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"Non Binary" Teacher CAUGHT GROOMING Class In Front of Parents!

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posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Itisnowagain

How long will you detain a child for?

Until the police arrive.

Duh, d'oh, derp, derp, duh.


Until the "real" authority arrives!

That is hilarious!

I retain authority until other authority arrives!

See how hilarious this is getting?

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:37 PM

as long as they are there I have some authority over them. I set the rules.

You have the right to set rules,
BUT no one has authority over another human being,
Not even in prison.
Rules however are a different matter,
as apples to oranges.

As for 'teaching' . . .
Problem is this 'teacher'
is avoiding teaching SOCIAL ETIQUETTE
but instead is pushing personal interests.
What she should have been teaching is basic :
That people have
-different styles of clothing
-different tastes in foods
-different color
-different abilities and handi-caps . . .
AND teach that it is IT IS WRONG TO
tease, bully . . . all because some one is different.
This 'teacher' is NOT teaching any of that,
but is
pushing a personal ideal.
^That is SO WRONG^


edit on 28/1/23 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:52 PM

edit on 28-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

I have not given them all authority over my child!

Did I say "all" authority? No, I did not. You said "all" authority.

And really, this is what this entire debate boils down to. A teacher has the authority to maintain order in their classroom. They have the authority to teach subject matters outlined in the curriculum (which should be available to the parents) to the children. They have the authority to enforce school policies.

But unless that curriculum includes sexual orientation, they do not have the authority to teach sexual orientation! That's the whole problem!

No one is questioning your authority over your children. That's you adding in words I did not say. I only refute your statement that a teacher has "no" authority over a child while the child is in school. That's patently false; they do.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

Well, haus, if you think you can go around committing crimes and no one has the authority to stop you... good luck. You're gonna need it.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: ToneDeaf

Rules are simply an exercise of authority.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I only refute your statement that a teacher has "no" authority over a child while the child is in school. That's patently false; they do.

And I refute your statement that they do! They have zero authority over my children (let them do with yours as you wish)!

Well, haus, if you think you can go around committing crimes and no one has the authority to stop you... good luck. You're gonna need it.

Who is "huas"? What's that mean?

Why would I want to go around committing crimes...what gave you that idea?

I always welcome good luck (although I don't believe in luck)!

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

Next time your kid gets into trouble at school (and it will probably happen at some point; kids will be kids), you go in and tell them they have zero authority over your child. They will likely agree... and kick your child out of school. If they have no authority over your child in school, they cannot control your child, and if they cannot control your child, they cannot teach your child. Nor will they be able to teach any other children if your child cannot be controlled.

Next time you get pulled over for speeding, make sure to tell the cop they have no authority over you.

You got a hard row ahead of you, haus.

* I use the word "haus," which is German for "large friend," instead of the more common "hoss," which is a term similar in meaning in the South. I only change the spelling because some idiots think I am calling them a "horse." I am trying not to offend, so please keep that chip on your shoulder; I am not trying to knock it off. I am from Alabama and I tend to use the common vernacular here. Stick around and you'll see plenty of "reckon," "yonder," and "y'all," too.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:28 PM
I believe you are confusing
"protocol" Vs "authority" eg.
No teacher has the authority to cut a students hair. And
All teachers are expected to follow ALL legalities of protocols.
Not the other way around.
Marxists, kabbutznicks, cultists however might disagree.

Any how,
OUR children are NOT property of the state,
NOR wards of the state.
It's the Moms and Dads who are
the real and legal GAURDIANs.
Who gave birth to them ?
Who stood by their side ?
Who fed them changed their diapers,
looked after their health ?
It sure is NOT the government nor gay groups . . .
These groups that have no business prying ^
intruding into traditional family principles, homes and lives
or bedrooms.

Just as covid mandates . .
Have as many mandates as you wish,
it will not change the fact.
Like . . . LoL
Lots of luck having 'authority' to Force vaccinate.
Family, Principles always come first, and
will always come first.
Over-stepping from third party agendas,
marxism, kabutz agendas . . .
That will be a calling for war and then some.
Creeps need to keep their agendas and


edit on 28/1/23 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I use the word "haus," which is German for "large friend,"

Who told you that BS? That is not at all what "haus" means in German!!! That's make stuff up as you go!

Next time your kid gets into trouble at school

Next time you get pulled over for speeding, make sure to tell the cop they have no authority over you.

Anyways...both of those are fine examples of people breaking the rules and getting into trouble (maybe...maybe not in trouble)! Very little to do with authority at all...if authority only exists for those who get in trouble...then is everyone in school in trouble? I mean...all teachers are in authority right?

When they told you to go down and get jabbed or you would lose your job (get in trouble, suffer the consequences, etc...)...did you run right down and get jabbed too? I mean there is a set of rules for working at that job...if there are rules...somebody has to enforce "authority figure" (leadman, manager, supervisor, etc...)! Or did you tell them they don't have authority over you and decide not to get jabbed? If you truly are a "redneck"...I would bet my money on the latter of the two!

That's beside the point are an answer to a different authority...right? I mean surly you don't still answer to you elementary school authority figures (although I suppose you could in some weird circumstance of some sort)!

and if they cannot control your child, they cannot teach your child. Nor will they be able to teach any other children if your child cannot be controlled.

The video in the OP makes clear this very pertinent point...if my child does not acknowledge their authority...then they cannot be controlled by this ludicrous teaching (or is that not teaching?)! They might just decide what they learned at home contradicts that crap and know that it's okay to refuse to participate in fantasy land teaching time! You would have my child controlled and subjected to this as opposed to not controlled? Control is more important in this instance? The valuable lesson here is submit to authority and be controlled or else? You don't care what authority my child is submitting long as they are submitting? Or do you want to hand pick what my child is controlled by selectively?

Your use of the words "controlled", "authority", "enforcement", "rules", almost like hearing a WWII propaganda video or's nauseating...I personally would have to search for those words in the constitution and their exact context (if they are used at all)! Actually I don't...the only time they are used is in the limiting of those powers...voila...pulled that right out of my ass!

Stick around and you'll see plenty of "reckon," "yonder," and "y'all," too.

Ya...this is only my second day here!

I'm not surprised at more wanted to make another point!

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 07:31 AM
Trying to stay on topic. Earlier I remarked that 'they' use sex to sell was a total knee jerk statement, and I stood by it, but I wanted to check so I watched a bunch of pampers commercials, creepy right? Anyway I was correct, the evolution of the blue and pink diaper label (though some are for targeted wetness I believe) I don't really think its insidious, but are the diaper people going to have to change the pink and blue thing? the diaper people seem to be using the 'straight' urge to sell their wares..the commercials are from a babys pov, at floor level, there's a ton of hot mom hiney in the backgrounds of those commercials, doesn't make me sexually interested in the baby, but it damn sure makes me want to get my kid those diapers so they'll go to sleep and I can play with the box they (the child) came in, and possibly make more diaper business..So I guess what Im aluding to is all it boils down to is that marketing strategies will change.

Is the media 'grooming' us for the new ad campaign? Since when have they not been?

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: jerryznv

The ultimate authority in any child's school is the Principal and from what I've witnessed in schools, teachers classroom doors are always open and there is usually an Early Educator or Teacher's Assistant in the classroom, another witness to what goes on. Not to mention the Principal makes his/her rounds to ensure curriculum is being adhered to, so many, many eyes and ears are on each other in that environment.

Parents/guardians are contacted immediately for anything out of the ordinary. Do parents contact teachers/Principals to find out about the curriculum, not so much. Do parents read the school's web page for mission statement and goals, not so much.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

The ultimate authority in any child's school is the Principal

If I were to agree with that...I would say physically in the school...ya, you are probably right!

However for the sake of discussion...there are local, district, and state superintendents, local and state school boards, and variation of board of education personnel...all of which are generally voted into their positions by guess who? That's right...the general public...parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc...!

Now some of these positions are of course appointed, and people are hired just like any other job...principle, teacher, teachers assistant, coaches, janitors, cafeteria personnel, etc...! Those people get hired by the people "we" elect to supervise the goings on in our education system. I'm sure you've had experiences with the goings on at school board meetings...either by attending or hearing that they happen anyway.

During these meetings...things like curriculum, budget, materials, student achievement, community engagement, education policies, are discussed and reviewed, updated and changed, voted on and not voted on, ect...! They are held locally once every three months (quarterly), and it is a great opportunity to go over everything happening in our PUBLIC school!

Do parents contact teachers/Principals to find out about the curriculum, not so much.

If parents elect to not be a part of their child's education...shame on them! There is ample opportunity and in most cases...our public educators enjoy hearing input from parents/guardians of the children they are educating.

Do parents read the school's web page for mission statement and goals, not so much.

I don't know how that information could be assessed honestly! I have a hard time just taking your word for it...I hope you understand. As a parent...I am 100% involved (maybe overly) in my children's education! I would like to imagine other parents have some interest at least...but honestly...I don't know how involved other parents are (aside from the ones I see at every school board meeting, every parent-teacher conference, every sporting event, every fund raiser, etc...)...those are the only parents I could positively account for their involvement!

edit on 29-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: jerryznv

Who told you that BS?

I don't know who... don't remember. Don't really care. IT'S A COMMON TERM HERE. If you don't like it, Mr. Better-Use-Pronouns-I-Want-You-To-Use, stay out of the South and don't talk to any Southerners.

You want that chip knocked off your shoulder? Fine, "person." That better? Or do you "identify" as some sort of critter? Did I offend you by calling you "person" now?

My GOD, what kind of made-up, snowflake bullcrap is this?

Anyways...both of those are fine examples of people breaking the rules and getting into trouble (maybe...maybe not in trouble)! Very little to do with authority at all...if authority only exists for those who get in trouble...then is everyone in school in trouble? I mean...all teachers are in authority right?

Authority is the ability to enforce rules. That's the definition.

When they told you to go down and get jabbed or you would lose your job (get in trouble, suffer the consequences, etc...)...did you run right down and get jabbed too? I mean there is a set of rules for working at that job...if there are rules...somebody has to enforce "authority figure" (leadman, manager, supervisor, etc...)! Or did you tell them they don't have authority over you and decide not to get jabbed? If you truly are a "redneck"...I would bet my money on the latter of the two!

I don't have a job... I'm disabled. But it wasn't too long ago I did, and no, I wouldn't have taken the jab to keep my job. I have the option of quitting. Done it plenty of times when someone tried to enforce their authority over me in an unacceptable manner.

They still had that authority over employees, though. I just decided to no longer be an employee. Thus I rejected their authority over me.

How many kids that young have the ability to just walk out of the classroom? None that I know of.

you answer to a different authority...right?

I answer to God (my choice), and then I answer to US law. Both have authority over me. No one else.

When I worked, I answered to those higher on the corporate ladder. When I was in college, I answered to the University while in class. When I was in public school I answered to the teachers and the principals. When I was young, I answered to my parents. All of them were in some way in (usually limited) authority over me. No one is beyond some measure of authority, not me, not you, and not our children.

ATS has authority over both of us while we are using this website. ATS can enforce their rules on us. Thankfully, ATS does not impose overly restrictive rules; else I would not be here. I would not submit to their authority.

Your use of the words "controlled", "authority", "enforcement", "rules", almost like hearing a WWII propaganda video or's nauseating.

And your attempt to paint yourself as superior to the authorities you already are subject to is painful... it demonstrates to me just how clueless our society has become.

Anyway, it seems you have this amazing ability to take offense at anything that doesn't fit with your fantasy... so before I knock that snowflake chip off your shoulder again, I'll end this diversion from the topic here. Have your last word. This redneck is done with this BS.


posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

The ultimate authority in any child's school is the Principal and from what I've witnessed in schools, teachers classroom doors are always open and there is usually an Early Educator or Teacher's Assistant in the classroom, another witness to what goes on. Not to mention the Principal makes his/her rounds to ensure curriculum is being adhered to, so many, many eyes and ears are on each other in that environment.

I really, really wish more schools were like this. It would solve so many of the problems we have today with education. Kudos to your child's school.

Parents/guardians are contacted immediately for anything out of the ordinary. Do parents contact teachers/Principals to find out about the curriculum, not so much. Do parents read the school's web page for mission statement and goals, not so much.

Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but when my kids were in school I probably could have paid more attention to the curriculum. It wasn't that I didn't care about the curriculum; it was more that I had a certain amount of trust in the school based on my experiences in school. Times may change, but memories rarely do. Often I think the memories allow for changes that otherwise would never be tolerated.

The very idea that a teacher could in any way even mention human sexuality in school without being burned at the stake in the town square in my day was absurd. So I couldn't fathom it happening when my kids went to school.

That's also one reason stories like this burn me up so badly. It is not just abuse of the children, but fraud upon the parents. These monsters know exactly what they are doing, and they know that the only reason they can get away with it is that the parents have that trust in the schools and are too busy with life to question what is being taught. They are no better than the monsters who call up little old ladies claiming they're form the IRS and if they don't pay them they will go to jail.

Like all criminals, they will continue to commit their crimes until they are caught and forced out of society where they can do no more harm.


posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I don't know who... don't remember. Don't really care. IT'S A COMMON TERM HERE. If you don't like it, Mr. Better-Use-Pronouns-I-Want-You-To-Use, stay out of the South and don't talk to any Southerners.

You want that chip knocked off your shoulder? Fine, "person." That better? Or do you "identify" as some sort of critter? Did I offend you by calling you "person" now?

My GOD, what kind of made-up, snowflake bullcrap is this?

I really barely made it any further than this without laughing...I did out of resect for you position read the rest though!

You have not and did not offend me...personally...I don't think you are capable honestly!

I need to stay out of the South and not talk to any Southerners? That will be difficult seeing as most of my family and a lot of my friends live in the South...but I'll heed your warning! lol

As far as a snowflake, critter, person, are welcome to call me a man, conservative, Christian, gun toting-Trumper, if you'd like because that is what I am! Referencing me as a liberal anything of any sort would be incorrect for sure!

Authority is the ability to enforce rules. That's the definition.

Wrong! Absolutely wrong! I would post the definition and a link...but I am embarrassed to honestly!

Ah...hell with it no I'm not:

: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
the president's authority
: freedom granted by one in authority


I don't see "enforce" or "rules" in there...hmmm...

Kind of like your made up definition of the word "haus" (which actually means house in German)!

ATS has authority over both of us while we are using this website. ATS can enforce their rules on us. Thankfully, ATS does not impose overly restrictive rules; else I would not be here. I would not submit to their authority.

I honestly have been waiting for you to throw this bone out there...I knew it was coming! That's funny...I could of predicted it 3 pages ago...I should have honestly...would make this even funnier!

And your attempt to paint yourself as superior to the authorities you already are subject to is painful... it demonstrates to me just how clueless our society has become.

While I agree our society is doesn't reflect in anything I have said, in my opinion, but that is your opinion and it is welcomed for sure!

Anyway, it seems you have this amazing ability to take offense at anything that doesn't fit with your fantasy... so before I knock that snowflake chip off your shoulder again, I'll end this diversion from the topic here.

I have never had a snowflake chip on my if you think you've done something...let me assure you right have not! As a matter of fact...I think you have accomplished quite the opposite...but that's my opinion!

You have accomplished a lot in this thread though...I welcome more discussion about our schools and our education system, and of course the video in the OP! There is something much greater than me at stake in things like this...for example: innocent children that are being polluted by the very snowflake referenced people you talk about! I'd like to hear you call out some more BS in the future! You're additions are a revelation and I always enjoy hearing them!

edit on 29-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Also from the OPs video I have never seen public classrooms with four or five children only. So I checked and the video is a pre-school environment without the safety nets public schools have in place. Pre-schools, we may fool ourselves, claim to teach only through play, but if they are doing storytime without parents' knowledge of the subject matter then that is a problem, and up to the parents to find out before enrolling their children in these more private-type learning environments. The same with a daycare facility, again not under the safety net of where public schools would be.

It appears in the OPs video and that particular pre-school the parents are claimed to be activists but that is subjective bias, because all they did was allow the description of what a non-binary person, but the children are so young they really didn't grasp the concept.

Once children enter into a public school, at least in Canada (more liberal leaning) children will learn about sexual orientation in Grade 5 but won't learn about LGBTQ distinctions including gender identify until Grade 8 which was changed from Grade 6.

Monsters will always infiltrate places where children are and we all know this, so the best way to deal with this is for the child to be taught how to know what is wrong and/or right within interactions with adults, trusted or no, to lessen their vulnerability.

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I checked and the video is a pre-school environment without the safety nets public schools have in place.

Nice sleuthing; that makes sense. As does your commentary about there being fewer safeguards in place.

I guess I can take some (not much!) solace in the fact that this is not, in this case, being supported by my tax dollars. However, similar inroads are apparently being made in public schools as well, if we are to believe media reports at all.

Monsters will always infiltrate places where children are and we all know this, so the best way to deal with this is for the child to be taught how to know what is wrong and/or right within interactions with adults, trusted or no, to lessen their vulnerability.

I agree: it is ultimately the parents' responsibility to ensure that sexual predators like this do not get to abuse our children. The one big issue I have here in the US, even in a very conservative area, is that parents are being forced out of interaction in their children's education. I tried to get involved in our local PTA (Parent-Teacher Association), but it was really nothing more than a party the teachers would throw for the parents so they could brag about their kids while not really talking about the curriculum or their concerns.

I know of parents who have been barred from the schools where their children attended... one that pops into my mind was not allowed to attend his child's graduation. His "crime"? Disagreeing with the curriculum. He couldn't afford to have his children switched to a private school, so he was denied any access to his child's education.

That practice, which is becoming more and more frequent, is an open invitation to child predators. Anytime parents are denied full access to what their children are being taught, it just opens the door wider to abuse. Not all parents will question their children or look over their homework, so the only ones a predator has to fear are the ones who do try to get involved, and these are the ones most likely to be denied.


posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

OK, make the next post your final word. I have one point to make.

This entire argument was over me stating that the teacher in a classroom is an authority figure. You somehow took exception to that and, despite my attempts to clarify, decided that I wanted teachers to all be uniformed security guards who were able to do whatever they wanted... you even added in words to what I said to try and force that presumption.

Then quintessentone said

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: jerryznv

The ultimate authority in any child's school is the Principal

Your response was not to tell quintessentone how wrong that is, but to sort of agree.

Two posts, same basic statement, two entirely different responses. And you think I am "condescending"? Hell, you even took offense at an entirely unoffensive word, and belittled me over my use of it. Dude, I already have to censor my words because I am from the South and Yankees decided to redefine the words we normally use... no. I'm done with your assumptions and cultural hatred. May your children grow to not have the kind of hatred you seem to harbor.

By the way... you are not the only white, male, Christian, gun-toting Trump supporter here... I fit every single one of those labels, and probably several more. I am not your enemy. I would probably agree with you on most subjects, but that doesn't mean I will also accept your cultural intolerance and BS social fantasies in the process.

I wasn't even going to post this, but I thought this one post would drive home the problem. Now have your final word.


edit on 1/29/2023 by TheRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Thank you for the apology! I thought you might come up with one at some point!

I am glad we have come to agree that teachers are not security guards!

I am concerned that you think (like I said your opinions are valid and valued are in a safe place) I have cultural hatred...but really I'm not concerned enough to address it because it is absolutely untrue! the way...I never said I was white (I don't know where you got that honestly)!

Either way...thank you for the apology! I'm sure you didn't mean to be condescending and hatefully rude!

I hope in the future that together we can better converse on how to go about tactfully changing our educational systems to benefit our children and keep some of this bitter condescending stuff out of our talks! Ultimately...I want what is best for our children and it would be great to put our heads together on that!

I disagree with the teaching in the OP's video and would not want that for my child. I think we agree on that point. There is a good starting point!


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