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Mind boggling vaccine statistics: Risks from vaccination often outweighs benefits

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posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
Having said all the above I think we need a good round of vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality and a good defending of the pharmaceuticals.

No thread is interesting when the vaccine apologists don't try to make things even worse than it was, before starting the new rounds of vaccine apologetics.

Ok so basically there's some studies being funded by big pharma with pre determined outcomes that will prove otherwise after they pay-off doctors and fudge the numbers. Where have we heard that before?

Maybe some antivaxxers have proposed it in the past to harm the image and reputation of the pharmaceuticals...

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:40 AM
As Dr Malhotra said and if take a look at the tables someone who is young and healthy has much more to loose by getting vaccinated. It's clear in the numbers in most cases and if you factor the various cardiac related health issues that are linked to the mRNA products and the myriad of other problems associated with them then the risks of vaccination far outweigh any benefits.

These products must be immediately withdrawn and there must be legal cases against the pharmaceuticals.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:30 PM
One in eight hundred having a severe reaction to the vaccine? That means that if there are ten thousand in a town, twelve people would have a severe reaction to the vaccine....around here, not many people actually wound up dying or having serious consequences from the virus itself, most had accompanying problems that put them in the hospital or caused their death....mostly if they were on meds that caused a susceptability to lung diseases or they had poor immunity were the ones that wound up having bad cases of the virus.

Those that had severe problems with the vaccines around here were at little risk of having the virus go covid 19. They would have handled the virus with probably mild symptoms.

The vaccine sort of puts those who have good immune systems more at risk of side effects than those who have improper immune systems. I personally know half a dozen people who had pretty bad side effects off the covid vaccine None of them died, but they had months of issues from their body reacting improperly to the vaccine. Two younger guys are presently being tested for heart disorders that they did not have before the vaccine....of course the heart problems will be proven real but they will never say it was caused by vaccination.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

Nope... I know you're trying to be funny, but my point stands.

Yes, for some of us, their malfeasance is well known and has been for many decades.

I'm talking about the mainstream. They have now been exposed to the entire world as frauds, liars and criminals to the point that no one can reasonably argue otherwise.

I don't find this funny at all.

I can't wrap my head around how you think the "mainstream" media would ever publicize this record of grievances and offenses when they literally are owned by the companies who are the offenders... it would be akin to self-incrimination.

Nevertheless, the history of their trustworthiness has been in the public domain for a great long while.

When (hopefully not "if") the picture finally coalesces in the public understanding the public won't obligingly tolerate the politically expedient 'go to' excuse of "who could have known?" and "We were never aware of this."

Which is why I made clear that the posture and behavior of the industry is not something we are just learning 'now.'

Sadly, the COVID event is only a relatively recent entry in the litany of their "profit over everything else" sins. They are still doing it... and no one we trust to keep this kind of abuse in check seems even remotely inclined to actually intercede.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 12:50 PM
I got J&J , wife moderna (i had just moved 4k miles on my dime for a job and got ambushed with jab or get fired, she wanted to finish her military career) neither one of us were especially careful we are both just over 1 year since the jab and she finally popped positive (got tested because she was exposed at the unit).

This entire process was a money making scam at best for anyone not at serious risk (Obese, and or additional co-morbidities), depopulation agenda at worst.

If you got stuck hope you have a good doctor that actually listens when you say something isnt right.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
I got J&J , wife moderna (i had just moved 4k miles on my dime for a job and got ambushed with jab or get fired, she wanted to finish her military career) neither one of us were especially careful we are both just over 1 year since the jab and she finally popped positive (got tested because she was exposed at the unit).

This entire process was a money making scam at best for anyone not at serious risk (Obese, and or additional co-morbidities), depopulation agenda at worst.

If you got stuck hope you have a good doctor that actually listens when you say something isnt right.

Well said in regards to the money making scam. If you are healthy with no co-morbidities then you are putting yourself at risk with these products.

I on the other hand got the best possible immunisation: SARS-CoV-2

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 03:55 AM
Table 4b: NNV for prevention of severe hospitalisation for patients in a risk group

Age group Autumn 2022 booster
20 to 29 59,500

You need to vaccinate 59,500 individuals to prevent one severe hospitalisation in that age group. But how many people can be harmed or harmed seriously to prevent this severe hospitalisation? It's more of a rhetorical question.

I think the UK Government is finally coming to terms with reality and that's why they have decided not to offer anymore of these jabs for the under 50s. Which was the original plan by the way but was hijacked by the evil forces that control the health sector and the Government.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:43 AM

The video can also be found on YouTube under the title:

The Weaponisation of Anti-vaxxer

Dr Malhotra describes the term which has been coined by vested interests to attack and defame anyone and especially scientists who don't agree with the narratives and dogma.

In the rest of the video he describes the statistics given by the UK Government which you can find in the first page under the title that I have linked.

He argues strongly that the vaccination program must be paused given that the risks often outweigh the benefits of vaccination. The statistics show clearly his case is correct.

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