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"Non Binary" Teacher CAUGHT GROOMING Class In Front of Parents!

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:54 AM
pretty much chasing a ghost. Good luck catching an actual 'groomer' and making anything stick, they operate by extortion driven by inner fear and the leaching of virtue..again, good luck…in some circles a place where this type of activity is verified becomes a 'dirty village'…I would think…a lot of these around, not really worth cleaning crews at this point, or they are en route..just get your kids out of the street and carry on.
edit on 26-1-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: imitating life, a type of devils advocate

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
a reply to: infolurker

How is this grooming?

I just watched it. One of the kids was first to bring up non-binary. Another kid said "they" all before the teacher even said anything.

Theyre just going over definitions of things like they would do in any other class.

Also, no matter where your kid is, they are going to eventually run into a non-binary or trans identifying kid.. most likely at some point between this age and high school. So they will eventually have this conversation anyway.

I really dont get all the outrage about it. You cant control society or other people. What exists, exists. Whether you want trans or non-binary, or people who identify as wolves exist or not.. they do.. and they will.

And you.. and your kids will have to interact with and live amongst them eventually at some point whether you like ot or not.

So with that, isnt it best your kid know and understand everything about the world and people around them as soon as possible? So they can best understand things an have a firm grasp how to operate as soon as possible?

If you view all this stuff in a negative light, fine whatever that's your perogative. But wouldnt that make the case for education surrounding it stronger? Like drugs? If a kid who had no knowledge of drugs and no understanding of them whatsoever, they havee never learned about them, or talked about them.. if that kid gets offered drugs by another student and told oh yeah these are awesome youll love it.. they have no other knowledge backing their descision to try it. They will likely believe their friend.

Learning things exist is a good thing.


That's the point. They are being TAUGHT these words and definitions. I didn't know what the word Binary meant until I was in highschool. Do you know what binary means?

1 or 0. That's binary. To now project that on to sex and philosophy, these are philosophical arguments. Last I checked there were no 4 year old philosophers. If the kid wants to pretend he's a wolf, cool -- kids do that. If I kid wants to pretend he's someone else, cool, kids do that. If a boy wants to go to school in a dress, no -- that's inappropriate, you are a boy. If when he's an adult, he wants to choose to wear a dress in public, that's cool. Children don't have the data, or maturity to make these decisions. Children are LEARNING, not creating. Their brains are not developed yet.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

You cant control society or other people. What exists, exists. Whether you want trans or non-binary, or people who identify as wolves exist or not.. they do.. and they will.

But you can through teachings, repetitive propaganda. Similar to the Stockholm Syndrome or MKUltra. This is what indoctrination looks like. They are poisoning young impressionable minds. These types of teachings were not happening a generation ago. The 1% of people who have some kind of mental illness are trying to normalize it to the rest of us and good hearted people who want to be kind have become vehicles to get more, not acceptance, but normalization. If you need to try that hard to normalize something, by poisoning young minds, then it proves its not normal at all.
Gay people should be offended that they have been dragged into this group, this has nothing to do with being gay or being accepted, this is totally different and conflating the two is the first mistake.
This is tearing down a culture, using kids, confusing them. Ruining families.
This is what you would do if you wanted to take over a country or a planet, it's destroying humanity.

edit on 26-1-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: SRPrime

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
a reply to: infolurker

How is this grooming?

I just watched it. One of the kids was first to bring up non-binary. Another kid said "they" all before the teacher even said anything.

Theyre just going over definitions of things like they would do in any other class.

Also, no matter where your kid is, they are going to eventually run into a non-binary or trans identifying kid.. most likely at some point between this age and high school. So they will eventually have this conversation anyway.

I really dont get all the outrage about it. You cant control society or other people. What exists, exists. Whether you want trans or non-binary, or people who identify as wolves exist or not.. they do.. and they will.

And you.. and your kids will have to interact with and live amongst them eventually at some point whether you like ot or not.

So with that, isnt it best your kid know and understand everything about the world and people around them as soon as possible? So they can best understand things an have a firm grasp how to operate as soon as possible?

If you view all this stuff in a negative light, fine whatever that's your perogative. But wouldnt that make the case for education surrounding it stronger? Like drugs? If a kid who had no knowledge of drugs and no understanding of them whatsoever, they havee never learned about them, or talked about them.. if that kid gets offered drugs by another student and told oh yeah these are awesome youll love it.. they have no other knowledge backing their descision to try it. They will likely believe their friend.

Learning things exist is a good thing.


That's the point. They are being TAUGHT these words and definitions. I didn't know what the word Binary meant until I was in highschool. Do you know what binary means?

1 or 0. That's binary. To now project that on to sex and philosophy, these are philosophical arguments. Last I checked there were no 4 year old philosophers. If the kid wants to pretend he's a wolf, cool -- kids do that. If I kid wants to pretend he's someone else, cool, kids do that. If a boy wants to go to school in a dress, no -- that's inappropriate, you are a boy. If when he's an adult, he wants to choose to wear a dress in public, that's cool. Children don't have the data, or maturity to make these decisions. Children are LEARNING, not creating. Their brains are not developed yet.

I don’t agree that’s it’s cool to do whatever when you are an adult. That attitude gave us the freak show sexualizing the babies in the OP.

It’s perversion an mental disorder and that shouldn’t be acceptable as normal behavior. You, I can assume are conservative at heart, but have been groomed to push your values ever so slightly and not so slightly to the left when the left doesn’t give ground and fights for crap like this. They are kicking your ass one millimeter at a time. Doesn’t sound like a lot but all those millimeters since say the 1930s give us this failed country and world we have today.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Lucidparadox
a reply to: infolurker

How is this grooming?

I just watched it. One of the kids was first to bring up non-binary. Another kid said "they" all before the teacher even said anything.

It's not -- it's paranoia from adults as we've seen before.

My kid (15) openly talks about non-binary as he says most of his friends are or accept non-binary.

It is their generation -- not the parents. And parents should understand this.

My kid tells me he's a video game character, much the same way I thought I was a super hero at his age.

Doesn't make either cases true.

Do we tell schizophrenics that the voices are real.....?

Look forward to your grandchildren.

Their generation will not be yours.

Empty platitudes?



I'm on my 4th generation of raising kids.

Each generation evolves. Well -- most do -- some remain stuck.

Yea....values are atrocious eh?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind
There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person. The sooner everyone accepts this fact, the sooner we can get on with the real discussion.

Won't happen. Cope.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

If you view all this stuff in a negative light, fine whatever that's your perogative. But wouldnt that make the case for education surrounding it stronger? Like drugs? If a kid who had no knowledge of drugs and no understanding of them whatsoever, they havee never learned about them, or talked about them.. if that kid gets offered drugs by another student and told oh yeah these are awesome youll love it.. they have no other knowledge backing their descision to try it. They will likely believe their friend.

Wow, you are clearly not a parent. Even if you claim you are, us parents raising our kids know better. It's laughable that you think constantly discussing this makes their education stronger, better. It doesn't, it confuses them and they end up in therapy and destroying families and lives. I'll bet most teachers, like the four seen in the Op video, have ruined their families and live a dysfunctional life. Bet on it.

This is an eye opener, pay close attention to the facts, the numbers and the unbias truth.

edit on 26-1-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

How is this grooming?

It is grooming because it is stating things that are not true and which can easily lead a child into a promiscuous lifestyle.

Look, it's not rocket science. If someone is born with a penis and testicles, they are male. If someone is born with a vagina and ovaries, they are female. Period. That's the way it works. Occasionally, in a very, very rare occurrence, someone is born with both ovaries and testicles... and that is a birth defect. It is an abnormal condition that usually requires special medical attention and often shortens life span considerably. But we're not talking about hermaphrodites... we're talking about gender identity.

A male can have feminine characteristics and a female can have male tendencies. That's actually normal to a point, especially well before puberty. But tendencies do not change the biological gender. The hormonal balances that differentiate a male from a female exist and cannot be denied.

A common occurrence is for a masculine female child to suddenly undergo a change in attitude during puberty. A girl who used to play with toy soldiers and rough-house like the boys suddenly decides to wear dresses and makeup and plays with dolls instead. It happens a lot. LIttle boys who didn't like to rough-house will suddenly turn "macho" become more aggressive. Sometimes a girl will go all the way into adulthood with male tendencies... but her body is still female. Vice versa with a boy.

And all that is OK. No problem. It takes all kinds.

What is not OK is for a teacher to tell little children, who have no real idea yet what those special places on their body are even for, about things that they are incapable of comprehending at their maturity level. Worse, many places now are trying to insist that it is perfectly fine to inject pre-pubescent children with hormones and dangerous drugs that interfere with puberty. Puberty is a natural process that people go through as the body develops into an adult; it is not optional and it is not something that we should be treating as trivial.

I will say this: had a teacher talked to either of my children the way I just watched that teacher talking to those kids, I would not be posting today. One of us would be in the morgue and I would likely be the one in prison. That's not a threat: it is a promise and a warning. I am far, far from alone in that stance.

Bottom line: if two girls or two guys want to be intimate and they are both OK with it, fine... none of my business. More power to them. But do not try to tell my children they can just up and decide what biological gender they are. That is a lie and it is dangerous for them. I did not send my kids to public school to be instructed on how to have sex; kids will figure that one out all on their own when they are ready. I sent them there to learn to read, write, understand math and science, and to learn about history. I will not accept any teacher trying to teach them something when that teacher is incapable of looking in a mirror and seeing what they have between their legs.

Whether you want trans or non-binary, or people who identify as wolves exist or not.. they do.. and they will.

The vast majority exist only because some fool convinced them to be such. Gay people? Sure, they exist, and they always will. No problem there... I can let my kids in on that little secret myself ("Sometimes a boy will like other boys like you like girls. It's not OK to laugh at them over that.") I'm talking about trans people... they are actually extremely rare, and most of those commit suicide. Dressing in drag does not make one "trans"... it makes them a cross-dresser. If my kids come into contact with one, fine... as long as they know what they are, I'm sure they can figure out how to handle it.

What you are terming "non-binary" is really just code for "extremely confused about their own sexuality." I don't care if misery does love company; it's wrong to confuse little kids just so someone already confused can feel better about their own confusion somehow.


posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: TrulyColorBlind
There is no such thing as a "non-binary" person. The sooner everyone accepts this fact, the sooner we can get on with the real discussion.

Won't happen. Cope.

We dont have to "cope" we just have to deal with you groomers

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You'd rather have it bared from public discourse?

For pre-pubesecent children? Damn straight. I also never let my kids watch porn when they were 6 or 7 years old.

All parents (worth their salt) protect their children from adult situations they are not ready for.

it's sex ed

No, it is not. I'm not going to say what it really is here, because ATS has standards. But it has no business being taught to pre-pubescent children by someone already biased.

get out of your Christian sex dungeons

Stop with your hate. The concept of male and female existed long, long before Jesus and thus predates Christianity by millennia. If you want to just hate all Christians, that's fine... go ahead, free country. But stop using little innocent children as a weapon against a religion. That's just criminal.


posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

You cant talk rationality with people who arent, just as you cant pour common sense into people who have none.

I understand every word you said, but these people genuinely think they are doing nothing wrong and some even suport the whole new "minor attracted people"

These people cant be reasoned with

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:09 AM
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I'm afraid you are correct, but there is something I can do. I can call them out for their mutilation of the English language.

"Sex Ed" is a class taught to puberty-age children to inform them of how the reproductive process works and to hopefully discourage promiscuity. Let's face it: sex feels good and the consequences are nowhere near immediate, so children entering puberty are in desperate need of that knowledge.

"Non-binary" is just a feel-good, catch-all term that includes any abnormal sexual inclination, from simply being gay to beastiality, pedophilia, and incest.

"Trans" is another feel-good, catch-all term that runs the range from cross-dresser (and I have seen some funny cross-dressing comedians in my time; Flip Wilson comes to mind) to those who have undergone sex change surgery. Incidentally, sex change surgery was originally only intended for use with hermaphrodites; only in recent years has it come to be considered "acceptable" for those born male or female. In my opinion, that should be offensive to any who are suffering from being born a hermaphrodite; it minimizes and trivializes their unique situation.

The catch-all terms are used in an obvious effort to "normalize" any perversion that comes down the pike. A gay person is "non-binary" and there is no reason to discriminate against someone solely because they are gay. But a pedophile is also "non-binary" and a pedophile who allows themselves to be controlled by that urge is a criminal. So when someone talks ill of the "non-binary" pedophile, they are said to be talking ill of someone who might simply be gay.

That is simply untrue, disingenuous, and will not stand with me. I am calling these made-up terms out for what they are. Them dogs don't hunt.


posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

Because grooming religion is acceptable for you?

That makes it OK?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

Because grooming religion is acceptable for you?

That makes it OK?

Grooming religion isn't a thing.

Where's my love and acceptance Annee??????

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

Because grooming religion is acceptable for you?

That makes it OK?

Grooming religion isn't a thing.

Where's my love and acceptance Annee??????

Yes it is.

You just choose not to see it that way.

God is a lie -- non-binary is real people.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Annee

As if religion isn't grooming children.

More hate.

Stop trying to use innocent children as weapons for your hatred.

I'd love to see your definition of what constitutes "grooming." One could say that parents get to "groom" children (if you want to take that broad a definition) as long as said "grooming" is not damaging to the children. Others do not. Certainly pedophiles do not.

I consider "grooming" to have a sexual connotation in the context of this discussion. Absolutely I taught my children about sex. That's not just my right; it was my duty as a parent as long as it was done in a manner that is not harmful to the child. It's no one else's right to do so to my children.


posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

Because grooming religion is acceptable for you?

That makes it OK?

Some religions chop the baby boy foreskin off.

Trans are chopping off even more flesh, that was God given.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Annee
As if religion isn't grooming children.

Anyone seen "Jesus Camp"?

I'll take Love and Accept everyone as they are.

The irony.

The sweet, twisted irony.

Because grooming religion is acceptable for you?

That makes it OK?

Grooming religion isn't a thing.

Where's my love and acceptance Annee??????

Yes it is.

You just choose not to see it that way.

God is a lie -- non-binary is real people.


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