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Mall Of America: Remove Your "Jesus Saves" Shirt Or Leave The Mall

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posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Mall rules cannot conflict with US law.

They don't.

The rule being used here was also never in writing.

It was.

But the authority to ban someone from the premises rests with the owners.

Not if the Corportation delegated that authority to the management company and the security company, which they did, unless their contract specifically specifies otherwise. I doubt it does.

I'd like to see where that statement was posted.

It's in the longer clip linked from the Blaze article the OP linked.

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I'd say that some people are in real need of offending.

Sweet Jesus, (see what I did there...I hope I didn't offend anyone...actually, I don't care if I did.), are people so snivellingly weak minded that a T-shirt is offensive?

Grow the (hashtag) up, you weak minded children.

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: infolurker

I'd say that some people are in real need of offending.

Sweet Jesus, (see what I did there...I hope I didn't offend anyone...actually, I don't care if I did.), are people so snivellingly weak minded that a T-shirt is offensive?

Grow the (hashtag) up, you weak minded children.

since we live only about 20 miles from the Mall of Hell, I think I can testify that it is nothing more than a place that gangs can hang out and not have to be out in the Minnesota cold. They take a free heated train ride from downtown Minneapolis or St. Paul to a heated gangster playground. We haven't been there in years.

posted on Jan, 17 2023 @ 10:59 PM
Okay, this happened in my neck of the woods and let me help you all to understand the mental illness that runs deep within this bastion of liberalism. You have a fat security guard who by the tone of his (its) voice sounds like the same kind of douche who wears a pink hat and screams “smash the patriarchy” while desperately hoping some ugly liberal chick will have sex with him. This is who hates anything with religion or Christ on it. This is the same kind of cuckster who will claim that people are offended or are complaining when it’s really only he that has the problem. I ran into several of these fat male Karen types during the mask and lockdown days of Frucktardia.

So when I saw the video, because the mall does NOT have any kind of policies on what is appropriate dress save only, no shoes, no shirt, no entry, this guy was way the hell out of line. The only time it is a problem is if this guy is soliciting money, or harassing people in the mall. Had this guy been screaming about damnation, or people needing to repent, or pray the gay away, then he would have been asked to leave.

The reason why I know this is just a security guard on a power trip, is that on any given day, you will see a surplus of Somali and other Muslim women clad in Burkas yammering into their phones that are pressed against their heads with their Hijabs and that being full on religious dress is still quite allowed.

The douche in question along with his liberal sidekick hench person of dubious gender were simply on a power trip. Because it’s the only power they have in the world. It’s also why I don’t go to the mall, because we just had a shooting at Christmas, by a group of teens and yet the mall bans guns for those who have carry permits citing, that it frightens people or offends others.

This state is full of liberal cuck tards like this guy. So it’s not a mall thing, or a Minnesota thing. It’s a liberal mental illness thing.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 12:18 AM
The "no-coexist" IS provoking,
however . . .
How is it any different from
A T-shirt that says
"I will only tolerate my cat, not people" ?
A person's behavior would be more
of an issue I would say.
There is a thin line, before
freedoms change into requiring
papers, 'passports', and mandates.

Tolerance, co-existing, AND dividing,
have become just a political game. *sad*
We need to be careful for what we wish for.

True event,
public school teacher,
insisted that my daughter take off
her sweat shirt, or go home.
It was a plain pink shirt with
just a simple peace symbol on the back
and white lettering on the front
"Peace Not War" nothing else.
Anyways justice sufficed,
the teacher was fired *high five*

If there is a direct threat of
physical harm, or indecency
then that of course, that would be an issue.


edit on 18/1/23 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: infolurker

AMC was bought by the CCP, and AMCs are normally inside of MAll of America right? At least in South Florida they are. So now the CCP also bought Mall of the Americas? Is that it?

Is that guard that hasn't seen a day of his life doing a push up, or a pull up, and much less a sit-up a CCP cop now?...

He seems to be very happy applying CCP law in U.S. soil, but the same can be said about most left-wingers including in ATS.

And then the left are the same people proclaiming "we are not trying to ban Christianity..."

edit on 18-1-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: Annee

You didn't read the back of the shirt -- did you?

You want to ban "Allah Akbar" as well now, or "just Christian phrases"?...

I know you are the one with the "I love to abort babies!!!!" shirt...

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Yeah, yeah, we know that you as a "good socialist/communist" love CCP law and all that.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
Being offended is not a right.

Well said. However, according to certain people your rights end where my feelings begin. This sentiment has become pervasive and needs to be rooted out like the vile weed it is in our society.

originally posted by: infolurker
Being "Inclusive" and "tolerant" of every sickness, mental illness, immorality and insanity is not a requirement.

100% truth. I don't care what you do as an adult. That's on you. But mandate me to accept it? That's when we have some serious problems.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: tanstaafl
The 'e' in Coexist symbolizes equality of the sexes and he crossed it out, just that should get his ass booted out of the mall.

I understand that some people (like yourself apparently) are suffering from delusions, like the sexes are 'equal' and other nonsense, and believe that anything even remotely suggesting the truth should be banned and anyone engaging in disseminating truth should be banned/canceled and probably tortured and murdered.

But sane/rational people will prevail. Thank God.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl


So, preacher shirt guy was asked to leave the mall because he was espousing "The Truth"?

LOL, yeah right, that's the ticket!

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: tanstaafl
The 'e' in Coexist symbolizes equality of the sexes and he crossed it out, just that should get his ass booted out of the mall.

I understand that some people (like yourself apparently) are suffering from delusions, like the sexes are 'equal' and other nonsense, and believe that anything even remotely suggesting the truth should be banned and anyone engaging in disseminating truth should be banned/canceled and probably tortured and murdered.

But sane/rational people will prevail. Thank God.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I've had to endure the sick and dysfunction patriarchal societal system throughout my whole life, starting in the late 50's to now and it was wrong then and it's wrong now, especially within the church - it allows abuse of all sorts.

With that said the crossed out gender equality 'e' is offensive to anyone who has experienced any kind of discrimination - whether it's true or not - it demeans any efforts of people who are trying to make societal changes for the good of everyone.

If you never experienced discrimination in any form they you haven't a clue. Peace. Make love not war - only if sane and rational people prevail. Peace.

And am I wrong or does the 't' in the word coexist signify the Catholic cross and he crossed that out too? What religion is this guy - some kind of new hate?
edit on q00000022131America/Chicago2222America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Annee

Mall Security.


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

They don't.

They do if they prevent freedom of religious expression.

It was.

Prove it.

Not if the Corportation delegated that authority

The owning corporation cannot delegate what it does not have.

It's in the longer clip linked from the Blaze article the OP linked.

So the police were involved.


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Paranaut

100% truth. I don't care what you do as an adult. That's on you. But mandate me to accept it? That's when we have some serious problems.

That's the problem in a nutshell. It seems the more progressive people become, the more they want to mandate the actions of others.

Don't like guns? A conservative doesn't buy a gun. A progressive wants to ban them from the planet.

Scared of a disease? Conservatives will stay home, wash their hands frequently, maybe see a doctor; progressives will shut down stores, mandate face masks that don't work, and try to force everyone to take experimental drugs or else.

Don't like a religion? A conservative finds another religion; a progressive wants to ban it.

Don't like a statue? A conservative ignores it; a progressive tries to tear it down.

Don't like what's on TV? A conservative changes the channel; a progressive screams for boycotts and wants the show cancelled.

Don't like the law? A conservative lobbies to have it changed; a progressive wants to ignore it because "social justice."

That's why we have Karens running loose on society, terrorizing innocent people for simply living their lives. Pro tip: if anyone is ever confronted by a Karen, stay calm and ignore them. They want you to touch them so they can call the police and claim assault. Instead, wait calmly until they touch you in their zeal to antagonize you; it will happen. Then you call 911 and in a calm voice state "I am being harassed by someone who is out of control; can you please send an officer to diffuse the situation?" Chances are, they will be the ones in legal trouble when you leave, and that will save the next poor guy who happens to cross their path.

We're in this together.


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Prove it.

What? You can't read now? Do your own homework. I'm tired your pretense of ignorance. I've already cited and linked everything. I even cited even your own posts and citation that contradicts your fragile feelz, twice.

edit on 18-1-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

It's not about the individual symbols. The term "co-exist" means to peacefully exist with others who do not agree... a good thing. However, like so many good things corrupted by the "woke" agenda, it has been perverted into what you and Sookiechacha and Annee and others are espousing... that one must not only be tolerant of other religious, but must embrace other religions.


The Bible does say, and I believe, that belief and acceptance of Jesus is the only path to salvation. Now, you can disagree with me on that all day; doesn't matter, because you will not change what you believe and I will certainly not change what I believe. We can co-exist by simply accepting that we will disagree on that and concentrating instead on what we agree on. Or, we can "COEXIST" (meaning I get to scream at you and try to have your words outlawed and you can scream at me and try to silence me) and one or both of us will eventually destroy the other.

That's what your "COEXIST" has come to symbolize. I care not what you say it means; I care what you and others have caused it to mean through actions. It used to be the "liberals" who would say "I disagree with what you say ,but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." Now I only hear that from "conservatives."

You just responded to someone who made a scientifically accurate statement: there are inherent differences between men and women. We all know this; some simply choose to ignore what they actually know in favor of some fantasy. I do not state that either is inferior to the other, so don't even go there; I simply state that there are inherent differences that should be celebrated, not condemned. Your condemnation of that poster because they are somehow supporting "the patriarchy" (what does that even mean today?) is proof of my explanation of the term "COEXIST." It's OK with you if someone is prohibited from expressing a belief you do not agree with, but if someone dares do anything disrespectful to your symbol, off with their heads!

It's not just "COEXIST"... BLM is the same way. "Black Lives Matter"... of course they do! Every bit as much as white lives matter, yellow lives matter, red lives matter... human lives matter! I supported BLM when it came out. Today? I consider anyone with a BLM shirt a terrorist and a criminal waiting to riot. Why? Because BLM should be OBLM: "Only Black Lives Matter." A good idea and a good cause was corrupted by the "woke" and turned into a racist organization bent on hurting others. But... and here's the difference between us... I do not want someone denied access over that shirt. I disagree with it, vehemently, but I will support their right to their own beliefs. Same with the "COEXIST" shirts... I consider it a hateful organization, but I will stand up for anyone unfairly treated just for expressing their support of it.

Here's the facts: today, women can have a career, climb corporate ladders, lead, serve in the military, and pretty much accomplish anything they set their minds to accomplish. In some fields, which include many STEM fields, they have shown that their inherent differences from men make them more successful! However, there are many occupations today where a woman gets preferential treatment over a man, be that because men have this inner shame at performing that kind of work or because women tend to be better at dealing with clients.


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I read your link to Mall policy. I did not see the restriction on religious t-shirts, nor did I see a prohibition on anything that would be applied retroactively based solely on suspicion of future intent. If it exists, point it out.


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I think some people would accept being called names, like Karen, instead of living one's life as a bystander.

The non-active bystander effect is what you are describing.

It indicates to both the offending person and the potentially offended person where the larger community stands.

If one person does something to another that contravenes community norms or values, such as making a racist remark, and a bystander ignores it, then the offending person may think that such behavior is actually acceptable.

The offended or harmed person may think that nothing can be done and that s/he will just have to live with such behavior.

"If a norm is deeply held, its violation should provoke reactions. What sense can we make, then, of the silence of bystanders?" *
edit on q00000047131America/Chicago4646America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: tanstaafl

So, preacher shirt guy was asked to leave the mall because he was espousing "The Truth"?

Did I say that? Did I say anything even remotely like that?

No, but of course, the truth is clearly something that some people are incapable of discerning.

Carry on...

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