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"Non Binary" Teacher CAUGHT GROOMING Class In Front of Parents!

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posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

We already live amongst it and I refuse to play make believe with these weirdos. So no, we don't "have to" do anything.

Also, if this was like drugs, they wouldn't be talking about it like its ok.

and the irony of saying "you can't control society" But in the same breath you say we have to live with it and not realizing the weirdos are the ones trying to control us lol. If the weirdos want to live amongst a normal functioning society, they will be the ones to have to learn live with us. not vice versa.

This is like people who have been in jail for decades and need to learn to readjust to society when they get released, they learn to live with us, we don't change to accommodate them. That's not how this works.
edit on 28-1-2023 by jidnum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: infolurker

Talking about it is grooming? Here is what's wrong with you folks...
You'd rather have it bared from public discourse?
it's sex ed, get out of your Christian sex dungeons, or at least admit that you need the world to be censored so you can feel non offended, oh wait where did I hear that before....

Your all the same little snowflakes, Christians with their reee and liberals with their screech... All thinking their moral highground is justified while both standing on a pile of crap trying to virtue signal.

Carry on...

I'm not christian and i think this is a bunch of nonsense. Why do you folks always jump to religion as if non religious people just find this kind of thing ridiculous and has no place for young children who just want to play with hot wheels and barbie dolls? The fact that you think this has anything to do with religion just shows your own hatred and bigotry towards christians. Very telling.

carry on....

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: jerryznv

Choosing is obeying in your eyes?

You tell me. If you do something that breaks the law, will you be caught and punished for it? Of course.

Do you obey the law? Yes? That is a choice. It matters not whether you freely choose or grudgingly choose to obey the law; the threat of punishment is still there and thus so is the authority. Punishment for breaking the law does not take into account whether past lawfulness was by choice or not.

You simply submitted to the school's authority willingly. The authority still existed.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:39 AM
Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. - RR

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: jerryznv

Choosing is obeying in your eyes?

You tell me. If you do something that breaks the law, will you be caught and punished for it? Of course.

Do you obey the law? Yes? That is a choice. It matters not whether you freely choose or grudgingly choose to obey the law; the threat of punishment is still there and thus so is the authority. Punishment for breaking the law does not take into account whether past lawfulness was by choice or not.

You simply submitted to the school's authority willingly. The authority still existed.


If I break the law will I be caught and punished for it? I don't know how to answer that honestly...maybe...maybe not...I don't know if I'll get caught and punished!

Is it your stance that if a law is written that if I don't obey it then I should be caught and punished? I live in Oregon and I have many guns that have a magazine capacity of more than ten, according to the new gun laws, should I be caught and punished for breaking them! How about this...yesterday I did 40mph in a 35mph zone...should I be caught and punished?

Is it your stance that if a law is passed you must submit to the authority of it...grudgingly or not? There are many laws written that I am not going to obey, many laws that are simply wrong and immoral! I will not submit to obeying them and they DO NOT have authority over me! The Constitution of the United States of America says I can own whatever kind of gun and magazine I want...that has authority over any law written that is repugnant to it!

You simply submitted to the school's authority willingly. The authority still existed.

Authority only exists where I let it exist...that is choice! I chose to let authority exist in my life at different did not magically exist because someone said it had to! Just like today...I do not acknowledge things that go against my moral values no matter who says they have authority over me or my children! They do not!

How you can effectively compare a teacher to a police officer enforcing laws is beyond me...that's quite a stretch! By the way both are public servants (unless they are private schools) and ultimately...the people (the public) have authority over them! Not the other way around!

I hope your not instilling in your children they must obey something that is blatantly wrong because it's the law! We have some pretty F'ed up laws today and more on the way! I hope you give them a better moral compass than just because it's the law and you might get caught and punished if you don't! If you're not instilling those are part of the problem...not the solution!

Good day! Take your so called authority and stick it right up your...values list!

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: jerryznv

Is it your stance that if a law is passed you must submit to the authority of it...grudgingly or not?

Not my stance... a fact. Neither you nor I can stand against a paramilitary (SWAT) team bent on taking us out. We can do damage to them in the process, yes, but win that battle? No.

A wise man understands that and picks their battles carefully. That's what I chose to teach my children, btw.

There are many laws written that I am not going to obey, many laws that are simply wrong and immoral! I will not submit to obeying them and they DO NOT have authority over me!

You've moved into civil disobedience now. I actually agree with most of that, except the authority statement.

If it ever does come down to a fight between the US government and the US people (which I pray it never does... would be quite messy), that attitude will give the advantage to the US government. Know thy enemy. They do have authority over the population, but the population can rebel against that authority if necessary. How could one rebel against something that does not exist?

The Constitution of the United States of America says I can own whatever kind of gun and magazine I want...that has authority over any law written that is repugnant to it!

Yes, it does, and I agree. By the letter of the law, I should be able to keep a nuclear bomb in my backyard. I don't think that would be a good idea, and the violation of the Second Amendment in that respect is probably preferable in the long run to following the Second Amendment as written, but the preferable, legal solution was, is, and always will be to amend the Constitution so the Second Amendment does not cover certain weapons of mass destruction, despite them being "arms."

This is getting into another topic, but I will add that you do NOT have the ability to own a fully automatic weapon, a sawed-off shotgun, or several other types of arms. You may have that right, but the US government exercises authority over you to prevent you from owning one.

I chose to let authority exist in my life at different did not magically exist because someone said it had to!

Nothing magic about it. Authority exists due to the credible threat of force. One may resist that force, one may even throw off such authority when it is abused, but that does not mean it never existed.

Just like today...I do not acknowledge things that go against my moral values no matter who says they have authority over me or my children! They do not!

I will not stand by quietly while someone abuses my children, but I do recognize their authority. I also recognize that such authority may be overthrown if one is capable of doing so.

I have never said authority is right or proper... it is not always either. That does not mean it does not exist. As a child, I knew that I was supposed to listen to my teachers because they were older and supposedly wiser than I... they were in authority over me. I could rebel against that authority, but that rarely turns out well for a student.

How you can effectively compare a teacher to a police officer enforcing laws is beyond me...that's quite a stretch!

Both have authority over others, and both enforce rules of conduct on those whom they have authority over.

By the way both are public servants (unless they are private schools) and ultimately...the people (the public) have authority over them!

Yes, they are. That's where they gain their authority: from the people who elected school board members who hired them. Yes, the people at large hold the ultimate authority, if they choose to exercise it. But haus, you're not the people at large. You are one man. Just because you belong to a group, it does not follow that you exercise all the power and authority of that group. Laws and school rules alike do not exist for you only because you choose to obey them; they exist with or without your consent and your only choice is to obey or accept the consequences of disobedience.

You mentioned, I believe, that you are a Marine (and I thank you for your service in that regard). You should know better than others about authority and how it works. If your platoon takes a section of land under dispute, your platoon then has authority over that land and those in it. They will do as they are told or there will be consequences. That is because your platoon is stronger than they are and you have thus forced your authority on them. If an opposing force takes the land back from your platoon, you have lost that authority to them and they now exercise authority over those who are there.

I actually see a pretty impressive correlation between your attitude and that of Sharia Law. Under your premise, you are not required to submit to any authority except that which you personally choose to submit to. Under Sharia Law, one only submits to the authority they choose to submit to. In reality, both are excuses for chaos... if people are allowed to choose which laws they personally wish to follow and which laws they wish to ignore, the result is that there will be no laws which apply to all. The teacher who abuses your child or mine can simply state they the laws against such abuse are not applicable to them because they do not accept the authority those laws have over them.

Good day.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

You are so stuck on that word authority...

[noncount] : the power to give orders or make decisions : the power or right to direct or control someone or something


The power...and according to your summation...through use or threat of force!

"The right" control someone...sounds wonderful! submit to the authority of a teacher to direct and control what your children learn! Okay...I do not submit to just letting that happen...I feel like I have a say in how my child is directed and controlled!

How this for a motto..."I will obey and pave the way"? Sounds catchy huh?

Yes master...I submit and obey your it or not...please don't beat me anymore!

Wonderful lessons to teach our generation!

Authority exists due to the credible threat of force.

This is the authority teachers are allowed to exhibit over your children? Wow...just wow!

Carry on!

edit on 28-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: jerryznv
a reply to: TheRedneck

You are so stuck on that word authority...

[noncount] : the power to give orders or make decisions : the power or right to direct or control someone or something


The power...and according to your summation...through use or threat of force!

"The right" control someone...sounds wonderful! submit to the authority of a teacher to direct and control what your children learn! Okay...I do not submit to just letting that happen...I feel like I have a say in how my child is directed and controlled!

How this for a motto..."I will obey and pave the way"? Sounds catchy huh?

Yes master...I submit and obey your it or not...please don't beat me anymore!

Wonderful lessons to teach our generation!

Authority exists due to the credible threat of force.

This is the authority teachers are allowed to exhibit over your children? Wow...just wow!

Carry on!

Still using a dictionary for your agenda.

Teachers are an authority.

Unruly class mates? The teacher will use his or her authority to discipline them for send them to the principle, another school authority, to also handle them. Teachers give directions. Children follow them. Late, teacher has the authority to mark you absent, grade your work, they have authority over their class room for the AUTHoRIZED curriculum. They will make sure the kids conduct themselves in a manner as to not to nuisance or be disruptive.
It is the structure of a school.
You can blabber in about all the definitions of authority and cherry pick your favorite one to push you agenda, still does not change the fact that a teacher is an authority figure at school.
edit on 28-1-2023 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

And one more thing...

You mentioned, I believe, that you are a Marine (and I thank you for your service in that regard). You should know better than others about authority and how it works.

I did...I served proudly and honorably! You are was my honor to serve you!

The maximum punishment for a violation or failure to obey lawful general order or regulation is dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for two years.


I do know what it means to disobey a direct order and I also know that it carries a stiff penalty...up to and including my discharge from the USMC!


It's generally called a "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is more concerned about the need to obey orders, but specifies the conditions when military personnel may feel justified in not following them:

If the order is "contrary to the constitution" or "the laws of the United States."
If the order is "patently illegal, ... such as one that directs the commission of a crime."

Not obeying

I also know that a set of values and morals is set in place that supersedes that order to obey!

Even the Corp. knows that somethings are just wrong!

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: wdkirk

What agenda? I don't have an agenda...that's the second time I've said this to you! Are you slow to catch things?

You can blabber in about all the definitions of authority and cherry pick your favorite one to push you agenda, still does not change the fact that a teacher is an authority figure at school.

Thank you for letting me blabber...glad I have your permission!

You can acknowledge a teacher as an authority figure at school...I'm not telling you not to!

You can acknowledge the massage therapist as your authority figure if you want...that's really up to you! I'm just saying I'm not riding in that boat with you!

edit on 28-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

Authority boils down to the threat of force, yes. It always has. If a kid is disrupting class and the teacher tells them to report to the principal's office, can they refuse? Sure, and someone at the school will take them by the arm and physically drag them to the principal's office, kicking and screaming if need be.

If a child does not go to school, the parents are charged with truancy and their children can be taken from them... by force! If nothing else works, some big, burly cop with a uniform and a pistol will show up and take them. If a child is expelled, the parents must then find another school (expensive) or home-school their child (also expensive, and time-consuming as well) to keep them... that's economic force.

You're living in a dream world if you really think you are able to choose who has authority over you and what rules of society you will choose to obey. You can choose which of those rules to rebel against, but you will have to use force to do that. All authority is based on the threat of force. submit to the authority of a teacher to direct and control what your children learn! Okay...I do not submit to just letting that happen...I feel like I have a say in how my child is directed and controlled!

That teacher has no authority over me... only over my child if my child is enrolled in that school. Of course I have a say in what my children are taught and so do you. I have the ultimate authority over my child as long as i abide by the truancy laws. So do you. Where did you get the idea I felt any different?

You're trying to turn this into something I never said. I only said that the teacher is an authority figure to the student, which is true. You then started in with trying to say you or your child were not subject to anyone's authority, which is false. Why are you resisting something so damn obvious?


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Let me make it this simple...

"Educators/teachers" are given the role of teaching...educating...not the authority to rule over and govern through use of force...that was never the intended purpose of an educator.

When someone is in a degree program to become a elementary school they have to take a semester on discipline and use of force? Do they take a semester of law and punishment? How about anything even close to that?

Like I said can submit to whatever authority you choose! You can subject your children to submit to whatever authority you choose! That is your choice!

If a teacher grabs my child by the arm and hauls them to the principles office kicking and screaming...well that would not be good for that teacher at all!

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
get out of your Christian sex dungeons,
or at least admit that you need the world to be censored,
Your all the same little snowflakes,
Christians with their reee and liberals ...
All thinking their moral highground
is justified while both standing on a pile of crap

censored ? snowflakes ? offended ?

SEX is what traditional Mom's and Dad's do.
THAT is how WE make OUR families . . . SEX.

IT's you who is offended by this, LOL +
Contemptuous, hateful,
you are being a snowflake,
Because YOU can NOT
handle the fact of the SEX required
for traditional Mom's and Dad's to have BABIES.
examples fyi :
Whether your aboriginal non-christian,
whether your a non-christian with Norse beliefs,
whether your . . .
IT's YOU that is CLOSED MINDED, hateful.
What is your problem ? sterility ? disowned ? a
misogynistic incel ? Your festered hate is showing.
Bottom line
Over-stepping, intruding into other
people's lives, families and principle's IS morally offensive.

Get over your self and get your act together,
basic Etiquette and morals would help.

pile of crap

It's not my house that smells of butt plugs,
and std's Look in a mirror.

edit on 28/1/23 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

"Educators/teachers" are given the role of teaching...educating...not the authority to rule over and govern through use of force...that was never the intended purpose of an educator.

The authority over a child is not the intended purpose, but it is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.

Let me make something simple to you: in my home I am the ultimate authority. If your child is caught stealing from me, I will detain them, and I don't care how much they are kicking and screaming. If you want things to end badly for me over that, well, let's just say they will end badly for someone.

Your child is subject to authority any time they are in someone else's home or care. That includes a school. A teacher must have authority over the children in their classroom to maintain order and educate.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: jerryznv

"Educators/teachers" are given the role of teaching...educating...not the authority to rule over and govern through use of force...that was never the intended purpose of an educator.

The authority over a child is not the intended purpose, but it is necessary to achieve the intended purpose.

Let me make something simple to you: in my home I am the ultimate authority. If your child is caught stealing from me, I will detain them, and I don't care how much they are kicking and screaming. If you want things to end badly for me over that, well, let's just say they will end badly for someone.

Your child is subject to authority any time they are in someone else's home or care. That includes a school. A teacher must have authority over the children in their classroom to maintain order and educate.


Okay...well we weren't talking about your home...we were discussing a public school!

I know your stance now!

If your child is not in your direct care they are subject to whatever authority is put on them!

Got it!

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck
How long will you detain a child for?

I hope you call the police rather than just detain them.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:51 PM
PUBLIC places are not acceptable
for pushing Personal ideals, agendas.

Absolutely NO ONE
has authority to
intrude into other
people's principle beliefs,
lives, or families values.


edit on 28/1/23 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

Okay...well we weren't talking about your home...we were discussing a public school!

When someone is on my property, they are automatically under my authority. I cannot prevent them from leaving (short of a legal violation against me), but as long as they are there I have some authority over them. I set the rules.

The same if you are at my home. The same if I am at your home.

In a classroom, the teacher has authority over a child in that classroom. Since they are a minor, he/she can also prevent them from leaving until a parent or other authority figure shows up. The teacher has the authority.

If your child is not in your direct care they are subject to whatever authority is put on them!

When you enrolled your child in that school, you gave them the authority over your child.

Got it!

I doubt it.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

How long will you detain a child for?

Until the police arrive.

Duh, d'oh, derp, derp, duh.


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I doubt it.

You cannot help yourself can you?

You have to be condescending to feel like you've made your point!

Let me assure you that you have made your point and I understand (I got it) your position now!

When you enrolled your child in that school, you gave them the authority over your child.

No...I have not given them all authority over my child! I still very much retain authority and as such...will act on that authority! You may have given the school authority over your child...I have not! I have entrusted them with teaching and educating...nothing more!

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