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Mall Of America: Remove Your "Jesus Saves" Shirt Or Leave The Mall

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posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Terpene

That's the problem: you assume much that was never said or indicated.

Try reading before you assume. Might make you look less like a fool.


posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Terpene

Wait a second.... you would actually stand up for the idiot wearing a "Christians are pedos" T-shirt. making a scene at the mall, and then getting asked to leave?

You do LOVE to project your actions and thoughts on others don't you?

Why would i defend someone with a t-shirt that says "abortion on demand" or "unborn humans are cancer" when to people like me abortion is murder and the unborn, humans, are human? I don't defend such views, but i also don't go out of my way to demand such t-shirts must be banned." I leave that to people like you.

I don't go out of my way to ban people with such t-shirts, and I have seen quite a lot of t-shirts with views i disagree with. As for "defending" everyone defends their own views. And like i wrote, i just don't go "complain" about leftists having t-shirts celebrating Che Guevara as an example, I don't defend them because as a CUBAN I know Che Guevara was a POS murderer who called to imprison and even murdered political opponents like leftists are calling for daily these days.

originally posted by: Terpene
you would with all your strengt stand up for his right to be a PITA?
Would you? That's a very tolerant stance... I don't believe you, and that's probably whyy you understand hypocrisy in the first place...
this is not about leftist, drags, or pro choice it's about Christians being some self righteous PITAS, trying to play the victim card, poor you feeling the hamer of that free society

You don't have to be a hypocrite to understand hypocrisy, that's as absurd an argument as claiming "only criminals know other criminals." Or, "to understand crime you must be a criminal." Those are absurd arguments.

If people have a different view from my own I don't go out of my way trying to ban those views. I just ignore them. If anyone is nothing but hypocrites are those like you, as well as most if not all leftists.

I don't play victim. It's ironic how you leftists are the ones who play the victims all the time and when outright abuse is pointed out you/leftists proclaim "that's just playing the victim..."

edit on 20-1-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

If people have a different view from my own I don't go out of my way trying to ban those views. I just ignore them. If anyone is nothing but hypocrites are those like you, as well as most if not all leftists.

Yet the guy in question did get out of his way to proclaim his superiority, it's just as stupid as the left with their screeching, defending such stupidity is what really bothers me, I guess you do you...

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

You're quite a cute caracter, with your assumptions, peaking in ad hominem.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Been called a lot of things in my day; "cute" is not among them. Until now.

If you don't like being called out for making wild unsubstantiated accusations, stop making wild unsubstantiated accusations.


posted on Mar, 25 2023 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: 1couple

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: infolurker

I'd say that some people are in real need of offending.

Sweet Jesus, (see what I did there...I hope I didn't offend anyone...actually, I don't care if I did.), are people so snivellingly weak minded that a T-shirt is offensive?

Grow the (hashtag) up, you weak minded children.

since we live only about 20 miles from the Mall of Hell, I think I can testify that it is nothing more than a place that gangs can hang out and not have to be out in the Minnesota cold. They take a free heated train ride from downtown Minneapolis or St. Paul to a heated gangster playground. We haven't been there in years.

Yeah . the Gangs . Gangs of WOKE Retailers...................LOOK OUT !

posted on Mar, 25 2023 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
Would you have ever thought to see this in America? 30 or 40 years ago this would have been unheard of. Maybe even 10 years ago, I don't think we would have seen something like this happen.

Jesus Saves is offending them, as though the words and message drive them crazy!

I assume this is just a reminder of what is coming. f-the-mall

“Jesus is associated with religion, and it’s offending people,” a security guard tells the man in one clip, adding that "people have been offended.”

The guard then tells the man to remove his shirt or leave the mall. The guard adds, “Again ... I’m giving you a couple options: take the shirt off, and you can go to Macy’s, and you can do your shopping — or you can leave the mall, OK? Those are your only options right now."

A second cut in the same clip shows the guard getting angry as he sharply tells the man, "If you want to shop here, you need to take that shirt off!"
The man asks what's wrong with the shirt, and the guard replies — with his voice still raised — that "it is religious soliciting; there is no soliciting allowed on mall property, which is private property!"

The guard adds, "We've had guests come up saying that they've been offended by your shirt ... take the shirt off, and you can go shopping!"


Up Next .....Teenagers who Wear Wolf Shirts and Never Buy Anything..............

posted on Mar, 25 2023 @ 06:04 PM
The private property argument is not entirely true. Even private property can not discriminate against a protected class. Religion IS a protected class. Private property cannot say, no blacks, or no Jews, or no Mexicans . He can, and should, sue.

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