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"Non Binary" Teacher CAUGHT GROOMING Class In Front of Parents!

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
That is wrong, thanks for playing

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: quintessentone

You can see at the beginning that the puppet "Nash" is introduced explicitly as non binary. If she had instead said "what can you tell me about this puppet" they would have said he's a boy puppet. What she did was give them the answer before the question. What is that technique called again? 🤔

I watched the video at 3:25, it is stated the teacher never used the word non-binary until a child used it and that is what it appears on the video.

It was stated that she was explaining what non-binary was because a child asked the question. Is this not true?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
That is wrong, thanks for playing

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: quintessentone

You can see at the beginning that the puppet "Nash" is introduced explicitly as non binary. If she had instead said "what can you tell me about this puppet" they would have said he's a boy puppet. What she did was give them the answer before the question. What is that technique called again? 🤔

It was stated that she was explaining what non-binary was because a child asked the question. Is this not true?

I watched the video at 3:25, it is stated the teacher never used the word non-binary until a child used it and that is what it appears on the video.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: infolurker

There is no such thing as non-binary.

There are boys and there are girls.

We've gone 100,000 years of men and women and all of a sudden, gender is an option?

How about 600 million years of evolution lol....

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: quintessentone

You can see at the beginning that the puppet "Nash" is introduced explicitly as non binary. If she had instead said "what can you tell me about this puppet" they would have said he's a boy puppet. What she did was give them the answer before the question. What is that technique called again? 🤔

It was stated that the teacher was explaining what non-binary was because a child asked the question. Is this not true?

That exchange presumably happened before the camera began recording, there's no way to verify or debunk her claim. And I'm not particularly concerned about how she normalized the dialogue because "editing" happens in society all the time. But you can hear multiple kids referring to the doll as a boy, and those kids happen to be girls. Girls who think it's weird and possibly uncomfortable, if I understand facial expressions. So what do you think that means?

edit on 26-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:16 PM
Bill Maher has never changed his stripes he is pretty left, and even he is wondering why in trendy hard left areas it seems like every other kid is "insert flavor of the month gender description) head to more rural areas and the number plummets.

Are more people actually different or are kids learning from their virtue signaling parents?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: quintessentone

You can see at the beginning that the puppet "Nash" is introduced explicitly as non binary. If she had instead said "what can you tell me about this puppet" they would have said he's a boy puppet. What she did was give them the answer before the question. What is that technique called again? 🤔

It was stated that the teacher was explaining what non-binary was because a child asked the question. Is this not true?

That exchange presumably happened before the camera began recording, there's no way to verify her claim. But you can hear multiple kids referring to the doll as a boy, and those kids happen to be girls. Girls who think it's weird and possibly uncomfortable, if I understand facial expressions. So what do you think that means?

I would not make assumptions like that without actually being there to witness what transpired. What concerns me is how this youtube video was put together, it is misleading.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I see a teacher explaining the concept of non binary gender identity to a classroom who are visibly skeptical and even unhappy. But I'm not a child psychologist so it's fair to say I might be assuming.

edit on 26-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: quintessentone

I see a teacher explaining the concept of non binary gender identity to a classroom who are visibly skeptical and even unhappy. But I'm not a child psychologist so it's fair to say I might be assuming.

I suspect the video as being manipulative.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

If this were the only such video, I could understand that position... might even take it myself. But we ave seen video after video, report after report about such things happening in the classroom. At some point, the preponderance of the evidence shifts the expectation. Also, when she introduces the doll as "non-binary," she adds "just like me." So it is a safe bet that she has told the kids she herself is "non-binary" (read: ignorant about biology) before.

In my day, a teacher who was asked a question like that would tell the child to ask their parents. Teachers respected the lines established on what they were to teach and what was the parents' responsibility.


posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:17 AM

So many replies. The replies to my reply in the 1st page that disagreed heavily with me all had 1 thing in common: A huge misunderstanding about what non-binary even is.

Seems like alot of you should be in this class too 🤣

In all seriousness.. Non-Binary has 0 to do with sexuality. Literally nothing. Sexuality is defined by completely different terms.

Non-binary is about gender, and how one views or expresses themselves... It has nothing to do with who they are attracted to.

A non-binary person can be straight, gay, queer, pansexual, sapiosexual, wtc whatever.

Its more about our societies gender norms and where someone falls on that spectrum.

Literally nothing sexual about it.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: nfflhome

The current dichotomous culture you learned to adhere to is rooted in Christianity, it's Christian morals that create sexual Trauma.
that's basically what we see here, overreaction and denial, typical behavior when confronted with traumas.

It will heal, 2 generations down and well all be laughing about them, scared, retarded, sexually repressed individuals.

Don't expect the world to slow down because you can't keep up.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Please ditch monogamous relationship ASAP as you are going against your biology...

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Annee

Rose West had numerous children - I'm not sure your response proves what you think it does

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Annee

As if religion isn't grooming children.

More hate.

Stop trying to use innocent children as weapons for your hatred.

I'd love to see your definition of what constitutes "grooming." One could say that parents get to "groom" children (if you want to take that broad a definition) as long as said "grooming" is not damaging to the children. Others do not. Certainly pedophiles do not.

I consider "grooming" to have a sexual connotation in the context of this discussion. Absolutely I taught my children about sex. That's not just my right; it was my duty as a parent as long as it was done in a manner that is not harmful to the child. It's no one else's right to do so to my children.


I'm hating????? Oh right -- that's every time I deny God.

NO -- I'm accepting. This is exactly the same as when gay people fought for acceptance and equal rights.

Pushing Mom/Dad is stereotypical grooming.

You just choose not to see it that way.

I'm sorry - 'pushing Mom and Dad' is 'grooming' to you?!?

Seeing as further on you are wittering on about 'science', let me quote you a bit of basic biology that may have slipped your attention: EVERY child is created by a sperm, and an egg, by definition a 'Mom and Dad' that grooming?

That's before we even get into the numerous studies that show beyond any doubt that children develop and thrive far better in that icky environment of 'a Mom and Dad' (and I accept those studies despite the fact I was a single mother)

You're unbelievable! There are other words, but I'd lose my account

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

I would not make assumptions like that without actually being there to witness what transpired.

"It's a huge testament to how much we have been talking about it in the classroom that you never mentioned the term non-binary, it was a child who brought that up because it's constantly in conversation".
Said by one of the 4 women in a discussion after the event.

You can actually witness what transpired in this video at 2.05....but it's best if you watch it from the beginning...

edit on 27-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox

So many replies. The replies to my reply in the 1st page that disagreed heavily with me all had 1 thing in common: A huge misunderstanding about what non-binary even is.

Seems like alot of you should be in this class too 🤣

In all seriousness.. Non-Binary has 0 to do with sexuality. Literally nothing. Sexuality is defined by completely different terms.

Non-binary is about gender, and how one views or expresses themselves... It has nothing to do with who they are attracted to.

A non-binary person can be straight, gay, queer, pansexual, sapiosexual, wtc whatever.

Its more about our societies gender norms and where someone falls on that spectrum.

Literally nothing sexual about it.

Yes...let's be all inclusive while educating 4 and 5 year old children on this stupid crap!

A person who is agender does not identify with any particular gender, or they may have no gender at all.

Other terms for this may include:

neutral gender
A person who identifies as androgyne has a gender that is either both masculine and feminine or between masculine and feminine.

A person who identifies as bigender has two genders.

People who are bigender often display cultural masculine and feminine roles.

Women, especially lesbians, tend to use this term to describe the way they express masculinity, or what society defines as masculinity.

However, the LGBTQIA Resource Center state that “butch” can also be a gender identity in itself.

A cisgender person identifies with the sex that they were assigned at birth.

For example, a cisgender woman is someone who still identifies with the sex — female, in this case — a doctor assigned them at birth.

Gender expansive
The LGBTQIA Resource Center define gender expansive as an “umbrella term used for individuals who broaden their own culture’s commonly held definitions of gender, including expectations for its expression, identities, roles, and/or other perceived gender norms.”

Those who are gender expansive include people who are transgender and people whose gender broadens the surrounding society’s notion of what gender is.

A person who identifies as genderfluid has a gender identity and presentation that shifts between, or shifts outside of, society’s expectations of gender.

Gender outlaw
A person who identifies as a gender outlaw refuses to allow society’s definition of “male” or “female” to define them.

A person who identifies as genderqueer has a gender identity or expression that is not the same as society’s expectations for their assigned sex or assumed gender.

Genderqueer can also refer to a person who identifies outside of how society defines gender or someone who identifies with a combination of genders.

Masculine of center
A person who uses this term is usually a lesbian or a trans person who leans more toward masculine performances and experiences of gender.

A person who identifies as nonbinary does not experience gender within the gender binary.

People who are nonbinary may also experience overlap with different gender expressions, such as being gender non-conforming.

A person who identifies as omnigender experiences and possesses all genders.

Polygender and pangender
People who identify as polygender or pangender experience and display parts of multiple genders.

This is an umbrella term that encompasses all people who experience and identify with a different gender than that which their assigned sex at birth would suggest.

Although most people think of trans men and trans women when hearing the word transgender, this term also encompasses people who identify as a gender other than man or woman, including nonbinary and genderfluid.

Trans is a more inclusive term that covers those who identify as nonbinary and those who are genderless, according to the LGBTQIA Resource Center.

Two Spirit
Two Spirit is an umbrella term that encompasses different sexualities and genders in Indigenous Native American communities.


Really you had this right:

Seems like alot of you should be in this class too 🤣

Sign me up because I had no idea the level of mental illness was this severe!

I would need some time to study and learn all this garbage!

You know the same stuff you think is important for tiny children to be educated about!

No...I don't think there is a misunderstanding at all! I think I understand just fine and I'll stick to my original statements about it being sick and disgusting to pervert children with this ideology!

The first step is to figure out what gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and sex assigned at birth mean and see how you feel about these ideas.

Oh my..."sexual orientation" is part of the first step in figuring out gender identity...who would have guessed!

There goes your whole post...not everyone agrees with your sickness the same way you do...imagine that!

Let's not forget the non-exhaustive list of pronouns to learn too while we are educating children on gender!

The following table has a non-exhaustive list of pronouns:

He/She/They Him/Her/Them His/Hers/Theirs Himself/Herself/Themself
co co cos coself
en en ens enself
ey em eirs emself
xie hire (“here”) hirs hirself
yo yo yos yoself
ze zir zirs zirself
ve vis ver verself

Apparently there are 78 and the list is continually expanding...that should be a piece of cake for a child to grasp!

edit on 27-1-2023 by jerryznv because: random

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

That exchange presumably happened before the camera began recording, there's no way to verify or debunk her claim. And I'm not particularly concerned about how she normalized the dialogue because "editing" happens in society all the time. But you can hear multiple kids referring to the doll as a boy, and those kids happen to be girls. Girls who think it's weird and possibly uncomfortable, if I understand facial expressions. So what do you think that means?

"Non-binary" is 100% an adult word. There is no way a kid at that age would develop it in their nature course of language growth. Sexuality isn't even a thought at that age and not until puberty do kids even start to really think about it. You are a girl, and I am a boy is about the depth of what they can understand until they hit like 4th grade. There can be some outliers, but with 90%+ there is only a very surface level of understanding and for many that can follow into their young teen years.

Therse people push kids into adult situations and call it cute. It's so cute to watch 5-year-old girls play acting strippers... It's so cute to hear a young person hardly able to put a simple sentence together to use a word like non-binary. Kids playing adults in adult situations and these groomers love it, nurture it, get their rocks off with it most likely too.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf

Are more people actually different or are kids learning from their virtue signaling parents?

I think it is a fad that is pushed by the woke crowd (mainly big cities) and young people today are using it as a way to specialize their normalcy. Go back 30 years and the tool then was tattoos and then added piercings. Look at her, she is such a rebel with that tramp Today everyone has tats/piercings, so that is no longer a direction to separate one from a sea of normalcy, maybe face tats, but even that has become normalized by society.

So, what do they have today? Gender... I'm special because I'm non=binary and my pronouns are xe/xem/xyr, and you better get them right or I will freak out because it is the most important thing in my life!

edit on 27-1-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:39 AM
Not for the teacher to discuss.

This is the realm for parents.

Religion is also in the realm of parents.

The children are too young.

Trying to normalize the woke agenda is at the root of this.

You want to be non-binary, trans, gay….great. Be all you can be. Your rights end where mine and my children’s rights begin.

Rural American has this over urban America.

Trendy parents subject their kids to this.

Responsible parents have these conversations with their children as the child learns and wants to know more.

A responsible teacher will direct sexuality questions back to the parents. This is not for them to direct or discuss.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: wdkirk
I found her calling the children 'Huckleberries' and 'kiddos' offensive.

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