posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 04:38 PM
Thanks to you guys with the pics. I still can't get ATS to work which may be due to user error but anyway.
It's all reckless speculation, of course, but I have to think there were multiple people working on this. It just doesn't seem to be a one man show. A
little large for a one man show so how did someones get out there and do this undetected?
I do still think it ain't that old, it would have been spotted by Google or someone in the air. Question to me is, who would want to do some major
artwork with a Monkey King and a yin/yang in Las Vegas?
I don't live too near where this is at but I could live farther. In any case, I do deliver magazines in that area and it's fairly well built up. I
just don't see this as any older than a year or two. How they did it undetected is something I can't answer.