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The NWO is the peoples revolt

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posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 07:08 AM
Please read my whole post and do research on the subjects that I talk about do not just post silly comments. I try not to mention secret societies or the illuminati as there is no physical evidence of such groups and the power they hold but you can spot ancient symbols and such in company logos especially the Dollor (snake around a pole.) is just one.

Hello All,

Why do people tend to turn a blind eye to the outragous???

IE: When I question people in my street about a NWO (new world order) and the power hungry businessman and what would happen if there was no stock market, no monetary systems, no central banks, no Loan companies etc.

I get the reply 'oh my god don't be so stupid'. Well am I stupid for believing that Rupert murdoch actually own most of the intellectual newspaper companies as well as the biggest channeling company in the world. NO. Murdoch owns the Times and the Sun and the Daily Telegraph these are among the most popular newspapers in the UK. (just a coincidence) I am not trying to say he controls the world but rather a couple of groups of people 'like' him control banks, monetary systems, credit control etc. etc.

Oh hold on a minute:

Royal Institute of International Affairs
This is a forum for the political elite - presidents, prime ministers and others. “The Chatham House rule” states..... “when a meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity or the affiliation of speakers, nor that of any other participant may be revealed; nor may it be mentioned that the information was received at a meeting of the Institute.” It will not release the names of individual members, although both James Callaghan and Lord Carrington are honorary presidents. Major global companies and banks fund it, along with the long suffering British taxpayer! Corporate members include B.P., Shell, Barclays Bank, Lloyds TSB, Nat West Bank, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Warburg Dillon Read, RTZ, Unilever, The Economist, CBS, NBC, ABC, Channel 4 TV, ITN, the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Independent, Daily Telegraph, The Times, Reuters, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC Radio, even Amnesty International and the African National Congress. Sounds great – such a diversity of organisations coming together – so why all the secrecy?

I'll tell you why, because they're big your small, they're smart your dumb etc. etc. Why are you small and dumb because you think you are because of what intellectual information you are fed all your life. Look at your TV screens they make you blind, death and dumb (not physically but mentally and spiritually). TV soaps are a pointless waste of time, along with reality TV and many other wastes of money, time and effort to keep people invalid and they're invalid points of freedom and peace.

Everywhere you look - government, big business and any other institution seeking to exercise power - the key is secrecy.
Meetings such as those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the G-8, World Trade Organisation, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, the European Union Council of Ministers and the EU Commission, EU summits, government cabinet meetings, numerous think tanks etc. are always conducted behind closed doors. The only possible reason for this is that they don’t want you and I to know what they are really up to (or not doing??). That well worn excuse for keeping things under wraps -“it is not in the public interest” really means that it is not in the interest of the powers that be that the public should know. However there is, in addition, a network of private forums and meetings that take place where the secrecy principle extends to the forums and meetings themselves – by and large, we don’t even know that they are taking place, let alone what is being planned and discussed.

Read the above very carefully. Now I don't want some silly remark from someone trying to debunk these claims or how they are looking for the good of humanity (give me a break), look at yourselves you let these big corporal networks and institutions make life changing decisions for you.
C'mon people listen to your innerself not what others tell you, We are policed not just by the police but your peers around you that do not know and do not care what is going on because they would rather live their cushy little life of no power, no being, no voice when in actual fact they may pursue whatever dream they want (sounds childish doesn't it) well it's evolution and it's completely 100% true!

Now back to the no monetary systems etc. What would REALLY happen??? Well let me tell you for one that there would be a bit of chaos but nothing WE as a people cannot handle when people start robbing the shops of TV's and videos, DVDs and looting jewlery etc. etc. C'mon we all are not that stupid nor that way inclined when someone is in trouble here's an them you fool. Look at the thousands in poverty and then look at the people who were brought up with a big silver spoon in there mouth. They are two completely different people but are they.........No they are one in the same they do not need money so they can buy sh*t they don't need. You don't see cats and dogs walking up down the high street looking for vesace collers or moneys walking around the jungle buying bannanas, No becuase everything in they're life is free and they have no worries or stress. I know it's silly comparing humans to monkeys but we are also one in the same, Face it people we are just a small fraction of evolution and our next step of evolution is one of a huge challenge but in the end it will work out. We can do it we have power we have voices but too many people want to listen to the TV or radio or even read the newspaper and want to carry on they're pointless little life of going to work, eat lunch, come home, eat food, watch some TV, go to bed. Ahh the simple life.

WRONG I like to call it the "programmed" life. Now we need money to buy food so we can live. BS you can grow your own food instead of selling it, give it away seeds are FREE, water is FREE, sunlight is FREE, Oxygen is FREE and this is all you need to start a healthy non-money way of life like it is ment to be. You are all fools of the money-go-round as am I but we cannot do anything about it until everyone comes together to see the world as a whole and not as countries and conflicts with world wars. There was no such thing as war that is until the industrial age which is now coming to an end slowly but surly and now comes the age of information where people speak to others 750,000 miles away in a couple of seconds.

It's time for a change and time to change history for the good. Leaders of the world better be ready as the time for the NWO of the people is closing in on them and they're wicked ways of debt and crime and secrecy.

Now I welcome anyone to question my theories and facts but please do not think this is impossible to do. Nothing is impossible.

I know of a saying my ol' man said to me "The impossible we may do at once, miracles take a little longer."

There is going to be an oil crisis not far from now and it will affect us all if we do not stop what we are doing and mend our ways. Stop using the SUV's that drink more fuel in a day than I drink water in a week.

Trust me on this we do not need McDonalds, Buger king, KFC's, GM cows, GM crops that have so many dangerous chemicals in the human food chain that people are getting cancers and health problems everyday not because of global warming not because of a pole shift, not because there are germs but simply becuase people DO NOT THINK for themselves this is the next step of evolution Self sustainment, thinking for ourselves.

“Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who writes its laws…” Meyer Armschel Rothschild 1790

“If you want to be the slaves of banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the banks create money..” Josiah Stamp, Governor of the Bank of England 1920

Money is the medium which we use to exchange goods and services – so whoever controls the issue of money is potentially in a very powerful position.

Money is essential - without it, buying and selling would only be possible through exchange of goods themselves – hopelessly inconvenient. To keep trade and economic activity going, there has to be enough of this medium of exchange called money in existence to allow all this buying and selling to take place. When there is plenty, the economy booms. When there is a shortage, there is a slump. In the Great Depression, people wanted to work to earn money to support themselves, they wanted goods and services, all the raw materials for industry were available etc. yet national economies collapsed - why? …because there was far too little money in existence to allow full trading to take place. The only difference between boom and bust, growth and recession, is money supply.
So who is responsible for making sure that there is enough money in existence to cover all the buying and selling that people want to engage in? The answer is that it is almost entirely controlled by private banks through the process of “lending”.

If we stop money we stop enslavment then the police and army would collapse and people would actually have to start thinking and feeling for themselves. Every man, woman and child can think for themselves it's called making mistakes and learning from them (evolution, Life). Many people do not learn from their mistakes anymore because of prison and laws instead one thinks:
Do crime, do time, get out, do it again. And this repeats constantly. Or just don't get caught in the first place.

This is not the natural way of thinking. We all need to start again and see with our own eyes what can and cannot be accomplished but if we do not there will be a problem as the ID card and biometric chip are implimented and our cars have RFID transponders and city centres have CCTV on every street corner just to say we are watching you and we will intervene at every instance needed. This is wrong we can look after ourselves and others and do not need people who THINK they are better than the ones without money. They are not better than us, what makes them better than us because they had a rich mummy and daddy and went to a big fancy school where they filled their head with non-sense.

I have lots more to say on this subject but first I want to hear a few opinions.

Please enjoy your life and have as much fun as possible. Please follow your heart and soul and do what YOU want to do not what anybody else tells you.

Thank you for reading my post. I appriciate your time in reading this.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 08:08 AM
I think a lot of your ideals are nice, but that doesn't explain your initial statement, which is fundamentally flawed:

"The New World Order is the People's revolt."

Which itself is illogical when you take apart the systems of control now exerted upon the human population, and compare them to the refined systems of control that are being put in place by the "NWO".

Things you say themselves are not wrong. The media is controlled by a handful of elites.

Money is really a Fiat system based upon very little in present time.

People are living lives of total conformity and are essentially "automations" that go about their lives with the illusion of choice.

But you're missing a few key points in your overall view. It's not my job to "set you straight" or whatever; but because I saw you rationalizing some key points, I wanted to add a few thoughts for your pondering:

The "NWO" is not a revolt against the common norms that we experience today. It is currently the brainchild of the very elite, which you yourself have a decent understanding of.

The overall framework for turning the world into essentially one large "Slave Colony" is much older and more secret than many persons would ever fathom.

While many so-called activists would have you believe that the lofty ideals you exhibited are progress, and something against the "current establishment" they are in fact, exactly what the elites wish for us all.

With a twist.

They want to take all of the current control systems to the next level. Persons by and large are already almost hopelessly ingrained in this system. With the current vision and direction of the elites, you will see how much more assimilated the human being as a species can be controlled.

Money will be unified and regulated on a full global scale, this will take essentially any real value out of not only the fiat currency, but also out of human labor which generates the energy that fuels money.

Media will play a more important role than it does currently. There will be no differing viewpoints allowed. You may say that we're already there, but you'll see what I'm speaking of more and more over the short term. If you're not standing way back away from it (the average "joe") you'll be washed away in a sea of conformity.

People do indeed police each other; this too will grow with the "NWO". That's part of any good totalitarian regime, and the "NWO" is the biggest one the earth has ever seen.

No, the "NWO" is not a system of revolt by the people or of the people. It is simply the product of a mass unification of many control systems into one large and well-planned system of control.

As for your lofty ideals that you wish for humanity I have to say this:

I too sit and ponder and wish such things for my fellow man. I wish we could see a world free of tribal warfare and economic servitude. One where all men were truly equal and everyone worked for a common series of visions for quality of life, rather than profit margins and returns.

But you need to use your thoughts in a logical manner. Become a realist about the "NWO". Do you think, with the full extent of control being exerted upon the common man at this point in time, he will break this bond in the short term?

Once the systems of control we've spoken of are fully unified, how much harder will it be for the common man to simply realize his plight, much less desire to change it? Those born 10 years into a full scale "NWO"? Those born 50 years into a full scale "NWO"?

Simple societal conditioning will assure that most will conform quickly and without question.

No, what you see, and others on this board see happening right now is your curse. Something you are doomed to view come to fruition. Most of the people of earth are already embracing this shift, some blindly, some with a passionate understanding.

Some of us, those who don't end up singled out by homeland security or the local "brown shirts" we'll be around to spread what info we can, at least half knowing that nothing will change for the time being.

That's our curse, you may choose to deny that for now, but you'll see soon enough.

Where we're headed, the concepts of money will take on a greater meaning even though it will be based on less in reality. Private citizen ownership will become a privilege granted by the state and taken just as easily. Dissent will be not only dissuaded, but also openly attacked from all sides. All in a public venue will lovingly embrace conformity.

As the prison colony orbits its way throughout the cosmos....


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:24 AM
The peoples revolution is the NWO we just don't know it yet.

I shall explain, First it starts with so called NWO (elitists) etc. trying to impliment RFID and cameras everywhwere we go and start passing law and law without notice soon we notice it. Next is the NWO retreat and find a simpler solution why use RFID when they can use what is already there........

What is the electronic machine that could potentially watch you everywhere you go without you even knowing about and is already fully implimented in developed and some non-developed countries??????

This is when the people realise what the problem is and in small numbers (slowly but surly) they will revolt against the NWO (Trust me, I know of no human being that would give up there freedoms easily.) First America will fall (as do all empires full of capitalism). Now that capitalism is not a problem people start to ask questions to and about the government(s). The G'ment(s) stall trying to lie to the people NOW the people are P*ssed off and they want answers they say the answer's are classified and "Not in the interest in public". Now the small groups of people have turned in large masses of people protesting in the streets asking damned good questions the G'ment will have no option but to stand down. If they do not they will be brought down. Along with Bilderbergs, The trilateral commision, The round table, The Institute of international affairs, The think tanks, The world banks will be stormed and protested on and if ANY force from the elitists is shown there will be uproar and they will not be able to hold back the now billions of people demanding answers to questions they have been wanting to ask all they're life. You may not believe one letter of this post but in my opinion it is inevitable. No amount of gun power, missiles, attack helicopters, fighter jets etc. etc. will be able to help because the very people who are taught to fly and use these WMD's are now the people revolting against the government because who exactly would kill innocent people because they are ordered to.

We all have a choice???? To live as one in a whole society where everything is FREE to our fellow man and there is no squabble as to who has what.


We can live in different societies (as we do now) where nothing is free even the asthmatic's of this world MUST pay for medication in order to breath or they DIE. People dismiss the lower class and therefore the lower class is then enslaved in fear of the business man who can take everything and leave your life crumbling with no resent or regret! Just more money in their back pocket. The more they want, followed by wanting more until there is no more and they die a slow painful death because of the pain they caused to others.

Every major corporation will be exposed and dismantled before everyones eyes and they will see the truth that lies beneath all the colorful and loud adverts that cause our sub-concious to suggest buying that product. We as a people do not need these big corps. they do nothing good for us except destroy our lives with synthetic chemicals etc. etc.

In this current world, if you have nothing you will DIE on the streets or you will kill yourself as there is nothing to live for.

WE CAN CHANGE IF WE WANT TO! (sorry about caps)

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
The peoples revolution is the NWO we just don't know it yet.

I shall explain, First it starts with so called NWO (elitists) etc. trying to impliment RFID and cameras everywhwere we go and start passing law and law without notice soon we notice it. Next is the NWO retreat and find a simpler solution why use RFID when they can use what is already there........

WE CAN CHANGE IF WE WANT TO! (sorry about caps)

Np on the caps. And for the record, I figured you were headed in this direction. I'm glad you've clarified the original statement though. You make interesting points once again:

If you don't mean right away, and you're meaning after decades and decades of oppression our children's children will hunger for a true freedom; then I agree that could happen.

If you mean that as soon as they start putting rfid and cams up all over, and as soon as they mandate chipping and go to a world credit system ("credits" not dollars), then I disagree.

All you need to do is see how systematic their moves are and then realize:

You can boil a pot of water and throw a frog in it, he'll realize it's too hot and jump right out.


You can place the frog into the pot and gradually increase the temperature of the water to the point of boiling, and he'll stay there until he's cooked to death.

Swift change would produce the results you so desire.

But this is an old process that learns from its past failures (there have been some).

Like I said, I'm not trying to push my view on you though man. You seem to be capable of making your mind up on your own. Just keep looking and if you hit a roadblock, gimme a U2U; I'll be happy to share my view and see if it helps you out some


[edit on 7-4-2005 by Xatnys]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:08 AM
I'm glad at least one person see's what I'm getting at.

What I mean in getting people to realise is shock them into life and warn them before anything happens, rather than let the cameras go up and the RFID becomes compulsary. They revolt NOW before anything can be allowed to happen, The credit system would work to a certain extent but you still get debt, problems and still are not completly free.

In order to be free Truly, you MUST not have any monetary system and revert back to free trade becuase this would be a painful step people would be less inclined to go through this door but where there is a will there is a way.

In order to help yourself you must first help others.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Hunting VeritasIf we stop money we stop enslavment then the police and army would collapse and people would actually have to start thinking and feeling for themselves.

I suspect people would be too busy trying to not be killed by other people to have spare time to think and feel for themselves.

This is wrong we can look after ourselves and others

But most social experiments with anarchy have been failures. True, there have been some successes, but these have often been on, say, city wide scales, while the rest of the nation have a strong central government.

America will fall (as do all empires full of capitalism

But all empires fall, irregardless of capitalism. Heck, capitalism proper has only been around for a little while, most colonialist empires were mercantalist (not capitalist). The most capitalist one was the British Empire, and it did more for its colonials than the other non-capitalist empires, and has survived the most 'intact' of all of them (as in the Commonwealth). Also, the only socialist-communist empires out there have been places like china (wrt taiwan and tibet) or the soviet union. One is gone, the other is brutal and oppressive and has decided that a more open market and open society is better. So how is capitalist imperialism bad in this thinking then? A capitalist system requires personal liberty.

Along with Bilderbergs, The trilateral commision, The round table, The Institute of international affairs, The think tanks, The world banks will be stormed and protested on and if ANY force from the elitists is shown there will be uproar and they will not be able to hold back the now billions of people demanding answers

You're not going to see billions, or even large numbers of millions of people protesting against rather unknown groups like the bilderbergers or something like the world bank, or the 'project for a new american century' or anything like that. And they're certainly not going to be able to 'storm' the offices. An assault on the world bank's offices would, properly, result in police action.

No amount of gun power, missiles, attack helicopters, fighter jets etc. etc. will be able to help because the very people who are taught to fly and use these WMD's are now the people revolting against the government because who exactly would kill innocent people because they are ordered to.

Why would anyone in the military see rabble rousers storming the world bank as anything but criminals and anarchists?

To live as one in a whole society where everything is FREE to our fellow man and there is no squabble as to who has what.

The only societies that operate like that are, literally, stone age societies (almost exclusively). They don't 'squabble' over who owns the communal gourd storage vessel, sure. THey also don't have anything else to squabble over. Besides, those socieities are run by their own elite, and their own ritual secret societies.

We can live in different societies (as we do now) where nothing is free even the asthmatic's of this world MUST pay for medication in order to breath or they DIE

But how else do you develop, produce, and distribute the medecine? When man was in a real state of anarchy, the asthmatics and everyone else that couldn't be helped by a witch doctor did die.

We as a people do not need these big corps. they do nothing good for us except destroy our lives with synthetic chemicals etc. etc.
Corporations, like agri-corps, are the reason why the global population is in the billions, rather than the millions. Arguably, there are more absolute numbers of people suffering, and probably the same percentage of the global population that is suffering (as compared to say 'ancient times' and such).

In order to be free Truly, you MUST not have any monetary system and revert back to free trade

You mean a barter system, not 'free trade', no?

How do you explain to the billions of people that will die of war starvation and disease that this your being more comfortable with not being watched by 'them', is worth it? In the modern system, there are definitely more democratic governments and probably more 'open' socieities than there were in the moderately distant past. The modern russian is more 'free' than a peasant under the tsar. A modern chinese farmer is less likely to face famine and plague than one under the Chin. Heck, an italian today is better off than an italian in 200 AD. Moreso, the italians of, say, the early roman empire were better off than the ones who lived in the anarchic period shortly following its collapse.

Anarchy almost exclusively brings death, uncertainty, and destruction, and you are advocating it because of a concern over 'too many cameras' and a global dollar?

Also, how does a period of true global anarchy result in any of what you are saying? Anarchy will allow one group, now contained by society and the world order, to ride over their neighbhors unrestrained, build kingdoms, establish control, and start the whole process over again. You'd be condemming everyone to worse governments than now and more exploitation, rather than freeing them of influence.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:48 PM
Nygdan made some great points that I wanted to touch on. Some times he comes off a little brash, but the logic is there:

Thrusting a society into utter chaos would create the "survival mentality" that Nygdan is refering to. It would be a state of panic ruled by a violent form of "fend for yourself, bitch" in every situation frankly.

Have been a full time Law Enforcement Officer in the past(Still holding license in Texas), I have a great vibe for just such a mentality. I've studied Watts and Rod. King riots extensively and seen what effect "mobacracy" has on large sections of the populus. Granted this effect would be worse in say, 1million plus cities specifically in the inner city metro areas. But many, including Special Weapons And Tactics(SWAT) founder Darly F. Gates believes that in a time of wide, utter panic, the violence would quickly spread outward from its point of origin.

He also touched on the fact that every empire falls. They come and go, some last longer than others. When they do fall, there is usually(in more modern times especially) a replacement infrastructure in place that takes command and tries to establish dominance. You could expect similar, even if not on a grand scale(due to ultra cataclysm) you would have regional / territorial warlords pop up to try to garner control.

Drumming up the amount of people to target something like PNAC or Bilderbergs would be futile. This is a hydra you're dealing with here that can and has(allegedly) continued through past adversity. If that is the case, you would need a level of systematic, wide-scale targeting that I think is unreasonable given the mind set of your average "Joe Sixpack". The fire's just not there anymore.

I don't think you could ever get to free society as you mentioned. You'd need some form of trade, even if only in a barter system. But trade would have to continue in order to make everything flow. True and fair trade however, with built in checks and balances that keep the commerce from overrunning law, and a form of wealth distribution may work as well, but I'm not a societal engineer so I'm unsure.

Nygdan seems to feel you are pushing for a purist form of anarchy. I have a feeling that you're not, you're really trying to speak of a hybrid form of republic rule with less focus on high level management. Anarchy just won't work, but I think that's known.

Those are points I wanted to look at in better detail, as what he says makes sense and I don't think it was an attack on you so don't get discouraged.


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Xatnys
Some times he comes off a little brash

Only sometimes? And only a little? Dang, I'd better work harder at being brash all the time!

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Xatnys
Some times he comes off a little brash

Only sometimes? And only a little? Dang, I'd better work harder at being brash all the time!


Just so you know, I meant that as a term of endearment. We had words in the past; but I've seen you post a lot of good solid arguments and logical comments, you have my respect.


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 04:41 PM

1 world government, 1 world police, 1 world army etc. etc. but without the need for money. You could then build a life completly dependent on yourself.

If you need a global system to make goods available without money, then you've made people less independant. Also, rather than anarchy then, you are suggesting Communist Utopia that runs the whole world, which, interstingly, is precisely what the phrase 'The New World Order" seems to have been originally associated with (but are suggesting it as an alternative to the NWO)

is the person who used to be paid a wage slip instead recieves a house and enough food for their family for the service the workers provide.

But who gets the jobs that no-one wants, like raw sewage strainer? Who gets the jobs that require talent? Who gets the jobs that require extensive training? Its the old problem with real communism, why be a doctor when you'd make as much as a janitor'?

will have to go through training and attend classes but it would all work under the work for food scheme.

People now often won't work for a heck of a lot more than 'shelter and sustenance'.

posted on the net for others to see and post comments and questions to the 1 world government

That requires a large government. Why would anyone want to be part of the government when it provides no benefit? As far as the internet, how can you have stuff like that with a public that has no motivation to maintain it, nor educational system to train them to maintain it? Who's going to work in the mines to get the materials needed to make metal circuits?

as whole we comment and agee upon laws and legislation of rule.

Its difficult enough getting a hundred senators to agree on something. Also, what you are talking about requires somethign like the parliamentary rules of order. Put that sort of thing can't be applied to the general population, not without massive stratification of the public and specialized training for almost everyone. If not, then what happens when a large group wants power? You'd need police and soldiers to stop them from taking over no?

any other sub organizations that are essential to human and all other life on the planet.

How is it really any different, except that it can't wok because you can't run a planet on charity? I mean, the different countries use these worthless peices of paper to exchange goods, or even just electronic accounts to distribute goods.

Almost like the houses of parliment where you see exactly what is being said except you get a say and your voice counts.

As one 6billionth of the total voices. What happens when a lot of people say 'capitalism was better'?

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:26 AM
First of DO not post on my behalf!

Second, It is simply not communism its Nothing its no money just food for everyone.

It is inevitable that we still end up with no money I am simply suggesting WE do it now instead if letting the policians say it. Then it belongs to the people.

Its still not getting through is it! There will be 1 world police instead of getting money they get a house and food for life as long as they work and help the community. There would not be clusters of power, people could not build armies or groups to rebel, against what exactly??? Again there would be a 1 world army so terrorists are not a problem. 1 organization is easier to control than 3 or 4 different anti-terrorism groups.

Now look capatilism is not good for ANY community. Profits over human life. Yeah right people want to live like that!

Listen to yourself, or rather what you posted in my name!

Like I said EVERYTHING we need to live, survive and live a peaceful life is here on earth FREE of charge. Seeds are FREE, water is FREE, oxygen is FREE. So tell me what else do you need to live a moneyless life without problems or stress!

Tell me what do most people do when they finish their 8 hour shift at the office where they sit their typping useless non-sense. A couple of the most popular is these:

1. Take drugs and chill out.

2. Do sporting or excersizing activities.

3. Chill and read a good book or newspaper.

4. Listen to music.

All of which costs absolutly no money what so ever.

Now you see if the system I propose works everyone could be free (truly) without the worry of paying for the phone bill, electric bill etc. etc. because they would be working they will have a house and food for them and their families. They may choose to whatever they want except harm or intend to inflict harm on others.

As for jobs the jobs that people do not want to do??? We simply create robots to replace those jobs.

Obviously you must have a very closed mind if you cannot think of people thinking for themselves and actually earning their way into life. Perhaps you were born with nice big silver spoon in your mouth and simply cannot comprehend living with nothing less than more money than I can count. Food, water a roof over your head and clothes on your back and the sacred female to help us through life. People kill themselves because they have no money becuase they lost it or they made a mistake these people end up on the street and will die because of a mistake or problem that person had. In the world I propose that person would not die because they would be looked after fed and clothed because everyone will look after everyone else.

That requires a large government. Why would anyone want to be part of the government when it provides no benefit? As far as the internet, how can you have stuff like that with a public that has no motivation to maintain it, nor educational system to train them to maintain it? Who's going to work in the mines to get the materials needed to make metal circuits?

There will be benefits, you do not understand them yet, they are spiritual not physical. Drugs would become free and legal to use but the FULL explanation and use will be given so people may choose not use drugs but rather something they enjoy doing??? Every person has something that drives them wether it be wealth, fame, etc. etc. What you do not realise is the more money you have the more problems you have as you create more money for yourself you make others jelous even then you do not realise it but you also become greedy and want more and this my friend is why you need a moneyless society.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:43 AM
The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride... And we... kill those people. - Bill Hicks

Sorry to pinch this persons signature but it is 100% true. Mr bill hicks is a genius along with David Icke, Alex jones, Dan Brown, Da vinci and many others that are spreading the word of corruption and deception you just have to look at 911 to realise we are fundamentally lied to all the time people just get confused by the bright colours and loud sounds but remember its just lights and clockwork.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
First of DO not post on my behalf!

Who do you think did this?

Re-read Nygdan and My statements, they are both speaking TO you. Neither is speaking FOR you.

Independent thought is good. Don't get so defensive however.

Take time to fully understand what is posted.

Stay calm and clear.

Convey your points.

Doing well thus far.


posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride... And we... kill those people. - Bill Hicks

Sorry to pinch this persons signature but it is 100% true. Mr bill hicks is a genius along with David Icke, Alex jones, Dan Brown, Da vinci and many others that are spreading the word of corruption and deception you just have to look at 911 to realise we are fundamentally lied to all the time people just get confused by the bright colours and loud sounds but remember its just lights and clockwork.

Yep, the above statement is very powerful if a person tries to fully rationalize what it's saying.

Many forces wish us to further future agendas.

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Be free.


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