posted on Feb, 21 2023 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to:
I've never quite understood why people worry about what's going to happen here - when we die. When we're gone from this earth. Nothing we do here is
going to last. Not a book, music, painting - nothing.
Seriously, I would think people would want to spend a little more time thinking about what's next - where we spend eternity.
Why eternity? Simple. Science says energy can't be destroyed.
Even if you don't believe in God the fact that your energy can't be destroyed should make you start to wonder about eternity and where you'll be as it
is eternity after all.
My choice? In heaven, with God and all the people I have loved and that have loved me.
DaRAGE says we're 'nothing'. Well, DaRAGE is wrong.
We were created with infinite love by our Creator who knew us before we were even conceived.
We mean more to our Creator than His own son. So much so that if right now you were standing in front of God and standing next to you was His Son?
God would choose you.
Start believing in the truth. You are loved. You are precious. You are special. You mean something to the one who Created you (and many others I
would bet).
If you don't know God - or you're unsure? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. What can it hurt? Even if you don't believe in Him - ask Him to reveal
Himself to you.
I can guarantee you - He will. For you, for anyone who seeks Him.
From there you can talk to God about where you're going to spend eternity.