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originally posted by: ancientlight
Yet , 'unvaccinated' foreigners/tourists are still not allowing into the US
originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
This Josh dude is still around? Doesn’t he know the pilots aren’t being made to vax anymore? Does he not know there’s more than one pilot in the cockpit?
He’s lost his battle. Move on, there are no more mandatory vaccinations including the military.
originally posted by: TzarChasm
I feel like this should be a key point in one of Dave Chapelle's infamous monologues, if Dave's sponsors permitted him to speak freely about such matters on stage. Alas for being a successful comedian but not so successful you can criticize the WEF agenda even with politely phrased gossip about their pseudo science. And who else is brave enough to talk about it on camera broadcasting to millions of viewers, risking career and home and their very life?
originally posted by: McGinty
The fact that they’re inquiring now suggests that the vaccine deaths are a surprise to them.
Surely if they’d known the vaccines may have such deadly effects they’d have already planned to have unvaccinated pilots fly them around
So while this info suggests that these elites do indeed suspect, or know that the excess deaths are due to the vaccines, it also suggests that this was not intentional or planned (at least not by them).
originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
originally posted by: McGinty
The fact that they’re inquiring now suggests that the vaccine deaths are a surprise to them.
Surely if they’d known the vaccines may have such deadly effects they’d have already planned to have unvaccinated pilots fly them around
So while this info suggests that these elites do indeed suspect, or know that the excess deaths are due to the vaccines, it also suggests that this was not intentional or planned (at least not by them).
So why is it that none of them got the vaxx then?
We don't see any elites collapsing or dying suddenly like we do with working age adults and atheletes.
originally posted by: McGinty
originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
originally posted by: McGinty
The fact that they’re inquiring now suggests that the vaccine deaths are a surprise to them.
Surely if they’d known the vaccines may have such deadly effects they’d have already planned to have unvaccinated pilots fly them around
So while this info suggests that these elites do indeed suspect, or know that the excess deaths are due to the vaccines, it also suggests that this was not intentional or planned (at least not by them).
So why is it that none of them got the vaxx then?
We don't see any elites collapsing or dying suddenly like we do with working age adults and atheletes.
Hey, i don't trust them or the vax any more than you do. Just being pragmatic about what that info tells us at face value. It tells us they don't trust the vax either
originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: 38181
More then 1 pilot in the cockpit is why planes didn't start falling from the sky.
originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
Tedros the WHO boss hasn't even had a shot yet, so we can discern a pattern here.
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
Tedros the WHO boss hasn't even had a shot yet, so we can discern a pattern here.
Americans are so stupid, 72% of us got "vaccinated", even though the U.S. Congress and White House opted out of the risky Covid-19 vaccines!
The chickens are coming home to roost, and millions of Americans are justifiably paranoid over what may happen to them in the coming months or years. (Ticking internal timebombs have that effect on the psyche.)
originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
Tedros the WHO boss hasn't even had a shot yet, so we can discern a pattern here.
Americans are so stupid, 72% of us got "vaccinated", even though the U.S. Congress and White House opted out of the risky Covid-19 vaccines!
The chickens are coming home to roost, and millions of Americans are justifiably paranoid over what may happen to them in the coming months or years. (Ticking internal timebombs have that effect on the psyche.)
People who got vaxxt are absolutely terrified now.
I will say I don't think 72% got the shot. I'd say less than half of the population did.
originally posted by: TheGuyThatKnows
a reply to: Asmodeus3
''Flu hoax. Obedience mask.''
An absolute contrived, scripted and orchestrated flu hoax with accompanying obedience mask.
originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: Hadriel
What are the statistics on pilots? Just guessing here. Mostly male, probably mostly over 35, weight range (no idea but do they have a healthy life style? Crazy schedules lead to bad eating and sleeping habits.) Do any of these factors put them at higher risk of having adverse reactions to the vaccine? I dunno but those are the questions that might help answer your question.
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: Khaleesi
a reply to: Hadriel
What are the statistics on pilots? Just guessing here. Mostly male, probably mostly over 35, weight range (no idea but do they have a healthy life style? Crazy schedules lead to bad eating and sleeping habits.) Do any of these factors put them at higher risk of having adverse reactions to the vaccine? I dunno but those are the questions that might help answer your question.
There has to be some common attributes shared by a majority of those who are VACCINATED and who suffered major health episodes.
IMO, Some government department knows what they are, but are not yet sharing them with the public.