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"Non Binary" Teacher CAUGHT GROOMING Class In Front of Parents!

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posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: wdkirk
I found her calling the children 'Huckleberries' and 'kiddos' offensive.

I find the idea of humans offensive but here I am behaving myself.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: wdkirk
I found her calling the children 'Huckleberries' and 'kiddos' offensive.

I find the idea of humans offensive but here I am behaving myself.

And doing a wonderful job if I may say so.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Your child won't be asking anything -non-appropriate- without outside influence. The most common questions a child will ask is where babies come from. Parents for generations say, "When two parents love each other very much, they are blessed with a child that grows in mommy's belly"(pick your parent; fake wombs exist) They don't go into fertilization and actual sex descriptions until they are older 12-13 when males usually get their first boner because of hormonal changes and women start their periods.

Best part is it's worked for over 2,000+ years, it's this stupid generation that wants to talk to kids about sexual intercourse, and how to perform anal and oral before they even hit puberty. Sad part is even Muslim female children don't get put through the crap yall are doing to your kids, AND THEY GET STONED TO DEATH FOR SHOWING THEIR ANKLES in public!

I'm sorry, but ya'll dumbells are worse then the people that stone each other for ankles showing. Straight up, those coveralls that they wear the FEMALE CHILDREN don't have to wear until they start developing breast - again 12-13years old, and even then it's mainly for their protection because of raids that abduct and rape women and children: destroying their cultural value.

If you look at africa the reason why the aids epidemic exist there is because the women there don't hide themselves, like they do in places like afghanistan or iraq. So when they get raided, the women get abducted and when they get raped the rapist perminately marks them on their thigh- because their chance for disease is 'sky high' after the encounter and it tells their mate, and future husbands they were a victim.

Sadly when it comes to a country being raided and invaded constantly, some countries take more precautions then others. But the end result is those that do often have healthier women: where disease doesn't run rampent destroying 70% of the population. It's the cost of nonstop wars. If you want to get into the basis on how and why this work it's because of a chemical called adrnaline. See when an uncivilized male(or raider) is enraged, he can either screw or kill to keep it going. If there's no 'hot beauty' laying around half naked, chances are he's just going to keep attacking people instead of raping them. Sure more people will die, but at the same time the distraction isn't there to spread disease. That then spreads to future children - and eventually becomes out of control.

Like I said there's more details into this, but most people just see it as them victimizing women. Their world is completely different then ours, we haven't had a real 'racial' wars in decades.. yet they have faction wars every week based on bloodlines(very similiar to a race war at that point, a segregation of humans that think themselves better then another).
edit on bFridaypm2023-01-27T12:08:09-06:00kpmFri, 27 Jan 2023 12:08:09 -0600Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:08:09 -060020235 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:56 AM
And watch this....
A father that shows an expression of love in thousands of ways towards that child's mother.
Not only would you teach the child all these tenets you are trying to get them to memorize.
You express them in a way a child will embrace them .
But in this day and age we are supposed to accept that indoctrination is the definition of love.

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Nevercompromise

We all have our own parenting style, our own bias, our own coping mechanisms and we all must acknowledge how that translates to harm or help our children. We are all within our rights to choose what our children should be learning, but choosing that children not learn about the wide world outside and not about inclusion should be looked at more closely as to why guardians/parents would not want their child to be inclusive and to be able to identify discrimination and prejudice.

This is the teaching tool from where snippets of OPs video sprung but that video from "Conservative Twins" is playing to it's base.

The film has received numerous awards including the Silver Prize for Documentary Feature (2021) in the Social Justice Film Festival and a nomination for Northwest Regional Emmy® (2022) in the category of diversity, equity, and inclusion – long form content.

There is no “one way” to implement anti-bias education. The four anti-bias goals help guide the work. This approach involves critical thinking and a deep understanding of the complexity of the issues and the context of your community. The film is a provocation to generate dialogue about how to bring this approach into your practice.

The film is organized around the 4 interrelated goals of anti-bias education, which are relevant to both children and adults. (Derman-Sparks& Edwards, 2020)
Goal 1: Identity: Demonstrate self-awareness, confidence, family pride, and positive social identities.
Goal 2: Diversity: Express comfort and joy with human diversity; accurate language for human differences; and deep, caring human connections.
Goal 3: Justice: Recognize unfairness, have language to describe unfairness, and understand that unfairness hurts.
Goal 4: Action: Demonstrate empowerment and the skills to act, with others or alone, against prejudice and/or discrimination.

Watch the film here -

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: quintessentone

Your child won't be asking anything -non-appropriate- without outside influence. The most common questions a child will ask is where babies come from. Parents for generations say, "When two parents love each other very much, they are blessed with a child" They don't go into fertilization and actual sex descriptions until they are older 12-13 when males usually get their first boner because of hormonal changes and women start their periods.

Best part is it's worked for over 2,000+ years, it's this stupid generation that wants to talk to kids about sexual intercourse before they even hit puberty. Sad part is even Muslim female children don't get put through the crap yall are doing to your kids, AND THEY GET STONED TO DEATH FOR SHOWING THEIR ANKLES!

Children talk among themselves too in case you are not aware of that fact, so outside influence can come from anywhere, even eavesdropping.

You don't know what questions other children ask their parents, so it's different for everyone and everyone has a right to handle how those questions are answered according to their values.

I just happen to think that teaching inclusion is not teaching sex, to me they are two separate issues.

Where babies come from can be a lesson in human reproduction and some female children start their periods much earlier than the teens, so age appropriateness is up to the parents to decide, after all they know their children the best, at least I hope they do.

Get involved with your school's curriculum and mission statement, if it goes against your values, then home school because you will not find a school that does not teach inclusivity and respect for others.
edit on q00000059131America/Chicago0101America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

The problem is, that isn't what they are teaching people - so there goes your outside influence (pedophiles). That is what they want you to think, how many people read the books that are assigned to their child. Like what was it that book about mowing the lawn, given to 5-7year olds and went through all the ways of violating and raping a sleeping girl, and talking about blow jobs in full detail.

For each person who defends these schools who are teaching this, they are abusing your trust. Yes, it's for the parent to decide this is true. *IF* YOU want to teach your kids this crap then you sit your child down and have that talk with them. Don't make it part of the school education system; where they literally tell the child not to say anything about what they are learning to their parents. Because guess what those other parents aren't given that choice, your making it for them.

You want to teach them 16 different genders, teach your own kid. They talk to another kid, sure but ya know what these people are telling these kids to keep secrets from their parents. You get a 5second video clip then ignore the countless people who stand up before the school board reading these books that are assigned to the students which are way out of line. To the point it's literally a child how-to guide for PLEASING adults.

You wanna make a change, make that change at home. Don't let the school board say this is the new lesson plan - which does nothing to further their REAL education. After all there's a reason why america is last when it comes to kids intelligence - you took out educational competition for equality. You hold smart kids back just so other people who aren't as smart have can keep up - dumbing down all the kids as an entirety.. Now you want to read them without parents permission and tell them to be quiet cause it's 'your little secret' on how to give a man a blow job? Or how to eat a woman out? Really? Come on man - this generation is turning our kids into oversexualized, violent dumbasses instead of giving them a promising future.

Don't you get how rare child crime was? How common it is now? These children are tired of being held back because they have a slow person in their class room. So they are acting up, violently in MOST cases. They believe they have NO FUTURE: ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! Don't you get that? CHILD SUICIDE RATES ARE THROUGH THE FRICKEN ROOF! Because all you do is drill them with your agendas, and don't let them be fricken kids.

You guys really don't understand the damage your doing to these children, and I fricken pity them to no dam end. Because I realize that none of you will change. But you do you, I can't have kids because my parent trusted the wrong people. Every day, i'm fricken greatful at this point, I am GREATFUL as # i wasn't born today. I'd of probably killed myself too.

FYI - I was a kid once too ya know we all were. But let me ask you this, did you talk about how to give man oral at 5-6years old? No you probably were to busy playing with your barbie/G.I Joe dolls and their dream house/cars, or tamagochi, or a console system, anime/cartoons and movies. Kids don't sit there and talk to each other about how to give a guy head. They talk about what they experience for themselves, and kids that talk about that crap were often sexually abused.

You know what really happened when that kind of talk spread? The parents asked who said it, then filed a sexual abuse report with the police on the parent. The police looked into it, and 9 out of 10 times that child was being molested.
edit on bFridaypm2023-01-27T12:29:29-06:00kpmFri, 27 Jan 2023 12:29:29 -0600Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:29:29 -060020235 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I don't think the issue is anyone is against teaching tolerance an inclusivity, it seems the issue is confusing 5 year olds with things like "non binary", transgender, and other woke ideologies. 5 year old kids should be learning abc's, counting, and how to interact with other kids. Adults have a hard time understanding non-binary, furries, and other woke things, so please don't seem surprised that a 5 year old might not grasp it.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: quintessentone

The problem is, that isn't what they are teaching people - so there goes your outside influence (pedophiles). That is what they want you to think, how many people read the books that are assigned to their child. Like what was it that book about mowing the lawn, given to 5-7year olds and went through all the ways of violating someone else in full detail.

For each person who defends these schools who are teaching this, they are abusing your trust. Yes, it's for the parent to decide this is true. Then you sit your child down and have that talk with them. Don't make it part of the school education system, because guess what those other parents aren't given that choice. Your making it for them.

If there is any suspicion about wrongdoing in the teaching tools or schools you as a parent have the right to ask and investigate for yourself. I'm not sure why you think you have no rights or the school is doing untowards teaching behind your back. Just ask or go sit in your child's class for a session.

The sure way to find out is to ask your child "What did you learn in school today?' "What books did you read today" because children that young will not lie, cannot lie at least not effectively. As a parent if you can't tell when your child is telling a lie, you aren't paying attention.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

You know what really happened when that kind of talk spread? The parents asked who said it, then filed a sexual abuse report with the police on the child's parents. The police looked into it, and 9 out of 10 times that child was being molested.

So you want to give pedo's and people the ability to hide behind a school classroom education class, by forcing them to teach sex ed to kids. Good Going, you can't see what your doing I can't help you.

All your doing is opening the door for more children to be molested, but now their parents can just sit there and point to these classrooms as the reason why their kids are talking about it instead of actually helping said child when he/she is trying to speak out and ask for help. Kids don't go up to a person at random and say 'he/she was touched' they talk about what they are going through to another kid they trust. Then that kid ALWAYS came running to their parents to ask questions. Which is why you ask them who said it, what was said to assess if a child is actually in danger.

You destroy 1 of the very few ways to identify child molestation, and endangering the kids by doing so. AGAIN GG = GOOD GOING!
Your arguement about a child asking questions is completely invalid, police would ask that child who said it, and sometimes it was a chain, that they could easily follow to save that kid from that situation. But you want it to be universally talked about, a child will trust their parents before a teacher or anyone else, except their friends.

Small children in that age range do NOT have the filter built in until they are older, so they slip up. But you guys are giving molestation a cover like no tomorrow. There's a reason why we forced sexual education to highschoolers alone. Despite 10yr olds getting their periods, but i'm sorry just because your bleeding doesn't mean your thinking about sucking someone off, or getting pounded. A girl that just hits her period unexpectedly often runs to mom to make sure she's okay. She doesn't go looking for some little boy to hump.
edit on bFridaypm2023-01-27T12:38:57-06:00kpmFri, 27 Jan 2023 12:38:57 -0600Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:38:57 -060020235 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: quintessentone

You know what really happened when that kind of talk spread? The parents asked who said it, then filed a sexual abuse report with the police on the child's parents. The police looked into it, and 9 out of 10 times that child was being molested.

So you want to give pedo's and people the ability to hide behind a school classroom education class, by forcing them to teach sex ed to kids. Good Going, you can't see what your doing I can't help you.

All your doing is opening the door for more children to be molested, but now their parents can just sit there and point to these classrooms as the reason why their kids are talking about it instead of actually helping said child when he/she is trying to speak out and ask for help. Kids don't go up to a person at random and say 'he/she was touched' they talk about what they are going through.

You destroy 1 of the very few ways to identify child molestation, and endangering the kids by doing so.

Again, teaching inclusivity is not sex, teaching reproduction and sexual body parts and where others should not be touching you is a good thing. Nobody is teaching deviant sexual practices in schools, if you are suspicious then investigate yourself or ask your child what they learned in sex ed. And also ask if anyone is touching them, and if so, where.
edit on q00000037131America/Chicago4848America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: TheToastmanCometh
a reply to: TrollMagnet

if even a transgender person like me thinks that teacher and their material is sus, you know there's something really off

You can't change sexes mate. It's that simple.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

i'm not talking about inclusivity exclusively, i'm talking strippers(there's a reason why you have to show ID to enter a strip joint) in the classes for education allowing kids to stick dollar bills down their pants. I'm talking about everything that is sneaking through the back door of the 'inclusivity movement'. Yes, yes it is. Because the school board in texas admitted that those books were meant for a couple years older 8-10years old not 5&6.

Imagine if you will, a metal detector, people walk through it. On the other side of said metal detector is security like normal. What's happening is, most people empty their pockets and walk through said detector just fine - no beeps. But there's always someone who forgets something. But instead of being allowed to remove it, security kills them - doesn't matter if it's a gun or earrings, or a key in their back pocket. They are ordered to shoot on sight anyone who makes it beep.

This in essence is what is going on, and no one's batting an eye or caring. Children are naturally welcoming and don't judge people to begin with, i'm sorry but no one is born racist and with prejudgements of other people. You guys are literally shooting the kids without giving them a chance to empty their pockets. Because you assume that they are already biased against your gender, you assume they are born racist, you assume that gender identity is needed when they barely understand what's going on around them let alone the language they are learning to speak and read.

Then you praise yourselves because you need to be validated by a 5year old. If you need a 5year old to validate you, you have more issues then you realize, and perhaps you should learn to validate yourself before FORCING other people to accept you. If a kid is a bully, other kids won't play with him because he is mean. Not because he identifies as a horse, cat or dog. But because he's fricken mean. Hell make-believe has all the kids being something they aren't. They already do those thing's on their own. When someone wants to play princess, they play princess someone wants to play cops and robbers, someone plays both roles - they don't understand the difference between the two it's all about being chased and chasing the other.

Kid's don't have the ability to think much further then that at that age. As their brains are still developing, they barely can tell the difference between what is hot and what's cold because they both hurt when held long enough. You expect them to give a crap if your a dog, cat or horse. Again - they already play make believe they don't need you to guide them in doing so - just so you can validate yourself.
edit on bFridaypm2023-01-27T13:00:01-06:00kpmFri, 27 Jan 2023 13:00:01 -0600Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:00:01 -060020235 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Lucidparadox

Good post, I agree with this. Have you ever tried to understand where the people who do not like this sort of thing are coming from? You may find out that the both of you have a few valid points.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: infp1986
a reply to: Lucidparadox

Good post, I agree with this. Have you ever tried to understand where the people who do not like this sort of thing are coming from? You may find out that the both of you have a few valid points.

When someone says something like this...

Learning things exist is a good thing.

I have to question the reality they live in! Unicorns exist too in fairytales...but they are not a real thing now are they?

No matter how hard you try to explain away that teaching 4 and 5 year old children this crap is going to make it okay! It is not is wrong and disgusting!

There is no validity in teaching children about perversion! A perverted view on gender is no exception!

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: BlackArrow

Nothing sneaks in by any back door in schools because all you have to do is ask your child and they will tell you what's going on. If you are worried about access to books that are not age appropriate, investigate the school's library yourself and see exactly what books are there and if you have an issue bring it to the authorities. Children bring to school what they learn at home as well.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Wow, ya know most of the time when kids don't speak up and say what's going on. It's because someone they trusted threatened to hurt their mommy or daddy. Or cause 'mommy and daddy' won't love you anymore because your bad. Perhaps you should look into all the ways pedophiles make children keep quiet and never say a word to their parents even when asked because they don't want to get into trouble.

Newayz, You think everything's rainbows and unicorns, everything's mandated, monitored and 100% safe and secure. Well honey, I wish I lived in your world. Sounds nice to never have anything to worry about, sadly being a victim of this bs. I know all to well from personal experience, that kids don't tell their parents everything, and hold onto plenty of secrets.

So i'm done, it's exhausting. Hope your kid never has to go through this crap. But your naive to think that a child will tell their parent every/anything if they think they will be in trouble.
edit on bFridaypm2023-01-27T13:11:08-06:00kpmFri, 27 Jan 2023 13:11:08 -0600Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:11:08 -060020235 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: BlackArrow

Nothing sneaks in by any back door in schools because all you have to do is ask your child and they will tell you what's going on. If you are worried about access to books that are not age appropriate, investigate the school's library yourself and see exactly what books are there and if you have an issue bring it to the authorities. Children bring to school what they learn at home as well.

Here...this is from right down the road (just a few miles from Eugene):

VENETA, Ore. -- An instructional assistant at Veneta Elementary School is in court Friday after being charged with encouraging child sexual abuse.

Court documents state that investigators with the Lane County Sheriff’s Office reviewed tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding images of child pornography that had been uploaded to the internet.


Kind of shoots holes in your "Nothing sneaks in by any back door in schools..." theory doesn't it?

Minimize it if you'd like...I'll find 1,000 more stories just like it!

edit on 27-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: jerryznv

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: BlackArrow

Nothing sneaks in by any back door in schools because all you have to do is ask your child and they will tell you what's going on. If you are worried about access to books that are not age appropriate, investigate the school's library yourself and see exactly what books are there and if you have an issue bring it to the authorities. Children bring to school what they learn at home as well.

Here...this is from right down the road (just a few miles from Eugene):

VENETA, Ore. -- An instructional assistant at Veneta Elementary School is in court Friday after being charged with encouraging child sexual abuse.

Court documents state that investigators with the Lane County Sheriff’s Office reviewed tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children regarding images of child pornography that had been uploaded to the internet.


Kind of shoots holes in your "Nothing sneaks in by any back door in schools..." theory doesn't it?

Minimize it if you'd like...I'll find 1,000 more stories just like it!

No because my response was specifically to your books sneaking in the back door remark. As for child predators in schools or anywhere else that children congregate, well that's everyone's responsibility to background check and keep a diligent eye on things around children. We all know predators will manage to get to children in different ways.

We were discussing sneaking in through the backdoor materials that will secretly teach our children about others that don't conform to the girl/boy man/woman gender ideology that a lot of you here find disgusting. Predators sneaking in the backdoor is a whole other issue.

That brings up what then do we (who specifically?) teach our children to protect them from predators? How can children protect themselves from predators without knowledge about it? Would it be through sex ed with an additional lesson in how predators behave? In my day, it was don't take candy from a stranger. Nowadays, is it to look for a hidden camera in the classroom, teach your children what inappropriate questions adults should not ask can this harm children when it may very well protect them?

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:22 PM
What exactly is grooming?

The term "grooming" refers to the process the child molester undertakes to gain a child's trust, and sometimes the parents' trust as well. Over the course of months or even years, a child molester will increasingly become a trusted friend of the family, offering to babysit, take the child shopping or on trips, or spend time with the child in other ways. Many child molesters won't actually begin abusing a child until trust has been gained. Some may use others opinions around them to back up their trustworthiness in order to take children shopping.

Child molesters look for children who are vulnerable to their tactics because they lack emotional support or aren't getting enough attention at home or will try to convince the parents their children are safe with them and that they are not going far. The child molester will attempt to step in as the "parent" figure for the child.

Some child molesters prey on the children of single parents who aren't available to provide as much supervision or convince parents that they are nice enough people to supervise without them.

A child molester will often use a range of games, tricks, activities and language to gain trust and/or deceive a child. These include: keeping of secrets (secrets are valuable to most kids, being seen as something "adult" and a source of power), sexually explicit games, fondling, kissing, touching, sexually suggestive behavior, exposing a child to pornographic material, coercion, bribery, flattery, and—worst of all—affection and love. Be aware that these tactics are ultimately used to isolate and confuse your child.

How to protect your children.

Since children who don't get a lot of attention are especially vulnerable to predators, make sure you are spending a lot of time with your child and that he or she feels supported. Take the time to talk to your child every day and work toward building an open, trusting relationship.
Child molesters will ask the children to keep it secret from their parents.
Ensure your children understands that if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you that it isn't because the child will get into trouble but the person who has asked them to keep the secret knows what they are doing to them is wrong.
Express interest in all of your child's activities, including schoolwork, extracurriculars, hobbies, and other interests.
Let your child know that they can tell you anything, and that you're always willing to talk. Reassure them that they won't get in trouble if they talk to you about something that made them uncomfortable or something they found unusual.

A pedophile can look like anybody, so learn how to identify one and teach your children accordingly.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

No because my response was specifically to your books sneaking in the back door remark.

Okay...well first of all that wasn't my remark...that was in someone else's response!

Secondly...who do you think is smuggling in these "books" through the back door (I doubt they are smuggled at all)?

We know that pedophiles are brazen enough to have "story time" in the schools now with our children...why would they try to hide books?

This by your own admission seems to indicate you see no issue with it what so ever:

We were discussing sneaking in through the backdoor materials that will secretly teach our children about others that don't conform to the girl/boy man/woman gender ideology that a lot of you here find disgusting.

So your theory is if we educate our children about this made up, fantasy ideology...we are teaching them to protect themselves from people that buy into this disgusting ideology! Makes zero sense and it an extremally weak argument!

teach your children what inappropriate questions adults should not ask can this harm children when it may very well protect them?

How about we just go back to the days when there was only two genders and everything else is perverted and wrong?

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