posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to:
How does he parrot the WEF on mask mandates and vaccines? The clips I see are all of him saying being forced to mask is dangerous totalitarian
He says that the harm done by forced masking of children is scary especially bc most of the issues with development won't be readily noticable for
"we have yet to pay the price"
He's going to court to keep his license because of his tweets saying things like
"Enough already end the masking end the lockdowns"
"Drop the damn mandates and idiot rules"
And regarding Resime change in Iran.. I feel like the sound Bite everyone hears or reads doesn't match with the overall message and info divulged
during the 1.5 hrs interview of personal accounts of the oppression.
At the very end of a 90min interview with an Irainian female activist he concluded the interview by saying
"If any of you listening have felt so moved by this conversation of the fundamental oppressive nature of the totalitarian Iranian regime then put pen
to paper and write you local congessman/senator and let them know u are not happy about the situation In iran and if politicians got their act
together and were stalwart in opposition to this fundamentalist totalitarian misogynistic brutal regime then maybe it could be pushed over and that
Could be a nice object lesson to other totalitarian tyrants around the world. And so u would think the west could get their act together in relation
to that goal."
That doesn't sound like calling for american intervention into iran vecause of their protests that were taking place in Iran when the interview was
conducted. I did't take his statement as calling for America to invade iran to topple the regime just like Iraq in 2001. He simply is promoting civic
tools for citizens to impress upon their elected officials how a citizen feels about a subject so that they are made aware of the sentiment of those
they represent. I don't see a call for national building or further american empirical expansion into middle east. Just keep ur govt informed on how
the citizens feel about a situation and if they receive many calls from citizens about something then they can see there is actual support from many
citizens which is worth discussion in Washington. But his demeanor and attitude when he says this didn't come across and militaristic or aggressive
or demanding or even promoting regime change he simply advised listeners that if they felt moved by the lady's eye witness account of oppression and
totalitarianism then make the govt aware of ur thoughts and motivations.
Idk that's just how I felt watching it. He's definitely not a war hawk or promilitary interventionist so I'm not sure why this 15secs of video has
drawn so much ire for him and his ideas. It was a conclusion statement go wrap up the interview and promote civic process to make a citizens voice
heard if they felt so moved by the interview.
edit on 3-2-2023 by htxhardheads because: Spelling