger than the first without the existence of an epicenter , not true on both counts.

Epicenter for the second quake.

As for HARP being used to trigger the quake best to look at Turkey's recent quake history.

She criticises Zelensky and calls Russia's invasion of Ukraine "his war" , unsurprising for A Russia supporting politician.

Among them, Sorin Roșca Stănescu - a former informer of the communist secret police and the recipient of a prison sentence, Ion Cristoiu, Cosmin Gușă – a typically East-European blend of politician/analyst/consultant/businessman whom the Romanian media describes as a close friend/supporter/agent of influence of Russia, Iosefina Pascal, former and current politicians such as Andrei Marga, Diana Șoșoacă, Adrian Severin and others. Of the other false narratives promoted in Romania in 2022, worth highlighting are those referring to a purported “eco-dictatorship” related to climate change denial, which will most likely be the core of the next massive wave of disinformation.

A blackout will sweep Romania during the holidays so that patriots can be assassinated. Brussels has given the go-ahead for the physical and spiritual destruction of Romania, one of the last bastions in the fight against globalism, and a blackout will be triggered in this country so that sovereigntists can be taken out. This piece of disinformation stemmed from a dialogue between Luis Lazarus and Diana Iovanovici-Șoșoacă. Ridden with mystical drivel, lies and elements recalling of Nazi propaganda, the narrative surfaced in response to the first “blackout” simulation in Romania, organized in Mediaș.

Seems to me these days "patriots" has taken on a different meaning to its dictionary definition.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

A friend drove a truckload of supplies to the most remote orphanage in Romania. He said when they got to the border there were several groups of virtue signallers arguing over who would go to the most accessible orphanages and get their picture in the papers first. His group were disgusted and chose to go to the orphanage that was most difficult to get to. When they got there they found one boy, diagnosed with AIDs, had been locked in a room alone for two years. After some arguing the door was unlocked and Greg went in and sat beside the boy with his arm around his shoulders for hours until the boy suddenly relaxed and cried and began his new life.

Possible earthquake for Romania soon.

Romania looking for the third upper M5.0 range event over the next few days.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 10:50 AM
I think it was man made too. I wonder if Turkey will now fold and allow Sweden in to the fold..

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: Tucket

Yes, my thought as well.... the relief money can come fast or they can come slow.
Just have to sign in Sweden...

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 10:55 AM
As the theory goes, Erdogan didn't play ball with NATO, so they got earthquaked. HARPP could certainly do it.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Yea.. as we have learned here in the U.S. - Politicians that talk about conpsiracy aren't always coming from a place of inside knowledge - and may just be reading conspiracy themselves. Such as Marjorie Taylor Greene. So it's a bit hard to trust senators accusations of conspiracy by just words alone.

Having said that, her accusations are interesting. Although, the lack of blaming Russia for anything is a red flag. No doubt western powers have their agendas with Ukraine, but leaving Russia out of blame for actually starting this war makes me doubt anything she has to say.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

“HARPP could certainly do it.”

Ok, carry on……


posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

“HARPP could certainly do it.”

Ok, carry on……


What site are you on again? I was explaining what the theory is. I never said I subscribed to it. Infact I think there are more pressing matters such as the bioweapon shots being forced on the population.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

HARPP could certainly do it.

Could do it?

I don’t think there’s doubt in anyone’s head some antennas on the other side of the globe caused tectonic plates to move. Definitely happened. It also gave the affected people the vaccine at the same time with 5g.

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