Most of this actually falls under metaphysics. But because I gained the understanding through visions/dreams, it seemed like it should be posted in
If admin disagrees, please move it to metaphysics, as I would actually prefer it posted under that heading
To start with, I was having a dream the other night where I was in the same room as a someone who was some type of molecular biologist. They were on
their computer having a video conference with someone else who worked in the same field
It sounded as though they worked in bio-medicine, based on the things they were talking about
I did not know what, exactly, they were talking about
So I connected with another “part of myself” who I knew would understand these things, and let them listen to what the scientists were talking
Thought I think I was only meant to be in the room making coffee, I interrupted them and corrected one of them on something they were saying
“It does not work like that”, I told them
They both went quite for a moment, whilst the one in the room on a computer turned and looked at me
I continued saying,
“There are three main parts inside of any cell”
One of them tried telling me that I was wrong, but I assured them I was not, and continued
“All three also have a secondary state, to their main state. But this is not important right now”
I then started telling them in great detail (which I cannot remember exactly), how the interaction between mineral and bacteria was responsible for
the creation of enzymes and things such as alkalinity
I then told them that the way to control the function and production of the cell, lay within working out the resonant frequency of the protein, within
both reception and exception
I then went into detail about how you could manipulate the resonance to grow and evolve the cell, or to make it tear itself apart
The most interesting part of this, and the reason I am writing this …
Is that I went on to explain how you could easily manipulate a cell in any way you wanted to, to make it do whatever you wanted. As long as you had it
contained within an environment, where the internal resonant pressures and forces, were met by external resonant pressures and forces that equalised
to not only the cell, but to the natural environment itself
An environment which allowed you to tune and equalise the forces and pressures, as you manipulated the resonance to change within the cell
To the point where you could actually create and evolve a microcosm world, within the cell
One of them asked if I was talking about some type of hyperbaric chamber
To which I answered, no, that it needed to be far more advanced than this
I then went on to detail something I have had visions about, many times throughout the years
A type of machine that is capable of creating an entire world, similar to the world we exist within
I told them that the pressure inside this chamber need be dense enough to crush the sun itself. And you need to be able to concentrate it into a
point, smaller than the head of a needle
I told them that the chamber they created needed to be massive. To handle even the smallest cell
In other visions I have had relative to this, I saw a working version of this machine clearly. It glowed a brilliant luminous blue colour, within a
hollow massive sphere, made up hexagons. The chamber inside the sphere stood at lest 30-40 stories high
Once you design a machine such as this, to create the type of pressure you need, you can manipulate any type of cell you want, in any way you want
You can take a small cell, like the one they were looking at, and as long as it was a real biological cell containing protein, mineral and bacteria,
you could begin to create an entire new world in/within/with the/that cell
Turn the cell into a miniature self-contained Universe, which would literally evolve a network of planets and stars within it
In other visions I have had relative to this, I was in a luminous type of dimension. Within which, light behaves differently to the light we know
within our world. Different even to the light we know within our normal dreams
Though it could be said that the light within this world and dimension, behaves “similar” to how light behaves within our dream, the colours are
richer and more vibrant. Almost like a hologram, made up of impossibly pure colour. Black that is a purer black than any you have ever seen or
experienced. Reds which are purer and redder. Blues which are bluer. Here, it is as if light emanates from “within” the things which are being
lit, rather than being a reflection of the light shining “upon” that which is being lit
When you first see this realm and the colour within it, it feels almost like seeing real colour for the first time
As if the colours we see in our waking world, are washed out, thin and laced with some type of mesh or “static” in comparison
So afterwards, your vision in the waking world, looks as though it is awash with the static fuzz of an old television set
“They” (those not of this world and its main dimensions) have referred to this as the Halcyone dimension
Something they explained to me within how our perception within this world is manifested through the Pleiades. As 1 of 7 layers of our physical
3 layers are the main tangible and intangible dimension of the waking world, which exist alongside Maia, which is “Mind”
The other 4 layers are an exchange relationship between how “light” energies manifest within the physical or unseen body. Or, the “flesh” if
you prefer
Asterope = Astral Plane
Maia = Mind
Taygeta = Tangible Plane
Alcyone = Halcyone = Luminous Light Without Source
Celaeno = Flesh Without Mind
Merope = Metabolic = Drawing Function Of Flesh
Electa = Electrical = Discharge Of Path Or Network
Within visions I have had based on the “Halcyone” dimension, I often see myself as someone else. I look human, but not exactly like the humans of
this world
My eyes are a light luminous blue and I am bald
A baldness I feel is something genetic. I do not feel as though any of my particular species grows hair
On occasions I have inadvertently “woken up” for a moment, in another body, in another dimension. As if my body in this world is some type of
I have woken up, with an old, bald, cone-headed man standing over me, while I am laying in some type of technological chamber or tube
As I woke up, I saw his face and eyes clearly for a moment. Before he placed his left hand up in front of me and a brilliant blue and white light
shone out from his palm, which put me back to sleep
A light, which seems to be technological, worn on the palm of the hand within some type of glove. A tool of some sort which appears to amplify the
will of wearers body and mind
I'll write a little more about this later
On more than a few occasions, I have seen this big machine. Enough times to give me a basic understanding of how it works
Inside of a massive chamber, they take a sample of a physical cell, to turn it inside out
Outside of the chamber, they need to input a map, for the physical development of the cell, in order to create a type of atmosphere within it, that
will turn it into not only a physical world, but an entire universe, able to create and sustain life
To do this, the mind of a living person needs to be integrated into the cell, as a type of key